The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4945 Source Star's Secret

"Are you talking about Hongmeng?"

An older old man came over, saying faintly, "You know a fart."

"How much do you know again?"

Zhang Bin is big in the heart, and immediately ask.

"I also knows not much, but I know more than you." The old man said the mysterious secrets, "the reason why Hongmeng is so talented, so powerful, that is because he got a super magical treasure. Just hide His world, the main reason why the cancer is the master, it is to get this treasure. "

"What is the treasure?"

Zhang Bin and Tobin have asked curiously.

"That is a source star. It is a star that floats outside the domain. But this star is very special, it can absorb countless gravel, mountain peaks, rapidly, and then become domain. Although I don't know It will become a grade domain, but it is a peerless treasure. It is said that any one is made up of the source star. Of course, it takes a long time. However, the source star is discovered, there is no way. It turns into a domain, because it will receive the world of the world, and then the source star will give birth to the super genius. "The old man said.

"So amazing? Isn't that a small domain that can give birth to such a top genius?"

Zhang Bin asked.

Now he can think of the head toe, this old man said the source star is the earth.

It was hidden in three mainland, but it was easy to split.

It is really a bit different.

"The domain graviz can be pregnant, but if the source star has become a domain, the probability of gestation genius is reduced, because it is so huge, the mysterious substance from the source star is also absorbed by countless soil rocks, and countless People absorb, some people succeeds but not much. "The old man said.

"The Lord of the cancer is to win the source star.

Tober asked.

"It is said to be like this."

Old man said.

"Since he has killed Hongmeng, why not crazy about his body, find the source star?"

Zhang Bin asked in confused.

"Of course, there is no way to do it." The old man said, "Because of the interior world, the world will collapse, the source star will become a broken step. Source Star will not be as if you think, it is very hard, but Very fragile and fragile, it is easy to make a powder. "

"Therefore, the cancer family uses a mangxia to imprison the body of Hongmeng, reducing the level of his body, so that the virus invaded, turn it into the world that is suitable for cancerous family life. Give birth to the top genius of the cancer." Zhang Bin angryly .

"Yes, and, in this process, the genius from Hongmeng flying, is also caught by them, used to make a gestation device, because such genius absorbed the mysterious substance of the source star, can also give birth to a very powerful genius Come. "The old man said," Hongmont has not been so talented before, because getting the source star, put in the body world, he absorbs a lot of mysterious substances, and the talent is slowly improved, in order to cultivate the top ten level, become top Giants. Unfortunately, become also the stars. Failure, the stars. He also died. "

"That cancer family can find a way to bring the source star from the Hong Kong body?"

Zhang Bin said again.

"So huge world, who knows that the stars?"

The old man said, "Moreover, although Hongmeng has no soul, if there is a cancer group, the body can be self-explosion. Now his physical level has dropped countless times, that is, Xiaosheng enters, his body will also collapse However, the cancerous virus can be invasive. "

"Does our domain have no way to save the body of Hongmeng?"

Zhang Bin said with anger.

"There is no ability, the Lord of the cancer family is arranged, waiting for him to save. Then he is equal to the network. That is the big domain, although it is just a big domain, but it is more horrible. Our Dongshan Domain is just less than a domain. Of course, our domain owner also sent a master to save several times, but they were killed by the cancer. Now, Hongmeng estimates are basically thoroughly being mastered by the cancer. Therefore, our domain owner also died and rescued the heart of the Hongmeng body. "The old man said.

"I will definitely rescue Hongmind in the future."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart.

In Hongmeng, Zhang Bin's first france is also a place where Zhang is taking cancer and goes back the earth.

I plan to live in the earth in the future.

The mysterious substance that absorbs the source star and slowly enhances talent.

Originally, anyone wants to fly to the domain, must go out together with a branch.

However, because Zhang Bin refines the Hongmeng, it is equal to the owner of Hongmeng.

Therefore, his body can go out, but it can be left.

Even, at this moment, Zhang Bin has a little regret, should not bring your loved ones and the second.

Go back to the earth.

" ..."

Suddenly, three giant flying.

The blink is landed on the stage.

They look very strong.

And they also wear a unified armor, and it is an officer.

"The East Mountain Army officer, start to choose the dead player."

Tobin is a bit excited and a bit sad.

"Two old men, you all have to retreat, don't participate in the selection, wait for me to develop, take care of you."

Zhang Bin said.

"Ha ha……"

Tobin and the old man are only laughing.

Obviously, I don't believe that Zhang Bin will take care of them.

And they have never been able to dare to die, because they are too weak, and they are too old, not too machine.

However, they acknowledge that Zhang Bin is the qualifications of the selection dare to die.

And they will not go out, maybe this time has hope.

"Two silly old age, you are walking with me."

Zhang Bin's heart, his second part, flew from the body of the world, not to mention, pulling these two old men and went out.

No, he is totally dragged out two.

Zhang Bin's second part of course, has also been cultivated to the Optimus.

It is also very powerful.

Of course, it is still far more than the body of Zhang Bin.

Since Zhang Bin wants to dare to die, there will be a second part.

Therefore, he put his loved ones and belongs to the second part of the world.

Then, even if the body falls, he can also resurrect through the second part.

Even Zhang Bin has left the second part.

Anyway, I can't use it, and I will make trouble.

"Breast, do you repay me?"

"Let me go, otherwise I will call it."

The two old ages were very angry and yelled in angry.

But there is no way to struggle, soon, I will take the second part of Zhang Bin.

One is not wanting to become a dare to die, and it will be undoubtedly.

Two Zhang Bin can know a lot of secrets from their mouth.

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