The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4956 Magic Will

Zhang Bin really tried to check the talent of a Hongjingjing.

Still very nice, energy cells in the body are as much as the mana cells.

However, there is no way to activate a cell that has a cell.

With the improvement of the realm, the body is developed multiple times, and the cells have increased.

Even geniuses like silk Yiyi, there are many cells that are developed back, and they cannot be activated.

Even if you take countless treasures, it takes a way to transform.

Also don't do it.

Therefore, there is no more activation in the Hongjing crystals.

This is not surprising.

It is very normal.

Not too important.

It is important to balance the mana and energy.

Hong Jingjing is completely balanced.

The first condition in accordance with the selection of the Holy Paragon gate.

Alever, because of the characteristics of Hongjing Jing, Dongshan Domain encouraged her to participate in the Shenglongmen selection.

Then Zhang Bin looks at her in the body of her body.

This is the most intuitive manifestation of talents.

The more huge and wide, the better the talent.

For example, Zhang Bin, his in the world is too large, but the rules and energy levels are too low, and it is necessary to increase slowly.

If it is upgraded to the ultimate, then the world in his body is to be more excellent than Dongshan.

It can even match the medium domain.

It is a pity that the world of Hongjingjing is not too wide, it can't be with Zhang Bin at all, the gap is too big.

However, it is not small, perhaps the world is wide than the general people.

"Her body world is more than Hongmeng, but it is my descendant, just Is Shang Yahong, that is, you first, Hongmeng second, her third."

The voice of the Lord of the Dongshan domain sounded in Zhang Bin's ear.

Hong Jingjing is of course not heard.

"Unfortunately, Hongmeng has given a lot of genius, perhaps, the world of Zi Cream is more wide. Even, the talent of the elderly people will be better. I don't know, they have broken the Hongmeng, the flying area, there is Didn't kill the cancer? "

Zhang Bin sighed in his heart.

His third point of course, in detail, and the cancer grabbed at least million days, all from the Hongmeng body.

They are all killed, and their body is now in genius of cancer.

As for the purple frost emperor, the soul of the soul, there is no way to verify.

Fortunately, the most top Hengyuan Long, Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, and his Zhang Bin successfully escaped.

"Her talents are general, it is difficult to pass the Shenglongmen selection."

Zhang Bin said.

"You haven't seen her will tree?"

The main voice of the Dongshan area said, "may have a transfer."

Zhang Bin did not delay, smiled and said: "Jingjing, you projected your will tree, let your brother look?"

The will tree is hidden in his own moon, others are very difficult.

It can only be projected.

And the projection is to be a hands-on, of course, can only make the projection becomes smaller, and it is not possible.

"Brother, I tell you, I am very different, the will tree is extraordinarily, and it will be much more than you."

Hongjing Jing is proud to say.

Dongshan domain owner is giving her blush, constipation.

That is extra .

Zhang Bin's will tree is not to be said to be the first in the domain, but the first decision is to enter.

Great is too terrible.

Beyond anyone's imagination.

Where can Hong Jingjing's will tree comparable?

And Hong Jingjing's will tree is also shouting soon.

Sure enough, it is very huge, although it is far from being able to be with Zhang Binby, but the three-third of the will tree in the East Mountain is so much.

This is really not simple.

After all, those that create their own sky-level giant, their will trees are only one-fourth more than Hongjing crystals.

"Not bad, how can it be so tall? This is not taking in the body of the body?"

Zhang Bin asked very curiously.

"Of course, I have a super adventure, I got a special treasure, so that the will tree has skyrocked."

Hong Jing Jing is like a white swan.

"What is the treasure you get? When did you get it?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"I will not tell you."

Hongjing crystal is a miles.

She felt that her will tree is bigger than Zhang Bin, and the talent is much better than Zhang Bin.

Creating a selection of the holy dragon gate.

"I tell you, your talent is too bad, it is definitely not to pass the Shenglongmen selection, but if I teach you some secret law, then your defensive ability will not only improve too much, but will let you Easily pass the Shenglongmen selection. "Zhang Bin said.

"I do not believe it……"

The little girl is not a fool, I feel that Zhang Bin is lie to her secret.

And this secret is very important for her.

Even, she didn't talk to the East Mountain Lord.

"Don't believe it, if you can't pass the selection, don't come to me cry."

Zhang Bin said.

"I will be able to pass, but you may not be."

Hong Jing Jing said, "My talent is too much better than you."

"Jingjing, Zhang Bin brother is much better than you." Dongshan domain owner said, "Grandpa will definitely not lie to you, he participates in the Shenglongmen selection, that is ten nine stable. But you will not be the same. No brother help, true The hanging. "

"How can this be?"

Hong Jing Jing is dead, hesitated for a long time, only to say: "Brother, I know, will you help me through the Shenglong gate?"

"You don't even say the secret of the will tree, why do I want to help you?"

Zhang Bin strives to face his face.

In fact, he doesn't think she has a little girl who makes the will tree a secret.

Just teasing her.

Don't say Zhang Bin, even Dongshan domain is thinking, so there is no carefully.

"That's okay, I tell you, but you can't take my little red."

Hong Jing Jing said.

"Little red? What is it?" Zhang Bin was a face of a face, but he immediately patted his chest to guarantee.

"In fact, I found a red egg from the treasure house. I was originally attracted by Grandpa. Later, I got this egg. This egg is very magical, it likes to eat The egg can be easily swallowed. Later, I have incubated it. I have become a red bird. I don't know what bird. I call her Xiaohong, she likes to live in my wish tree. She has a magical ability, let my will tree becomes bigger, that is, she can help me practice the will tree. "

Hong Jing Jing said.

"Is there such a thing?"

Zhang Bin's eyes were wide, and the face was full of not born.

"God ... That is a kind of future, the legendary magical creature is that any giant wants to get, but it is difficult to get."

The Lands in the East Hill area shocked.

"Beast? What?"

Zhang Bin said.

"It is actually a domain beast, which is very rare. It is inhabited on the will tree in the domain. It is best to cultivate the will tree, even if it has been cultivated to the limit of the will tree, it can make a lot more. It is very difficult to refine the domain, because the beast will control the will tree to launch an attack. So, you must take the beast to the beast with a powerful domain. If you can take the beast, then It's happiness, it is equal to a big adventure. "

The East Hill domain is excited.

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