The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4958, I also have a meaningless bird's egg

"Unfortunately, I can't talk, white is so beautiful."

Zhang Bin sighed.

Xiaohong immediately was upright, and said that I said: "Who said I can't talk? I don't want to talk nonsense with you."

"Don't want to tell me nonsense?" Zhang Bin said, "How is it nonsense?"

"I am the most great and noble and magical future. Of course I can recognize the eggs of the beast, then ask?" Xiaohong said, "Don't expect me to give you the egg of the beast, one you Not my master, two I can't find it. The egg of the will began, and I am the only exception. "

"How is your only exception?"

Zhang Bin asked curiously.

"Because my mother judged that I was a bad guy, I can't hatch it, I threw it away."

Xiaohong black face said.

"Ha ha ha ... It turned out to be a bad guy."

Zhang Bin laughed.

"You dare to laugh at me, I caught you."

The willbird is in a hurry, and it has become a red lightning, and the paw is arrested in Zhang Bin's body.


Sparks splash, but there is no appearance even.

Zhang Bin's body is too strong.

And this willousy is still a young bird.

The war is not terrible.

"Bad guys, don't make trouble."

Zhang Bin reached out to catch, but he couldn't catch up.

Of course, he did not use full.

If it is fully utilized to use the trial mana, Xiaohong may be caught.

"Little red, come back, don't care about him, he is a bad guy."

Hong Jing paste, recalled the little red.

"Wait until I grow up, I must grasp you."

Xiaohong stood on the shoulders of Hongjing Jing, hate.

It has never seen such a happiness.

I dare to say that it is a bad guy, and it dares to mock it.

I am a fascinating future.

"I have an will, and it is good egg, Xiaohong, do you believe?"

Zhang Bin said.


Xiaohong and Hongjing's exterior portal East Mountain are shout at the same time.

Such treasures can not be met, Zhang Bin also came to the domain, as his strength, how could it get the egg of the beast?

"Really, give you a look."

Zhang Bin finished, his mind is moving, a white egg like a truck is flying out.

Fall on the ground.

This is of course Zhang Bin who has been in the monster from the stone.

I have swallowed how much worm monster eggs.

But it has not hatched it.

I have listened to Hongjing Jing, saying that Xiaohong did not hatch, and he can swallow the egg. He has doubted that the monster is an egg of the beast.

Perhaps, it is a Hongmeng outside the domain, all of the world receiving the world.

However, it may be that Hongmeng doesn't know that it is the egg of the willbird.

And stone breaks the sky, but it is possible to feel that this egg is treasure.

The body contains rich life energy, so hidden in the resurrection location, if it is resurrected, it can be quickly powered quickly.

"So big? How could it be the egg of a will? I got the red egg, I only had a fist."

Broken crystal threshold.

The Lord of the Dongshan area is also disappointed.

Although the beast is very magical, the volume is generally not too big.

I have never heard of eggs with such a huge way of beasts.


The little red mouth is a surprised voice, which flew in the same way as the shard arrow.

Falling on the egg and keeping it with the nose.

It looks very excited.

Finally, it shocked: "I smelled the same kind of breath, it seems to be much more expensive than I want, and it seems to come from a very distant ancient ancient."

"Is it a will toast?"

This Hongjingjing, the main landlord, and it is all thoroughly, and their face is full of surprises.

Don't say they, even Zhang Bin is also very happy.

"You don't want to be too early, this seems to be a bad guy."

Xiaohong said, "So it didn't hatch for so many years."

"How could be a bad guy, it can swallow another egg."

Zhang Bin said that he said.

"This is a double yellow egg, there are two ambiguous, have you heard that the double yellow egg can hatch?"

Xiaohong looked at Zhang Bin with a despised eyes.

"Double yellow egg? Twins? Who can't hatch it? Can you say it?"

Zhang Bin not only did not disappoint, but more excited and excited.

If it is a male mother, it is cool.

"You can try it, however, this egg is also thrown away. At the beginning of the will beast, it is judged that it can't hatch it. It feels almost no problem." Xiaohong said.

"At the beginning, you are also bad guys, don't you hatch?"

Zhang Bin said.

"Can you be the same? I am a congenital development, not double yellow egg, double yellow eggs can't hatch."

The little red is crazy, and this monk said it is a bad guy.

Hong Jingjing also drums, she felt that Zhang Bin seems to like to bully her, and I also like to bully her little red.

This brother's character has a problem.

"I will hatch it for you."

Zhang Bin carefully hugged the egg, a face of a face, but he also had a face, how can we hatch?

"Walk, the area of ​​the egg."

Dongshan domain owner said, "Let it swallow some high-quality eggs, get enough nutrients, maybe you can hatch it."

So they immediately went to the area where the treasure gallery was placed.

Look at it, all are eggs, stacked as mountains.

Large small, colorful.

Exudes a powerful breath.

"This is all the eggs of the domain, contains a massive life energy, which can be used to refine, can also be used to cultivate. It is a good treasure." Dongshan Domain is also introduced, "If it is good, there is egg energy to hatch If you come out, you can take it, more tamed domasts. You can take a step by step, you can help fight. However, there is no domain hatching, basically incubation. "

"Lying in the trough, these eggs are strong than the eggs of the cancer monsters, it seems that my willbits can be hatched soon."

Zhang Bin is very shocking and excited.

He immediately placed the egg in the hand on the ground.


This egg is really too quirky, and immediately start scrolling, go to a big egg.

A black hole appeared on the surface, which issued a power of phagocytosis.

The egg swallows this egg.

Then you can't get it, continue to swallow your cracks.

Soon I swallowed thousands of eggs.

However, this egg still has not changed, and there is no signs of hatching.

"Little red, you see, can it hatch?"

Zhang Bin had to take his eyes to a small red body and asked.

"It was a bad guy, with you this bad guy, two bad guys, it is impossible to hatch it." Xiaohong said.

(Eight chapters sent, ask for subscription, seeking tickets.)

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