The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4966 Reconstruction

Zhang Bin knows that the Dongshan area can also be reduced, but even if it is reduced, it is not huge.

Therefore, the speed is limited.

As for the medium-domain, large domain, or even the sky, the speed is also limited.

Even can only be median.

Of course, after speeding up, the more advanced domains, the more it is, the more it is.

However, the more huge, the more is not flexible.

Therefore, the Dongshan area can get rid of the cancer domain multiple times.

And Zhang Bin's micro domain has broken this limit, and the speed is far more than the Dongshan area, and it is estimated that it may also exceed the cancer domain. Of course, I far more than Zhang Bin's own speed.

Zhang Bin is equal to a medium domain, and the speed is naturally not.

Other human beings are also very large, and they can also be said to be domains, but more than ten times more than the small domain, even hundreds of times.

But it is also wide and boundless.

The speed is also too fast, instantly a few light years, dozens of light years, almost can't do it.

Of course, the world's gap in the body of human beings is not too big, so the more the realm is higher, the speed will be faster.

And Zhang Bin is controlled with this loop, and the speed is much faster than itself.

It is the advantage.

Zhang Bin started testing the flexibility of the peak.

This is even more built, and it is not known to the eastern mountain area.

In this way, if he encounters the horrible giant, he drives the mountain peak escape.

If you encounter the domain master, the other party throws the domain, you can catch him.

However, the other party will not dare to live, and cannot leave the domain too far.

Otherwise, there is no regret that the domain has come.

Of course, if it is just such an advantage, there is no significance, because Zhang Bin has a speed of faster snow and night.

Therefore, Zhang Bin began testing the defensive ability of the mountain.

Soon, he found that the defense of the mountain is really strong.

You can withstand him all the best.

However, if he calls many trial laws, the peak will not resist.

As for white snow and night, their defensive ability is of course no mountain peak.

"This is the chicken rib, the taste of food, it is unfortunately." Zhang Bin is a bit depressed, "the speed of the mountain is fast, but it is more than white snow and night. The defense ability is strong, but it is more than two pets. But yourself. The role is really limited. "

He touched the chin, looked at the mountain, and thoughtfully thought.

How do you take advantage of this mountain?

This is to be with you, and put it in your hand or on the back.

If there is not much used, you can only throw it in the Dongshan area.

I have thought about it for a long time, Zhang Bin's eyes suddenly lit up, yes, why not let go of the peaks in the mountains?

In this way, it may greatly improve the defense ability. After all, the current defense ability is already very strong.

This is basically the problem of material.

Moreover, there is a magic in the mountain, and others will not mistaken this is a domain.

Will only think this is a magic weapon.

If there is any other giant, he will hear it here, they will refute. "The kid, you are vowed to say that this mountain is the domain, we will not believe. You still have to cover up? I see you is full. Dry? Or persecution. "

Zhang Bin said to do his dry.

He began to record lines on the peak.

Originally he had no way to burn in, it is too hard.

Fortunately, he refines the peak and allows the mountain to form a pattern.

As long as the input mana and brute force are flooded in the array lines.

Therefore, only a moment, the array is constituted.

A array of array lines appeared on the rock.

Of course, some places have dirt, covered by the soil.

"Array start ..."

Zhang Bin shouted.

Suddenly, the mountains lit green light.

Moreover, the rich white fog is blocked.

It looks like a white cloud.

"This is not bad, you can hide in Baiyun, it is hard to find it."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

Then he tested a defensive ability of a mountain peak.

Defense capabilities have been significantly improved.

It is better than him Zhang Bin's defense.

This is because it is called to the perspective of the world of hundreds of millions of kilometers.

However, there is still no expectation of Zhang Bin.

"This is a domain, it is equal to a small world. My body world can constitute an enrichment of the mountain, the internal estimation of the mountain peaks."

Zhang Bin muttered, he tried again.

Efforts to adjust the structure of the mountain peaks, the texture of the rocks has become regular, which constitutes countless lifelike holy dragon pattern.

Wait until it is completely adjusted, Zhang Bin even felt that the dark gold stone monument in the core area suddenly looked up.

But it is so quiet.

"Is my eyes spent?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, and his face has also floated the color of thinking.

It seems that this dark stone monument may really have any special origins.

Therefore, it will make the mountain peaks into a micro-domain, so after the internal structure of the peak, it is bright.

However, on his current ability, there is no way to take out the stone monument, and there is no way to study.

"Just do it, I will wait for me to be strong in the future, I can figure out the secret of this mountain."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

He again tested the defensive ability of the mountain.

He is very satisfied with this time.

It is simply indestructible.

Magic is that if there is an attack to fall on the peak, because the internal array is started, the stone monument in the core area will light.

It seems that the mountain peak has enhanced the defense ability.

"Give me a bomb ..."

Zhang Bin shouted, and suddenly the mountain was squatted on a huge meteorite.


A loud noise of the sky.

The falling of meteorizes became a powder.

However, the peak is safe and sound.

"Hey, this is not only a micro area, but also a very powerful magic weapon."

Zhang Bin laughed and laughed, and his face was full of satisfaction.

In the future, driving such a micro-domain, treasure hunt in the void, it can be too safe.

"You are called the sky, if someone is suspected, I said that it is Zhen Tianyu."

Zhang Bin said.

"Master, this name is not good, there is a sky in it, others think it is a heaven, then a joke."

The night is weak and weak.

"The earthquake domain is the micro-area that can vibrate the heaven." Zhang Bin said, "Let's mention, maybe it can grow, one day it will become a heaven."

"Well, what is you talking about, talking to you is too tired. At the time, it shook the heavens, and it turned into a heaven. Isn't it a bad mountain?"

Dark night spits in the heart.

"Zhen Tian, ​​let's go ..."

Zhang Bin is a sense of giving, he yells.

Suddenly, the earthquake field started, flying quickly.

"The body surface array is started ..."

Zhang Bin shouted again.

Suddenly, the mountains lit up the light.

Start madly call the power of the surrounding world.

The speed has been greatly improved again.


There are still many faster than lightning.

Even, the speed is not subjected to snow and night.

"Lying in the trough, I found a magical ability to kill the mountain big array, you can call the power around the world and translate into the speed of terror."

Zhang Bin's eyes lit up. At this moment, he had the urge to record the main array line of the horses in his own meter.

However, if you think, your size is so big, but it is not enough to have an enormous hill. It is estimated that the power of the heavens and the earth is not called, and the huge power in the world is, it is simply nine bull, and it is estimated that there is no use.


But he is now very happy, because his earthquake field really became a super magic.

Not only horrible defense, attacking skills, but also super fast speed.

If you encounter countless strong domain, you can also hide in the moon palace in the earthquake field.

I want to come to the domain.

Good treasure!

This time, it's really earned!

(Eight chapters sent, ask for subscription, seeking tickets.)

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