The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4968 is really poisonous

"The power of the world, call, kill ..."

The Lord of the Dongshan area is crazy.

Suddenly, the Dongshan area lit up the rays, his body was eager to expand.

Then his hand appeared a ax.

Crazy ax in the hand on each other.

In fact, he has not lifted the recognition of the recognition, which is to worry about the murder of the other.

What didn't think of it is that the other party actually wants to kill him.

In fact, it is entirely available.

How can he leave a lot of treasures with the main mountains?

Moreover, it is still a afterhand.

God knows that the descendants of the Lord of Dongshan Domain will have super genius.

Looking for him to revenge, it is expected to be expected.


A horrible to the extreme giant ring.

The wolf repaired Lu Luo.

After all, he did not use the full force.

However, the Lord of the Dongshan Domain is not pleased, that is, falling out of the ground, spraying blood in the mouth.

The face became pale.

However, he did not fear, smirked and sneered: "Tiangle, today you want to get my domain, that can only be a dream. Give me a burst ..."

Suddenly, the horror thing happened.

The Dongshan area suddenly began to collapse.

Countless rocks, mountain peaks, the horror of heaven and earth, all of which are covered with a temple.

"Slow ... I don't kill you, you leave, the domain leaves."

The face of Tianfangmun's face is changed, and it will be refunded quickly, and it has exited a far distance.

He mainly wants to get a domain, killing people second.

However, the Lord of Dongshan is so unhappy, he can only compromise.

Of course, just a temporary compromise.

Waiting for him to get the domain, will not kill them, it is another thing.

The Lord of the Dongshan Domain stopped to make the domain self-explosion, in fact, he is also a gesture.

Scare each other.

Otherwise, if it is exploding, he and Zhang Bin will die will die.

Even if it is not killed by the domain, it is also necessary to be killed by Tianli Luo.

Zhang Bin's two pets speed is very fast, but it has not yet grown, it is absolutely no speed of the calm.

That is, the other party can easily explode.

So, there is no lifeway at all.

The only way is to negotiate with each other.

"You can leave it. But you must let go of the state of recognition first."

The calm is cold and cold.

"We have to leave an hour before the removal of the recognition, otherwise, you can catch us with us, kill us. You have an inner department. Don't count." Dongshan domain.

"Ten minutes. It is enough to escape to a safe place. If you don't lift your recognition, I will kill you, let you completely kill you."

Shuo Tian wolf said with unquestionable tone.

"Well, take ten minutes, if you attack the moon palace, or you will chase it immediately, then I will let the domain you burst."

The East Mountain Lord said.

"It must be an hour. Otherwise, I can only make the domain self-explosion."

The East Mountain Lord said.

"Well, I promise you."

The Shuomi Wolf is a little helpless.


The Dongshan area launched Zhang Bin, China has become two lightning, and the pen is straight to the opposite direction.

Of course, his face is full of grief.

"Oh ... If you let you escape, I am still a lotus?"

Tiangi Wolf Shura sent a scream, what is the powerful and terrible existence? How horror is his love, don't say an hour, it is two hours, he can easily induce them unless they are in the rich clouds.

Otherwise, it will be chased by him sooner or later.

"The domain master, I see that he is not going to let us go, after refining the Dongshan area, he will immediately chase us."

Zhang Bin said that "it may not be enough for an hour."

"There is no way, because after an hour, we escaped far from far away, my contacts and domains have become weak, I don't do it yourself. And he certainly knows this secret." Dongshan domain I said angrily.

"You said, will he have been following our back, wait an hour, then attack us?"

Zhang Bin's face changed, and the voice was serious.

"This should don't worry, then he can succeed in killing us, but the domain is not the Lord. Maybe it will be passed by the giant, then he is married for people." Dongshan domain owner said, " His strength, after an hour, easy to refine the field, and easily catch up with us. This is not very unlucky. "


Their speed is getting faster.

However, both of them have floated the color of the face.

They felt that a cold love was locked them.

No matter how they fly, I can't get rid of it.

The other party is too powerful.

Only enter the cloud, the lock sensation disappears.

However, the clouds are not forever.

It is impossible to always connect.

So, once they come out, I still have been locked immediately.

"The domain master, can only be so this ..."

Zhang Bin said.

The void is too wide.

Flying for nearly an hour, I still didn't encounter any powerful giant.

Instead, I have encountered some powerful domains.

Fortunately, the Lord of Dongshan is also the giant giant of the heaven, although the power is far from being succulent, but it is also very powerful.

All the way to kill the past, killed many domains.

"Hey ... an hour time is here."

Sirioli smiled and landed on the East Hill area.

Go to the moon palace.

Of course, the door is not opened.

Otherwise, it reduces the time to escape.


Tiangle wolf succumbed, he took a palm to shoot on the moon gate.


The moon gate is broken.

He flashed.

In a stone on a stone.


Unparalleled rock broken.

Spiritic channel exposes.

Then his mental force quickly took out, forcibly entered, and was able to abandon the spirit of the East Hill Mado.

"If it is to make the domain yourself, it can make him hurt ... Do you want to be self-explosion?"

At this time, Zhang Bin and Dongshan domain did not continue to escape from the distance.

Instead, it returns quickly.

Of course, it is in an incomparably rich cloud.

There are also some peaks here.

The East Mountain Lord said.

"Can't be self-explosive." Zhang Bin's two eyes shot the light of wisdom. "In the future, we can also grab it back. If you bung, it is useless. It is too precious. Moreover, if you explode, Hold him, he will definitely chase us crazy. If we don't kill us, we will not give it. Then we have the opportunity to escape. Even if you escape, he will continue to chase us in the future. Even blocked us. We even There is no place to fall. "

(The realm of the exterior is revised, it is changed to the small holy, Zhongsheng, Big San, small domain, medium-sized, large domain, and skyband. Each realm is divided into ten levels. As for the small domain, the middle-domain master, the domain master, The heavenly domain, that is, the battle is more horrible. That is to say, it is to reduce the three realm of the Holy King, the Holy, the Holy Emperor. The domain outside the domain will not be too long. This book has arrived later. .)

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