"Assessment? Where is it?"

Zhang Bin, of course, will not fear the assessment. If he can't pass, no one can pass.

"The official assessment is of course in the holy dragon domain." Sheng Longyuan said, "I will take it here casually. If you can pass, I will find a way to let you go to the Holy Dragon domain, if you pass, then no It is necessary to pass. "

"That is also asked for old and old to assess disciples."

Zhang Bin said.

"You draw a crash on the spot."

The St. Dragon said faintly.

"Does the doctor?"

Zhang Bin is slightly eyebrow, which is a bit cold door.

However, it is also reasonable.

After all, the Fu Yu is also one of the most inheritance of the holy dragon gate.

However, Zhang Bin did not carefully study the cranes.

It is really that he is too powerful, and has always been invincible.

It doesn't matter if you don't need to use the rumor to deal with the enemy.

Of course, even if there is no research, how to draw or know.

So, he took out the paper pen, and the left and right hand took a pen.

The blood dipped in a domain, plus exquisite and mana.

Start drawing finely.

It took a few minutes for a long to draw.

The inquiry lights upright, and then converges.

"The lowest grade crack soul, and it has been used for too long. So you can't qualify. Even if you go to the holy dragon domain, it is also available."

The face of the Holy Dragon Dragon has become a bit cold, and it is completely all polite.

They are recruited is a peerless genius of all ethnic groups, rather than a very reluctant genius.

"Zhang Bin can't pass, don't you tease me?"

Hongdong Mountain squatted in his heart, his face was full of weird expressions.

"Yuan Yuan is old, in fact, my talent is very good, but I have not carefully studied the symbol ..." Zhang Bin said.

"Oh ... You can go."

The St. Dragon is talking about it.

Obviously, that is, I don't believe Zhang Bin.

"I think that the war is the only standard for measuring talent."

Zhang Bin said, "The disciple is not talented, but the vegetar is invincible with the realm. I deeply believe that even if I went to the holy dragon gate, I can also be invincible with the realm."

He is already very modest. After all, he can defeat the enemy in a big realm.

That is to say, he is a sacrifice, which is the giant giant to defeat the gods.

However, in the eyes of the St. Dragon Dragon, it is arrogant, and it is extraordinarily arrogant.

Talent is general, but it is very mad, the holy dragon door does not need this disciple.

So, he is dark: "Send guests."

Suddenly, two disciples have gone out of the sky.

It is necessary to send Zhang Bin and Hongdong Mountain.

Their realm is not too horrible, only cultivating the small domain level.

However, the momentum of their body is extraordinarily ate.

Obviously, it is super genius, the more you can defeat the enemy.

As for the St. Dragon, it is of course very strong, the realm is higher than Hongdong Mountain, and the Tianyu Level 2.

"Long, you don't try my war, the disciples are not willing to be." Zhang Bin said, "I don't care."

"Very good, I will try your war." He is afraid that Zhang Bin will continue to entangle him, so he wants Zhang Bin to die. His mind is moving, I took a boy from the body world.

The teenager is handsome, the forehead is wide, the eyes are flexible, and the eyebrows are elongate.


It seems to be a family, but there are two golden wings on his back.

So he is a wing.

His realm is also Zhongsheng.

The power is very powerful.

"Yu Zao, you and him more. Use the whole force, let him see what is the real genius, just mentioned that he said that the same realm is invincible."

St. Long said.

Then he looked at Zhang Bin and said faintly: "Zhang Bin, as long as you can catch him three tricks, don't hurt, even you pass."

"Zhang Bin is it?"

Yu Zao jun took a big step, and said, "You should come from the body of the world? In the body of the world, there is invincible in the body, so it is arrogant? I thought it was invincible outside the domain? I told you, even if we The Talented disciple of Holy Longmen has never dared to say that the world is invincible. It is really too many genius outside the domain. The powerful martial art is too much. Every field outside the domain is bigger, our holy dragon gate has never been able to enter the past One hundred. A foreign disciple in your district, dare to be so arrogant? "

"You don't have waste. If you have this, you will take it out. Who is the real genius, you can know it immediately." Zhang Bin said faintly.

"Good mad, Zhuo Qun, teach him."

The Holy Dragon Dragon is furious, the sound said, "If you use a ban, you will kill, and our Sparkle is not shortage."

"Zhang Bin, you eat me a punch."

Yu Zao Jun is also an angered rush, and the body is bright.

The two arms have risen.

The wings on the back are also open.

Then he stepped out, the palm of the two hands suddenly came together.

Suddenly, a huge terrible holy dragon flew out from the gap of the palm.

I hit the murder of the sky to Zhang Bin.

That speed is really fast.

That momentum is too horrible.

Obviously, this is a holy dragon gate.

Let Shuanglong robbed the beads of the same work.

However, this dragon is a force and brute force to completely aggregate.

The power is of course more horrible.

In fact, this trick is a horrible ban, named Saint Dragon!

15 times the force you can explode.

And the speed is extremely fast.

"Zhang Bin, if you don't die, even if you are."

Tianlong distressed in his heart, his face is full of play.

The two disciples looked at Zhang Bin like the dead.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin made a disdain, and he didn't look at it.

The hand is a dragon that is taken with a palm.


A loud noise, the dragon was taken on the ground by Zhang Bin, and then exploded.

Bang ...

But it was pressed by Zhang Bin's palm, just let Zhang Bin's palm of the palm shook.

Of course, I have not hurt Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin still stood there immediately, as if something did not happen.


Yu Zao Qun, Tianlong distant, plus two disciples, they are all stunned, shocking.

I didn't say it for a long time.

They have seen that Zhang Bin is useless to the top of the trick, it is a palm.

Just break the most horrible ban in Yu Zao?

What kind of point is his war?

Don't he really be invincible with the realm?

Doesn't he panic?

Especially the Tianlong distant, his face is red, very embarrassing, just he thinks Zhang Bin's talent, so, do not give him directly.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Bin's war was so horrible.

Yu Zao Jun is also very embarrassed. He just said Zhang Bin with the tone of the lesson.

But Zhang Bin is much more powerful than him, and there are too many genius.

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