The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4974 and Qingguang Domain Negotiations


Zhang Bin is furious, he fully called the body's mana and brute force, and even, he also secretly called the trial mana of many attributes and loved ones.

Focus on this incomparably terrible rolling force.

However, it can't stand at all.

He is still slowly pushed, sliding.

"How is this possible? Even Zhang Bin can't you pass assessment?"

Yu Zao Qun, Luo Ba Mountain, Yu Cheng, their eyes are wide. Their face is full of not bothering.

Don't Zhang Bin's talents are far less than they, because of a special adventure, they have improved their skills?

In this case, isn't it easy to revenge?

Because there is countless treasure in the treasure, you can make their combat power skyrocket.

They looked at Zhang Bin with mercy.

Easily broke through the power of blocking.

Moreover, they left an arrogant discourse, "Zhang Bin, wait for me, let's sing once, ..."

They have to step on Zhang Bin to rub at the foot.

"Poor teenager, from very poor places, talented. But can't enter."

That girl with veil was looked at Zhang Bin with mercy, saying faintly: "Although you can't enter, I will allow you to practice here, wait for the treasure to open, you will leave your companions. "

"Thank you."

Zhang Bin's eyes lit slightly.

Although I can't enter, I am not bad here.

I can get huge benefits.

Just now, when I practiced, I have contacted the law of Qingguango.

This is definitely the top rule of the country outside the domain.

19,500 laws all reached 130.

This is simply a miracle.

And even those top-level top ten giant, their rules are not like this.

Most of the rules have not reached 130.

There may be no more than one hundred levels.

It is really limited.

There are some rules that they are also hard to progress anyway.

So it is difficult to advance.

And the law of this is the law, which is of course a kind of happiness, is also a great opportunity.

After all, in the surface, it is the law that does not contact the Qingguang field.

Anyone wants to enhance the law, can only enter the martial art, or enter the elders' body world, feel that the martial arts or the rules that come out.

Thus let the law advance.

But that's the rule of the sea, the sea is far from being able to compare the sea than the law here.

However, Zhang Bin is still a bit unwilling, and it is certainly not able to enter the treasure ratio.

You can get countless Tianmou treasures inside.

Can be powerful.

If the three guys really have a super good treasure, greatly enhanced the war.

I really don't necessarily be crushing them.

After all, they are all rare cultural genius.

Their combat is very horrible.

That is not Zhang Bin asking.

"Nima, why can't I go? I am not eligible for my talent?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his face was full of doubts.

Is it a problem?

He thought of distressed.

I have left again.

At this time, all people have already entered it.

Naturally, no one pays attention to him.

It will not be a smirk him.

He slowly came to the entrance, step forward.


The horrible energy flocked, blocked on him, with the sky.

Let Zhang Bin will not go forward.

"what happened?"

Zhang Bin began to refund the body.

Then he observed himself fine.

Soon, he has found that when he came to the hole, the dark gold stone monument on the inside of the shock of the sky was lit up.

It seems that this stone monument is in the monsters.

Therefore, it takes the energy barrier in the glare domain and does not let him enter.

"Lying in the trough? What do you want to do? Do you want to do? Do you don't know? Go to the owner? If you can't enter, the master's strength cannot be improved, the realm can not break through. In the future, you can't keep you, you will I will never have such a strong master. I can only fall into a mountain, or being exploded, no longer exist. "

Zhang Bin was furious, and the idea was lost in the past.

Put the stone monument that is the dog blood head.

Of course, Zhang Bin is also very doubtful, what is the stone in the stone, can make the glare domain trigger such huge movement?

Block your own entry?

Let him be a little worried about that the Qingguang Domain Lord is not discovering the secrets of his peaks?

If it is found, then the trouble is big, will the other party will seize?

Hope, he did not find it?

After all, this is a huge glare domain, the ten-level heaven, even the giant of the Qingguang Domain, he cannot make the glare domain such as the arm.

It is really that the glare domain is too powerful, he is difficult to control.

His will tree does not have a big tree in the glare domain, and it cannot be thoroughly controlled.

Perhaps it feels wrong.

The stone monument will stop lush. It seems that it is a stone, there is no different.

So Zhang Bin once again continued.

But when he got him almost vomiting blood, the horror energy appeared again, continued to block him, let him enter?


Zhang Bin was angry, "Is it not enough?"

"If you give me the trial rule, I will let you go."

A attacked voice suddenly sounded in the ears of Lu.

"Who are you? Qingguango Lord?"

Zhang Bin's creepy, the other person actually knew that he created a trial rule.

This is a huge crisis.

"Of course not him, but me, I am a glaucoma."

The old voice said, "You will be like this, I will certainly protect you. Will not tell him."

"Is the Gangguang domain not your master? Do you dare to hide the secret?"

Zhang Bin pressed the low voice asked in confusion.

"Although he is my master, he has no ability to refine the core area. So, he is just moderately refining. In fact, any giant, there is no ability to completely refine me like this. Domain. "The old voice said," So, I keep some secrets, it is normal. "

"Why do you want to get a trial rule?"

Zhang Bin nodded and recognized the other party's statement, but asked curiously.

"The trial rule has no big road, too amazing, even if it is me, no authorization, I can't understand. And the trial rule, I can let any creatures living in my body have accepted the trial, the world became more Beautiful, my size can even expand a lot. My world will also get huge improvement. "The Qingguang Domain said.

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