The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4977, Tinbei, Trial Trial

"I don't lie, what I am afraid of punishment?"

Zhang Bin said coldly.

"Then you talk about which Tianjun is your elder?"

The old man looked at Zhang Bin, and a horrible pressure was crushed out.

Let Zhang Bin are a little standing unstable.

"I don't want to tell you." Zhang Bin said faintly, "Anyway, my elder rank is much much higher than you. That is you can only look up."

"Good bile."

The old man is furious, "I am not dead. Rank 20. How high is your elder? Let me look up?"

"Nima, I encountered the division and future generations of the Tiandun, and it was a bit trouble."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he really didn't think that the other party ranked so high?

Just now, it is a bit too exaggerated.

After all, 20 are not too far from the first place, can't say.

"Anyway, in the first twenty."

Zhang Bin said.

"Kid, today you don't say anyone who is your elder, just don't think it can be left."

The old man has a trip, "I will die directly. Tian Jun can not be insulted, insult to kill."

"Gill it, don't you say it? Then my grandfather will kill you. Just like killing an antity." The girl whispered.

"I can't say it. However, I am also coming to the right way." Zhang Bin said faintly, "I can't let it open, I want to be correct."

"Are you coming forward? Is it impossible?"

The old man and the girl looked at Zhang Bin in the same way.

"Let you believe it." Zhang Bin said coldly.

He has no good feelings about them.

And he also knows that these two are estimated that they will not leave.

Will only drive him.

It may even kill him.

So, I will hurry up.

I have to come to them, and there is no way to know where he comes from.

There are too many giant people named Zhang Bin in the world.

Moreover, maybe you can find a way to block your name.

Of course, this is the Qingguang domain just told him.

The Qingguang Domain can contact the law from the outside world, naturally help the mask.

After all, some people saw Zhang Bin Zhengdao.

"There are no new rules in countless years, I really don't believe that you have a new law."

The old man is smirked, looking at Zhang Bin with a desirable gaze.

"Previously, you said that the name of the elders is on the golden monument. Now you have come to the right way. It is simply in his words. I think you are a big liar, dare to cheat in front of us, you will definitely don't have a good fruit."

The girl also looked at Zhang Bin like the dead.

She has hundreds of percentage of grasp, if Zhang Bin said panic, her grandfather took him with a slap.

"The monitoring law does not have too long?"

Zhang Bin refuted, "Why can't I have a new road again?"

"You have reasonable, since there is a new rule, there are two kinds, nor is it impossible."

The eyes of the old man shot a cold light, and there was a rich murder.

It seems that he wants to kill Zhang Bin, capture Zhang Bin's key, and then become a Taojun, then he is a double Tiangu.

Creating a huge huge, which can become incomparable.

However, he still didn't have a hand, because he thought of a key issue, his talent may not be enough, it is useless to get the tool.

Why can't I have the name on the monument.

Moreover, the teenager in front of you is likely to lying.

If you kill him, but there is no tool, it will be shameful in front of the granddaughter.

So, he took the girl with a girl.

Just look coldly.

Of course, his eyes are not turned.

Obviously what ghost idea is playing.

"You can create a way, it is estimated that there is no power, and it will be placed in the last one."

The girl also rushed to Zhang Bin to make a ghost face, a crown look.

"Even in the last one, it is also better than you, and you can only look up."

Zhang Bin said.


The girl is angry, and I can't say it for a long time.

The face of the old man also turned black, snorted.

However, Zhang Bin is telling the truth, any Tianjun is a universal genius.

Of course, it is much more talented than girls.

Zhang Bin is lazy to make them, he is not afraid that they attacked him, and now the glare domain is protecting him.

Can call the rule of the rule outside the domain to block any attack.

There is a scale in his hand.

Highly lifting the air.

Then he yelled: "Trial ..."

Suddenly, the magical thing happened, and there was a gold trial station at his feet. He has lapped countless giant vain behind him.

The golden light is bursting and blurred.

The horrible pressure is also sweeping the world, rushing everything.

Hey ...

The rules outside the domain are madly rotating.

Want to form a trial rule area, however, can't do it.

This is no big road, you must be authorized to get Zhang Bin's teachings to master.

However, the golden stone monuments are beginning to be generous.

Stop earthquake.

It seems that there is a vibration in the world.

Obviously, Zhang Bin's name is formed on a golden monument.

"Trision rule?"

The face of death Tianjun becomes particularly serious.

The body is keeping chestnown.

"Grandpa, is it, the trial rule is very powerful?"

The girl also said shocked.

"It should be very powerful, and it may even be very powerful. Grandpa looked at the eye. This is a horrible Tianjun, almost sin him."

The difference between the division of the Demnior Jun.

"Can you still have a high praise of Grandpa?"

Girls don't dare to say it.

"No accident, it is much more much, and it may even be the top three."

Old man said.

"How is this possible?"

The girl is completely stupid, and the face is full of not a letter.

Boom ...

The horror sound was raised in the monuments.

Then a name appears.

Directly appears in the first position.

Zhang Bin, tried Tian Jun.

However, the name is blurred.

It is not clear at all.

Obviously it is blocked.

The name appears, the heavens and the earth are shaking, and the rules outside the domain are vibrating.

Countless domains are also constant.

A sheet of Monument is also in the sky in these fields.

All the names on the monuments are sparkling.

However, Zhang Bin in the first location, the name of the trial of Tianjun is a big light.

That is extra dazzling.

Moreover, there is no space on the top of the monument.

That is, you can't write names.

The first avenue finally determined.

Moreover, it is previously ranked from high to low.

There is no write order.

But now the first, second, third fonts appear.

"My God, the most popular Tao finally appeared, was created. However, his name was shielded, apparently he has not yet grown."

"Is it necessary to reproduce?"

"Hahaha, Zhang Bin finally arrived outside ..."

There are many giant in the domain, have issued a shocking sound.

For a time, the domain becomes particularly lively.

(To explain, it has not been born in front of Hong Mei, and there are 19,500 roads outside the domain. It is the top giant in the domain. The world has 19,500 in the world. The virus invaded into a black area. Hongmeng formed some other tools in the human world, let people create some way, helplessness, because the human world can not be associated with the rules of the capital. I can only use some magic weapons The rule is o'clock, as a tool, which makes people understand and create a trip. Maybe it can be genius. But that is not a real key. The people who create the road are not the founder. So Zhang Bin created the same Many ways, but I have been created, only the trial, because there is no outside the domain. He can become a trial of Jun.)

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