The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4984 Wanhua

"You ..." Guang Yantu is still true, inviting him to go to her home, this is how much face is given him, and he doesn't say it, but also I am afraid that I don't give him ancient holy fruit? Where is this silly child?

If there is any other juvenile Junjie, you can get your own invitation, where isn't happy, happy.

However, think of Zhang Bin's super battle, it is strong than her.

Yes, it must be strong, wait for him to cultivate it to Zhongsheng six, it is not his opponent, and it is not possible to use it.

Such a genius, or the first time I encountered.

However, why can't he enter the treasure?

Is it intentional?

Is it necessary to trigger your own attention?

Do he want to pursue me?

However, the script doesn't seem to be.

Every time I am looking for him.

Just now, if I came out, I won't pay attention to him. He didn't enter the treasure.

Does his elders are also Tianjun? Also have a domain?

Therefore, he doesn't care about the treasure of the treasure, just interested in the ancient holy fruit?

And he knew that the ancient holy fruit was not getting, didn't you go in?

At the same time, he has already recognized me?

Always in an independence, attract my attention?

Ok, look at your hard work, I will not be able to pay with you.

Light merchants think of this, the anger in your heart is basically dissipated.

However, she is still white, Zhang Bin, I haven't said: "Is this anxious? There are twenty ancient people in the district. If I am happy, I can send you more treasures."

The meaning of the words is that you will come to please me?

Ask my favor, what is more important than anything?

Although the talent is enough, if there is no interest in people, I also have no interest in you.

"Can you send me more treasures? Sure enough, wealth is rough."

Zhang Bin's eyes really lit up, although the glare domain sent a lot of treasures, but they were both a treasure, not Dan.

The most helpful for cultivation, of course, Dan medicine.

And the medicinal medicine that lights the vans, is undoubted to be the mainland of Qingguango.

Maybe, you can make him break through several bottlenecks.

Then you can be strong faster.

Don't hide in the Hide.

This is also too global, you can be the first of the golden rebukon.

It is also the first of Tianjun.

In the future, you may also rebuild your heavens and board the Tiandi.

So he is not afraid of being broken by the Qingguang Domain.

Just say: "You can get the invitation of Miss, unfortunately honored."

Of course, he has tried his best to converge the tricks that have been emitted in your body.

Do not leak out.

Although it is believed that if the Glancing Lord wants to deal with him, the glare domain will stop, but he still does not want to be broken by the Qingguang Domain.

The big trouble that day is thereafter come.

God knows that the other party will not be as not dead, to give him a woman, don't accept it? Then you have to kill him.

The Tianjun outside the domain, especially the top of the Junjun, is not good.

It's all my heart.

It is nothing to distinguish between using bright and dark properties.

I am going to convince them in the future, but I need a horrible strength, but also need to fight the wisdom of the sky.

Fortunately, I still have a helper, Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, and Heng Yuanlong want to help him.

"Let's go ..."

Light merchants smile, as if there is flowers, gorgeous.

She brought Zhang Binfei.

Go to her palace.

"Miss, wait for me ..."

Xiaoyan finally talled the injury, and quickly chased it up.

However, her face is full of retreat, and the eyes of hate have been falling on Zhang Bin's back.

If Zhang Bin is not played, he will rush over the past.

"This mixed kid, play pigs to eat tigers, play me so miserable, see if they want to pursue the big family, hey, dare to sin, you want to chase the big lady, just dreaming?" Xiaoyan in the heart ,

Think of the way Zhang Bin's way.

And she quickly thought of it, and immediately stimulated several tentative characters.

Soon, Guang Yantu has landed in a flower sea with Zhang Bin.

There are flowers everywhere, a cluster, a cluster, a piece, a tree tree..

Beautiful pole.

The lake is like a bead, and the stream is brought.

There are no variegasters such as green carpets.

There is no dust.


The strong is very strong, breathing a bite, accompanied by rich floral.

It's really a beautiful enjoyment.

Have a villa, the small building, stands in the flower sea.

Illuminated the bright light.

Give the flower sea shine more blurred.

"Hey ... this is also too beautiful ... In the future, my Tianjun Palace, it is so beautiful, with his own woman, living in such a place, how happy it is."

Zhang Bin took a breath, and his face was full of envy.

I have risen from the earth all the way, nor I have never seen a big scene.

However, today is really surprised.

The food of the Qingguang Dominant's granddaughter has made him surprised, it is really embarrassed.

What is your identity?

Ranked first Tianjun?

"This is the garden I deliberately, do you like?"

Light vines use the joining gaze to look at the beauty of the eyes, saying slightly with pride.

"I like it, but this is your place, not mine." Zhang Bin said, "I have to make such a good place in the future, and I will ask Miss, the best Miss, you can help me a bit."

Light merishawage, she looked at Zhang Bin with a niche, and found that he didn't feel timid, not inferior, but really like it, and he seems to be confident.

However, she still shake her head, I really don't know the highland thick.

Is this a garden like a general person?

"You ... bold ..." What kind of treasure is a treasure? I tell you that it is the most top genius, only the top world can be born, so the sacter is so rich, in such a place to practice If the speed will be very fast, if it is taking the flowers, it is a small meaning of several bottlenecks. "

"Wanhua? Miss, is this a kind of wine?"

Zhang Bin's eyes turned again, and looked at the light van.

It seems to be said, beautiful, you can take out the milling to entertain me.

I am your most distinguished guest.

He is here, he is not worried, because the glaucoma is absolutely impossible to live in such a place where it is.

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