The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4995 is dead, Yu Zao, Luozhan

Zhang Bin took his head and found that it was Yu Zao.

"When did you come back?"

Zhang Bin is also very surprised. Is this guy not in the Qingguang Domain?

How can I appear so soon?

"I still want to ask you? How did you come over?"

Yu Zao jun looked at Zhang Bin.

"How come you come back, I am coming over."

Zhang Bin said coldly.

"You are also back through the rules of the Julong area? Is it impossible?"

Yu Zao Jun did not dare to confuse.

"Of course, I am back by transmission."

Zhang Bin lie.

Now he knows that there is countless mountain peaks in the void outside the domain. These mountain peaks are almost stationary, so some people have arranged the transfer array in such a place, which constitutes the transfer route. If the domain is in such a route, It can be transferred, of course, it is necessary to pay.

He passed this route.

It can achieve the goal.

" ..." Yu Zao jun smiled, "You are smart, know that you are not genius secret, just come here, then we haven't come back, but you can't reveal your secret. This Let you succeed. However, I am very curious, how did you pass the test, there is no longer looking through it, it has become a Junongmen official disciple? "

"How can I test, natural is because I reach the standard."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"Oh ..." Yu Zao Jun is of course not believed, but he sees it with your own eyes. Zhang Bin can't enter the treasure, and Tian has a huge flaw.

So, he whispered: "Come on, we are trying once, there is no enjoyment last time, this time is a good enjoyment."

After finishing, he grabbed Zhang Bin's hand, pulled him, "Our disciples of our holy dragon doors can be learned, but they are on the ring."

"There is no need to go on the platform? What is the place where no one is?"

Zhang Bin said.

"Well, I don't want to reveal you, then you are expelled, there is nothing benefit to me."

Yu Zao said.

So, he took Zhang Bin and Hong Jingjing all the way to a secluded.

Here is a valley.

There is no disciple of holy dragon gates.

"You have a trick."

Zhang Bin said, "Don't delay the time, I have to go to Tibetan Tibet."

"Oh ... Today, you can't go to Tibetan buildings, because you will be here to treat it for a few days."

Yu Zao junny said.

He is really dying.

"Oh ..." Zhang Bin smiled, "Do you think you can eat me? Last time I was embarrassed, have you forgotten?"

"The last time is last, now it is different, I cultivate to Zhongsheng three level, and take ancient holy fruit, talents have improved a lot. My war has skyrocked, and you are just a small dish. Disc. "Yu Zao Jun said proudly.

"Lai, you are awkward."

Zhang Bin is impatient, his palm is high, and it will become a big place in an instant, and then take it off.

"court death……"

Yu Zao Qun was furious, his body lit up, crazy, a boxing in Zhang Bin's palm.



The horrible voice sounded.

The fist of Yu Zao is broken, the arm is broken, and then Zhang Bin's palm should take it on him.

He is like a nail to be entered into a hard rock.

The whole body bone inch is broken.

The five internal organs became a powder.


He made a bad scream.

The face is filled with fear anger and does not dare to confuse.

Why can't I stop Zhang Bin?


I have two realm more than him.

I have improved it.

The other party is clearly a mediocrity, even the treasure can't enter the mediocrity.

"Take a good injury, next time we try again."

Zhang Bin said, with Hongjing Jing, it is the long.

"Good pain ... Why is this?"

Yu Zao Qun is speechless to ask a sky.

He didn't know where to go wrong?

At this time, he also seems to understand, why Zhang Bin is not willing to go to the Thunder and try him.

I don't want him to be shameful.

After all, they are also met.

"The family is stupid ... Just tell you two small realm, I want to hit you ..."

On the road, Hong Jingjing has always been laughing.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin also laughed.

Soon, they entered the Tibetan Tibet, and they began to read the accumulated books in the mountains.

They seem to have entered the ocean of knowledge.

Finally, Yu Zhuo Jun is treated with injuries, and flying is not comparable to depression.

Go back to the place.

"Yu Zao, here ..."

Luo Ba Mount saw him and tried his hand.

Yu Zhuo Jun flew over, said faintly: "What?"

"I tell you a secret, Zhang Bin's mediocrity is here, and has become a formal disciple of our holy dragon gate."

Luo Ba Mountain said secretly.

"Is there such a thing?"

Yu Zhuo Jun immediately put a surprised look, his face was full of colors.

A pair he never knows this matter.

Abdominal black to an unpredictable point.

"It's true, I listened to a brother, saying the most nearly two human disciples, talent is still very good. I know it carefully, I know that Zhang Bin, I don't know any way to use it, I'm going to be cheated. I plan I will reveal from him. "Luo Baishan said," such a horses must be cleared. "

"People are also very poor. He took special banned drugs, the potential is exhausted, there is no future in the future. Why don't you let him expel? Then he may have a problem with life. "Yu Zao said.

"Last time, he played me so miserable. How can I let him go? Also, I will not tell him, with him."

Luo Baishan said.

"There is a valley behind, it is very suitable for discussing, and he is not comparative, no one knows."

Yu Zao Dun said low voice.

"Then I will find him now."

Luo Baishan said, "Don't you want him?"

"This, I am still next time. We come again again and again." Yu Zao gang put his hand, "I still have anything, you."

Luo Baishan did not see flaws, he whisped to Tibetan Tibet.

"Luo Ba Mountain, will you be killed by Zhang Bin? I am looking forward to it."

Yu Zao Qun is very excited, he flew up, first goes to the valley.

Tibet it in a very hidden place.

Prepare to watch the lively.

Didn't let him wait, just a few minutes later, Luo Ba Mountain took Zhang Bin and Hongjing Jing Jing.

The Tibetan Jingli is arranged in a light insertion.

So, they have already read for a long time, need to come out, it is easy.

Since Rozhan is not to talk to him, Zhang Bin can only agree.

(Today's code hand is hidden, only four chapters, try to make a chapter.)

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