The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5001 Zhongsheng 5th

Time is running rapidly.

Soon, three years have passed.

Luo Ba Mount also appeared in Zhang Bin's door.

I am strolling, I will observe Zhang Bin's Dongfu from time to time.

A pair wants to try it, you want to press the home.

It is said that the people who are dead, non-Rozhan is unreasonable.

He is not afraid of death, not afraid.

Two two times were so miserable by Zhang Bin, he still did not accept.

This is not, he just broke through the Saint-Shengshi, just want to challenge Zhang Bin.

"If I don't have to use the blade of the world, I can definitely hit him and play him. That will be revenge."

Luo Ba Mountain squatted in his heart, but how can you let the bastard don't use the blade of the world?

He is a bit frown.

"Branch", Zhang Bin's Dongfu door opened.

Zhang Bin's face is relief, and I came out.

"Zhang Bin, we will learn, but you can't use the blade of the world."

Rozhan immediately greeted up and shouted.

"Do you want to be a plane? However, what is this change?"

Zhang Bin looked at him with a niche than ancient monster?

At the same time, his body suddenly burst into a sharp pressure and horrible momentum.

, Luo Ba Mountain is directly pressed, directly in the rock, only revealing a head.

He is a face, shocking, taking the Baba, "It is impossible, absolutely impossible, how can you practice so soon?"

Dare Zhang Bin did not have an explosive momentum, he has not seen that Zhang Bin's realm has exceeded too much.

"Is this impossible, you all cultivate to Xiaosheng four? I practiced to five, really nothing."

Zhang Bin said that he did not say good.

He got too much cultivation of resources. If you don't worry that the breakthrough is too fast, let the foundation are unstable, these three years cultivation, he can break through more bottlenecks.

However, even in the Holy 5th, today he is also very strong.

The strength has been increased by more than 30 times. If it is a numerous trial mana, there are more in the domain.

He can easily defeat even if you meet the genius of Dacheng five or even six levels.

If it is the ax of the world, he has the giant giant to grasp the five levels of the heaven, even the six levels.

Of course, there is no domain, and talent is not very good.

If it is the sword of the world, it will be more energetic, which can deal with more powerful giant.

However, most of the heavenly giant is super genius, and they can also condense the blade of the world.

This is not a holy dragon gate.

Therefore, Zhang Bin uses the blade of the world, it is difficult to defeat the heavenly bodies and the giant of the world.

That time, Zhang Bin defeated the old, that is because the elders did not condense the blade of the world.

Otherwise, Zhang Bin uses the sword of the more horrible world, and it is also afraid to defeat the old.

"You - clearly is the mediocrity, you can't even go in the treasure?"

Luo Ba Mountain wants to cry without tears, and say that it is urgent to defeat.

"If you dare to mention the treasure world, I will be welcome to you, I can't tell you live."

Zhang Bin said.

This is the only flaw, if it is propoying, it is likely to disclose him.

The consequences are unimaginable.

"Do you dare to threaten me?"

Luo Baishan said angry.

"I am strong than you."

Zhang Bin said.

"This is the holy dragon gate, not the outside of the rivers and lakes ..."

"I am strong than you."

"You are bullous ..."

"I am strong than you ..."

"Can you speak well? I don't say that the treasure is still there?"

Luo Ba Mountain is tired, and the weak is really no way and strong.

Zhang Bin is lazy, he went to Dragon Han Cloud.

Ask some of the doubts on cultivation, of course, mainly want to see, she is still so crazy.

Is it a secret that Zhang Bin is willing to help her avenge.

"Yes, good, I broke through four bottlenecks so soon, cultivated to Zhongsheng five."

Long Han Yun is normal, although it is a bit cold, but his face is barely appear a touch of smile.

However, this smile makes Zhang Bin a little creepy feel.

It's really ugly than crying.

This woman may have already forgotten what is like a laugh.

"That is, don't look at who I am? In the future, it is the top master outside the domain, so that you will sweep the world, rush all the giant Tianjiao."

Zhang Bin installed a pair of pride, and he said.

"Small bastard, will you blow?"

Long Han Yun has a white bit, and the Land is sitting down in the chair, and gives him a tea, and then asking: "What is the doubts on the cultivation??"

Zhang Bin will not be polite and ask some questions.

Long Han Yun is detailed, and she doesn't know much, she even goes to the cultivation of her husband.

"Your brain hole is too big, I almost answer it." Long Han Yun looked at Zhang Bin with appreciation. "In the future, you will read the Zhongsheng Book and secrets of Tibetan buildings. Read some of the big holy privileges, then you should repair it to Xiaosheng ten. However, now you need to find a master to fight, in order to truly master the mana and energy in the body. Otherwise, you want to break through again, almost impossible. "

"Where do I go to the master to fight?"

Zhang Bin is slightly eyebrow, he also knows that this is Jin Yu's rose.

"Outside the field, in the void, some are the strong domain, and there is also a strong strong robber, the adventure. It is a good place for your grinding."

Long Han Yun said, "Of course, you can challenge many of the top genius of the Shenglong gates. However, they may not be able to die with you, and they may not be in the martial art, most of them have experienced."

"Then I am going to the domain."

Zhang Bin made a determination. "This time, I will cultivate the top ten levels of China."

He doesn't want to challenge many days of the Shenglongmen, which is easy to expose true war.

However, don't worry about it at all outside the domain.

All the way to push.

Moreover, even if the Shenglongmen disciple encounters him, he may not recognize him because he will certainly change the face.

"You can go, but pay attention to safety, and you must come back in the Wanwei gap. Maybe, you can get a good name, so you can get a super treasure in other fields, then you practice to Dasheng, don't worry There is no cultivation of resources. "

Long Han Yun said.

Zhang Bin nodded, and then chatted for a while, he went to the Tibetan class to read numerous classics and secrets.

Even the books of the gods and the giant giant to read, all of which were recorded in their minds, and many jade cylinders, of course, let the rabbits store.

In the future, he learned and read it.

The progress is fine.

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