The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5008, killing a large group

The reason why Zhang Bin wants to speed up the speed of the time.

Because the monster is likely to have a way to summon more monsters.

They are too fast, up to several breathing time, can be reached.

Where does this monster know that Zhang Bin's ax is once again improved?

But it is a miserable call, I'm being killed.

Zhang Bin raised the body of two monsters, hiding into the shock.

Driven quickly.

He just left, countless monsters flew.

The head is still the monster king.

Great is terrible, and the pressure and momentum is also extreme.

It's simply changing the world.


It arrived here, the nose smoked, and he sent a bad angry scream.

The sound is shocked, and sharp is extreme.

Suddenly, this mountain peak is under such horrible sound waves into a powder.

"Lying in the trough, this is too strong, it is terrible."

Zhang Bin certainly used the monitoring law to feel that he was secretly shocked.

It is a deep jealous jealous of the strength of this monster king.

Even if you cultivate to Xiaosheng Ten, it is estimated that it is far from the opponent of the monster king.

Moreover, Zhang Bin also felt that it would hunt again in the future, it is very difficult.

The other party has a defense.

Just come to a few monsters, and it is very powerful, you will definitely don't dare to shoot.

"However, I must have a way."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, and his two eyes shot the light of wisdom.

He did not dare to practice, but the continued use of the monitoring method to monitor the outside.

Observe finely.

The monster king angryly directed a number of monsters to search in this area, looking for.

Many monsters have been slightly skilled from Zhen Tianfeng.

Torting for three days and three nights, they also left.

Returned to the old nest.

Ten days later, Zhang Bin was able to control the Tiantong action.

Go fast to the old nest of the monster.

Look carefully, you can see that Zhang Bin has become a lot.

Whether it is an immersion and prevention, it has skyrocketed.

However, he still did not break through the bottleneck.

However, his will tree has risen again.

Now his will tree can be more than the will of the three-level China.

In other words, Zhang Bin refines most of the beads of the two monsters. Although there is no first time, but continue to make his will tree grow up.

Such treasures is definitely a Best Bao.

He naturally wants to get more.

What's more, such an evil natural enemy, he certainly wants to try it out.

Can't watch them quickly.

In the future, it will make a big disaster.

He has created the trial of the trial rule, and there is a responsibility to cut out such terroristian enemies.

Snow and the night are of course also refining part of the beads, so their body is getting bigger, especially their wings, and multiple of them.

The speed of course has also skyrocketed a lot.

"Perhaps, white snow and night can be quickly powered in this way, speed can be upgraded to the ultimate, reaching the speed of the heavenly field."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his expectation of snow and night, it was more harmonious.

Finally, Zhang Bin was able to control the scenery of the sky and arrived at the place where the monster is old nest.

Probably only tens of thousands of kilometers.

Here, Zhang Bin can clearly monitor the dark peak.

But it is certainly induced by using eyes and love.

He is carefully looking at this area.

Finally, he found a few mountain peaks.

Of course, it is very common, and there is still a lot of medicinal materials.

Zhang Bin found a hidden cave in a mountain.

There is no domain in the field.

After all, the overlord here is the kind of moon.

The domain beasts enter, and it is estimated to be hunted.

As a result, Zhang Bin placed a transfer array here.

He left again and went to the place far away.

Place a will fruit on a mountain, and then a distance from the will, with the dirt in several positions, buried the will of the five heavenly bodies, and also posted a special congression.

He has been experimented, after launching, even white snow and night inducts the will of the will.

However, it is not used in his own body, but it is not used.

After all, his will tree is really too big, and the breath is too rich.

It is not a controversy.

Then Zhang Bin will wait patiently in the peak.

His face is filled with evil smiles.

No Zhang Bin was disappointed, just ten minutes later, flying over 10 monsters.

Anything is much more than the previous monster, it is obviously a stronger monster.

Even Zhang Bin can guess that the monster is ready to start.

This time, the other party is to hunt him Zhang Bin.

More than a dozen monsters are very cautious, they first hover on the peak.

Observe finely, but there is no discovery.

They landed on the peak.

One is ready to eat that will.

But at this time, the continuous five loud sound broke out.

It is completely from the will of the will.

It is the position of this ten monster stands.

It is really destroying the earth.


This ten monsters have made a bad scream.

Their body is broken, the head bursts, and the claw breaks.

When the achievement has 8 monster death.

The remaining two have also suffered from heavy.

" ..."

Zhang Bin took out, and Zhang Bin took out two ax and killed two monsters.

Then he took it in the body of many monsters.

Throwing a transfer array, he stepped in, and saw the white light flashed. He has no shadow.


Almost at the same time, the monster king has killed countless monsters.

They are really ready to prepare for it.

But still slowly.

Let Zhang Bin send it.

However, if Zhang Bin is driving the sky, it may be traged.

This is a war of fighting.

One person is an unparalleled ethnic group.

Any of the strengths of any monsters are not asyed in Zhang Bin, and even most of Zhang Bin is too much.

This is simply too disappeared.

It is more comradiously, it is the prey of a monster, and it is also a food.

But now it is over, Zhang Bin is hunting them.

Not relying on strength, but with the wisdom of the sky.


The monster just arrived, the transfer is also exploded.

It has been chemically produced.

This is because the following is in the end of the transfer array.

Zhang Bin didn't want the other person to know that he was transferred.

That may be carefully looking for this area, and all the peaks are broken into pieces.

This is unfavorable to him.

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