The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5010 This time is really a big fortune.

So, when the monster came to the vicinity of the earthquake.

Zhang Bin suddenly rushed out from the middle, and the ax was on the neck of the monster.

The speed is too fast, and the attack is too sudden.

So, this monster is not happy, it is already fallen.

The head is also dropped.

Zhang Binfei quickly took the body of the monster.

Then escape from the moon palace of the earthquake field.

Of course, his heart beats.

If it is found, the consequences are unimaginable.

Even, he may have to throw the earthquake field and escape through the transfer array.

The earthquake domain may fall into the monster.

This is the legendary Tiandiyin.

He can't afford it.

This time, the risk is really too big.

However, the magical thing happened, there is no movement.

There is no monster at all.

That Bin monitored, and another monster was still stupid.

"Don't you really have two monsters in it?"

Zhang Bin was excited in his heart. He boldly controlled the shock and movement, slowly approaching the hole.

Put a look that the wind is blowing, his mountain is also swaying and going.

This is definitely the guts of Baotian.

If this time, the monster is coming back with a monster, it is blocked inside.

Moreover, if there is a lot of monsters in it, he is also from the network.

However, he hides in a big shock area in the fist, or has a certain concealment.

Will not be seen immediately.

But it is still slow.

Gradually, the earthquake field is not ruined.

It seems to be a piece of gravel.

And Zhang Bin also fully launched the monitoring law, finally saw the situation inside.

It is a huge space.

There is no muscles without any pentaps of sixteens.

Obviously it has been hollowed out.

There is only one skeleton left.

The black gas is diffuse, covering the eyes and knowledge.

Even the monitoring law has also been greatly affected.

So, it looks a bit blurred.

However, in addition to the monster at the hole, I have not seen another monster.

Everywhere is the will of the mountains, fruit, trunk and branches.

Even the monster of the guarded hole, licking a will of the branches like ginger cane.

Eat it is a taste of Jinjin.

For a stone mixed, he is uncomfortable.

Even at all, there is no blocking.

"My God, how much human beings are they killed? How much giant is killed?"

Zhang Bin is cold, and it feels a great sorrow.

Outside the human extraordinary creature in the domain, it has become the food of this monster, and has been secretly hunting, but human beings are completely unknown.

Terrible is that these monsters are not too strong. If they grow up like this monster, it is definitely the end of humanity.

I don't know how this monster is dead?

Is it related to the disappearance?

When Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin is laughter, what is the power of the former Tianship, and the overhante the heavens contains the secret of the big, how could it be related to such a monster?

However, he also faintly felt about it. These monsters are not simple. If they cultivate to the outside, they are so huge, they may really threaten ancient Tianship.

He didn't dare to think, suddenly flew from the peak.

Crazy an ax will cut this monster's neck.

The head dropped.

Even the sound did not send it, it has fallen to the ground, it became a body.

It's really stimulating, hunting the monster in the monster old nest.

It's too crazy.

The two pets in the rainy moon are still scared, and they are stunned.

Where did they have seen such a crazy master?

Zhang Bin is also a bit nervous, because he still has no way to monitor the depths of the monster old nest, is there other monsters?

Fortunately, there is a darkness of the darkness, blocking Zhang Bin's gaze, and it is estimated that it also blocks the monster's own knowledge and eyes.

So, there is still no movement.

Zhang Bin's heart is big, he quickly collected the monster body.

Then he entered the earthquake domain, driving the earthquake field quickly.

At the same time, he observed in detail.

The first is to find a monster. If there is no monster, you can find a way to deal with the monster that is about to return.

What makes him joy is that there is really no monster.

Since Zhang Bin is fully anger, so only the two monsters guarded the old nest, and the rest of them go out to chase Zhang Bin.

"Lying, this time is really cool."

Zhang Bin is extremely happy.

He is more bold, no longer paying attention to many places and will.

Instead, you start to search for numerous special houses and warehouses.

Let Zhang Bin are a bit angry, but the warehouse is a will and leaves, the branches and branches of the will tree.

The house is also.

I can't see other things almost.

However, in a huge warehouse at the deepest place.

Zhang Bin is a super treasure.

"My God, what is this?"

Zhang Bin looked at hundreds of beads that had a shocking voice.

And this is of course the beads of the monster cultivation, in fact, Naddan.

However, this is certainly the fallen monster's Northa.

And it is a super powerful monster's Netan.

You know, Zhang Bin killed these monsters Net Dan is not too big, the biggest one is only so big.

And these Netanes, but like sesame than watermelon.

"My God, the original monster has really had a horrible master, it may be invincible, but now it is already falling, but only Naddan is left, but where is their bodies? They have the body of the monster old ancestors. Even if there is no, it is almost too much. Does anyone else? "

Zhang Bin muttered in his mouth, and his face was full of thriller.

He is really incredible. What kind of existence is it, can you kill the monster of such a huge horrible?

He went in and observed carefully.

It was found that these Netan really dissemised a historical breath.

Obviously have a long time.

"I don't know if there is any use?"

Zhang Bin muttered, did not hesitate to take a knife, cut down a small piece from a bead, throw it into the moon palace of the earthquake field.

The surprise of Snow, swallowed it.

Suddenly, the white snow is light.

Its body is also rapid, and the momentum and the pressure are also rapidly skyrocketing.

"Really useful? This time is really developed."

Zhang Bin is a face of ecstasy.

He immediately took these hundred endanies, all received it in.

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