The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5027 has an excuse

"How can this be?"

Long Han Yun and Hongdong Mountain are completely dumbfounded, and the eye beads are almost dropped.

Their chin also almost dropped.

This result is how they didn't think of it.

This plane is so hard? Can you hit a seven-level giant?

Is this too anti-day?

In fact, this is an accident.

If the scorpion is proud of the cloud knows that the plane is so indestructible, it will definitely not attack.

That is similar to the life.

And the body of human body is very small, flexible, avoiding the impact of the aircraft, it is very easy.

The aircraft should be upgraded to the limit and must become exceptionally enormous.

That flexibility is a big discount.

"Aoyun ..."

The scorpion bismuth and the scorpion have a shouting of incomparacy and grievances.

However, look carefully, you can find that their face is full of excitement and ferocity.

Since the scorpion is proud of the clouds accidentally die.

That is completely excuses.

Now they can announce that the Holy dragon domain is their own, and the disciples of the holy dragon gates will become a corpse.

Two without any delays, immediately reported the death Tianjun immediately, let him come over, destroy the holy dragon gantry, and capture the holy domain.

" ..."

Zhang Bin put out a big disaster, and he was able to escape from the plane.

high speed.

"You can't escape ..."

The scorpion bismuth and scorpion are swayed, they chased the fastest speed.

If you rely on Zhang Bin, then they can have no way to cross the death Tianjun.


Zhang Bin suddenly shot two missiles, straight to two.

It seems like the hot weapon missile on the earth.

However, it is not explosives, but an ancient will.

And it is the kind of super cow.

"Killing ..."

Where did the two put them in their eyes, they are squatting on the missile.

But at this time, the missile exploded.

In fact, the will of the will have exploded.

Brain bumpy ...

Unparalleled sounds.

The fragmentation of the bomb became the most terrorist arms.

... ...

Their armor breaks.

Their people also flew in the air under the bombardment of the subsequent impact wave.

As if the kite of the disconnection is the same, there is no ability to fly.

Ah ...

Their mouth is screaming, blood shot from the five senses, takes out the wounds on the body.

They seem to become a sieve.

" ..."

Zhang Bin has not yet letting them, the plane rolled down, hit it on their body with the murder of the sky.


Brain bumpy ...

Their body burst into the uniform fragmentation.

The powerful soul has also suffered from hitting, and then she is so horrible, and it has been completely collapsed.

It has become a black smoke.

Their will tree burst out.

Their space containers are also exploded.

"God, do you really kill them?"

Long Han Yun and Hongdong Mountain is a complete earthquake, and their faces are full of colors that they don't dare to confuse.

This is too counter-sky.

Zhang Bin is too horrible. It is terrible that Zhang Bin still has an unbeatable will.

It seems that it can threaten any giant.

"It's just a group of people, nothing, even the domains are not, their combat power and defense ability are less powerful. It is absolutely unable to deal with the giant giant on the skyport."

Zhang Bin said faintly, "And, I must use it in the void, if it is in a narrow area, or in the domain, it is not used. The speed is fundamentally."

"But it has also been against the sky, especially the defense ability, too cattle, maybe it can fight against the top ten giant attacks, but it can't deal with any domain."

Hongdong Mountain said.

He is the domain master, even a secondary domain domain domain, but he also knows how much energy can be called, the defense ability and the power, it is much stronger than the top ten giant, as long as it is not Tian Jun, will not fear.

"not good……"

Long Han Yun is nervous, "Zhang Bin, you killed them, this gave death Tianjun excuse, he will definitely won the holy domain."

"Do we not belong to the holy dragon door? What reasons do they have to win the holy dragon domain?"

Zhang Bin put out a penny, of course, it was teasing her.

"You are stupid, they will not recognize this, they will determine that the holy dragon gates killed them three disciples, they have to revenge, we will bring the Shenglongmen to the disaster, we will go back, notify The domain master, immediately escape, the holy dragon domain is not. "

Long Han Yun said.

"Well, let's go to the holy domain."

Zhang Bin went out to put away the will tree and all treasures of the three people, and then destroy their flesh.

Only the plane went to the Holy Domain.

"Hey ... I really dare to kill the disciple of death Tianjun, so good, the holy domain is mine, and all treasures and books in the holy dragon gate belong to me."

The death of the killing Tianjun is a news, he is excited to laugh in the heart, and his face has also floated.

Capture a top ten medium-level domains, and you can't be unscrupulous.

Otherwise, there are a lot of trouble, and many Jun Jun will find him.

It may even let him make it in the holy dragon domain.

This is also the purpose of repeated provocation of the Holy Paragon gate.

Now he is sufficient, but it can be used.

He immediately smeared: "Killing Tianjun, you have handed over Dongshan area, I will bypass you, otherwise you will never flee, I will kill you."

This threat is very useful.

Killing Tianjun took the East Hill area, and death Tianjun is a position that can be in his position.

You can catch up with the rule channel at any time.

Therefore, killing Tianjun is can't escape.

"Death Tianjun, you are shameless."

Killing the sky is airteen, and the extreme of angry.

"Do you give it still?"

Death Tian Jun threatens to drink.

Now he is eager to take the holy domain, do not want to be entangled with killing Tianjun.

But of course it is going to be the opponent.

And he also knows that the magic weapon is estimated that it is not killing Tianjun.

Let the killing day will not be able to do it.

If you let the killing Tianjun come back, kill Tian Jun refines the treasure.

Perhaps Ling Lake can't be done.

"Well, I can give you the Dongshan area, but if you want to chase me in the future, then I will die with you, I want to kill your descendants."

Killing Tianjun is also angry with anger.

"Don't worry, I will not find you in the future."

Death Tianjun patted his chest.

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