"Boom ..."

Xiao Fu Xing does not have to show weakness, let go of the Thunder, and Zhang Bin's war.

The war is very strong.

The horizon of the 80-level thunder can destroy the earth.

However, Zhang Bin's defense ability is too strong. He has revised the practice. It has also a major change.

Don't say 80-level thunder, it is 90, and you can't hurt him.

So, just a few breathing time, Xiaoxing was suppressed by Zhang Bin strongly.

It is a bag that is hit.

"Hey ... master, don't hit, I still hit my hair to fall, in the future, you are your mount ..." Xiaoxing quickly begged for mercy.

"Hey ... this big family is really funny."

The Hongjing Crystal that also flew over suddenly smiled.

She has never seen such a mount.

Zhang Bin jumped on his back, saying faintly: "Flying with your fastest speed ..."

He is to test the speed of Xiaoxing.

Thunder law, it has a speed of super terror.

Now Xiaoying will cultivate the Thunder to level 80 and should be very strong.

" ..."

Xiao Fu Xing moved, and it turned into a lightning, with a white light.

Flying across the void, the blink is millions of kilometers, or even hundreds of millions of kilometers.

"Not bad, the speed is still very fast, although it can't be more than the white snow and night, you can't compare the plane, but there is also an advantage, you can make a Thunder attack. And Snow and night attacks are not strong, they are suitable for the ambestity of the aircraft, but the plane It is necessary to consume an energy. Little Fuxing is not consumed to consume such energy. "

Zhang Bin muttered, his face floated faint pride.

I am getting more and more rich now, and there are four mounts.

Just like the richness of the earth, no one is a few luxury cars? There may be more than a dozen.

I have to continue working hard to get more special mounts.

He landed on the Dongshan area.

Ren Buxing flew in the void.

Little Fuxing is very excessive, and it turns into a very powerful master.

Can be outside the domain.

Naturally, I don't want to go to Zhang Bin's body.

It is naturally unwilling to stop.

Zhang Bin gave Hongdong Mountain and Hong Jingjing's respective Dan.

This kind of realm can be taken.

However, only one capable can only be taken.

There is no use of it.

Therefore, it is necessary to keep refining new medicinal herbs.

In order to break through the bottleneck, let the world and will trees become large.

Therefore, in the future, Zhang Bin is the most troublesome to find a lot of medicinal materials.

In the past, he did not achieve invincible with the realm.

However, because he has a lot of adventures, he got a willousy bird, let his will tree becomes larger.

And he also got a lot of Nets of the ancient swallowed beast.

After taking, let the world and the will tree have skyrocketed.

This makes up for the shortcomings of the past cultures without the immunization of the same realm.

Of course, it is invincible here, and is the arrogance of the ancient arrogance.

If the Tianjiao ratio in the times today, he is estimated to be invincible with the realm.

Zhang Bin did not hurriedly broke through the holy ten.

Because he felt that he did not cultivate the limit of nine-level, it could not achieve invincible with the realm.

After all, his speed is too fast.

The last time is to deal with the monster group, so fast.

Now it is necessary to consolidate the realm.

Can completely improve the power to the ultimate.

" ..."

The blanked sound sounded.

Three two more than a powerful momentum from the Holy Long area.

Falling in front of Zhang Bin.

"Hey, Zhang Bin, now you can definitely be my opponent, I can fight you."

Luo Ba Mountain shouted, his face is full of confidence, "Come, we are trying?"

"No, I will come first."

"I will come first, otherwise Zhang Bin is flatter by you, where is I ointment?"

Yu Zao Qun and Yicheng also said that it will be afraid to say.

Now they have broken through the ninth grade.

The reason why it is so fast, of course, because Zhang Bin helped them improve cultural practice, and gave them a lot of monsters Nenes, and even gave them an ancient holy fruit.

The three people's Tianfang is actually very good, although the three people like to die, but people are still good.

Since Zhang Bin has so many cultural and cultural resources, it also masters many ancient practice secrets.

He is of course willing to cultivate them.

He intends to rebuild the heavens in the future and restore ancient order.

Just relying on him, you can't do it.

Among the great belongings must be cultivated.

However, three guys broke through, and their in vivo world and will trees have also expanded a lot.

So, they extremely expanded, I don't know how the sky is thick.

They just want to find Zhang Bin's revenge, and put Zhang Bin.

It is really miserable by Zhang Bin.

Don't find a game, it is swallowed.

"I rely on, these three guys can really die, will Bin Ge will kill them?"

Hongjing crystal looked at the three people.

Although she didn't know Zhang Bin, she was the first trial of the Tianchaograph, but she did a huge way to know Zhang Bin's will tree. Because she has a willousy bird, she can clearly induction Zhang Bin. The situation of the will tree.

That is really madly skyrocketing.

It has now reached the extent to which the ambural eight level will.

That is to say, Zhang Bin's body can be multi-level China.

This is too terrible.

It is also any Tianjun only looking up.

"Oh ... three little ghosts are really big. If they know the challenge, the people who are challenge are trial Tian Jun. It is estimated that you are urinary pants?" Hongdong Mountain is also laughed, he looked at the three people with mercy.

"Lying, you all want to rebel?"

Zhang Bin also looked at the three people with the weird eyes. Just now Xiao Fu Xing wants to rebel, and even if Zhang Bin is doing its mount, the result is strongly suppressed, and now the three killed guys jumps out.

He didn't have any words, saying faintly: "You come together."

"Take him together? Is also good?"

The three belly black guys look at each other and reached a tacit understanding.

Then they puff to Zhang Bin, and slammed the fist as the rain.

Of course, they all have a full force and even use a ban.

Although it is not convinced, they also know that Zhang Bin is very strong.

If there is a reservation, it may not be able to play Zhang Bin.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin issued a laughter.

His palm is high as high as a high place, and it has become a big fever.

Numerous rules condense in the palm of the palm, and chemically form a huge vortex.

Issued a power of swallowing the world.

The role is on the three people ...

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