The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5041, one palm, explosion, dark

In this way, Zhang Bin has always exchanged the bone or flesh of the swallowed beast or the flesh of his needs.

It is basically achievable.

"Bono, what is this domain of the beast? How is this hard?"

Xiaoyan is also very curious, judged.

"This is a bone called the swallow beast, but the beast is very powerful and horrible ..."

Zhang Bin said.

I looked back and gave a brilliance with the brilliance.

Where is Hongjing Jing to have seen such a lively?

So, it is also impossible to stand at a moment, steal away, just look at the back of Zhang Bin.

This happens to be worried about what is dangerous.

"Mon, she is ..."

Xiaoyan curiously looked back at Hung Jingjing and asked.

"She is my sister Hong Jing Jing."

Zhang Bin said.

"Crystal Hello, my name is Xiaoyan, is your brother's ..."

Xiaoyan is very enthusiastic.

"My brother's ?"

Hong Jingjing is a face, stupid, "Isn't my brother's girlfriend?"

"It's , is not a girlfriend."

Xiaoyan is a little fearful, where is the girlfriend who is eligible to trial Tianjun?

However, I am a lady of Miss, and it can be said to be his woman in the future.

However, you have to see if he will be interested in her.

Also have to see if you have the ability to please him.

"Brother, how much do you hit me? I feel that you and grandfather's secret, the expression is very secret, I really don't have a little girl, I tell you, I have grown up, there is no need to conceal me." Hongjing Jingjiao is inevitable.

"Walk away, we will continue to buy medicinal materials."

Zhang Bin pulled Hong Jing Jing's hand and pulled her.

Hong Jingjing immediately joyful.

Her purpose is that Zhang Bin took her with her, that is, he is afraid that Zhang Bin is going back.

As for Zhang Bin, I wonderful, although curious, but she didn't have much thought.

", bloody fruit?"

Zhang Bin suddenly issued an excitement, with two beautiful women.

Between the blink, they have reached a stall.

Here is that people are being placed, and many medicines and fruits are taken out from the space container, placed on the ground.

There is a fruit blood red, as if the swallow.

It is an ancient drug party.

Can encounter such a treasure, put Zhang Bin's bad.

A lot of medicinal materials in ancient Danfang can be replaced, but the main medicine is alternative.

Once a primary medicine is found, it can be fully announced that it can refine ancient Dan medicine that can lead to thunder.

In fact, the last time Zhang Bin has killed several descensities of death Tianjun, got a lot of medicinal materials.

He can refine several kinds of Yuan Gu Dan medicine, but it is a primary medicine, which is a shortcomings.

He is intended to come to the glare domain to configure the medicinal material, then alchemy.

Original Zhang Bin is looking for medication, but now it is a primary medicine.

You know, this is just a personal stall.

If many domains start exchange of medicinal materials, it is feast.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is very happy.

"How do you sell this kind of fruit? How do I use this treasure?"

Zhang Bin pointed to the bunch of bloody fruit, and another hand appeared in a swallowing beast.

This time is relatively large.

"Rolling one side, this is the fruit of this teenager."

However, the guy who is awkward is talking. A cold voice sounded, and a young boy with a rich murderous and suffocating, under the vulnerability of the arches, his face is full of pride, eyes Incident, it shot on Zhang Bin's face.

"Dark Jun ..."

"The darkness is coming, this teenager can only let the medicinal materials in the look."

"I heard that the genius of the darkness is the most talented descendants of the dark day, so let him have dull."


Suddenly, some people have a surprised voice.

Zhang Bin's face has floated anger. He has never seen such a boy, and dare to be so arrogant before Zhang Bin?

What is the darkness of the dark?

Here is a descendant of the Tianjun of the Bull.

Moreover, here is on the glare domain.

"Still not rolling?"

The darkness saw Zhang Bin and standing here. He was very angry, and a slap in the past.

His realm is a little higher than Zhang Bin, cultivating to the middle of the holy.

Plus he has never been invincible with the realm.

So, where is Zhang Bin to be in the eyes than him low?

What's more, Zhang Bin has not followed anyone.

It is not a descendant of Tianjun.

It is possible to bull.

"Hey ... We must be bullying ordinary people, this boy is estimated to be smashed by him."

The darkness of the darkness will certainly not stop, they all laugh in the heart, watching Zhang Bin in the same way.

"Sure enough, the darkness is really worthy of the super genius of Tianjun second generation."

"He only dares to bully ordinary people. If it is time, yin and yang, the space, the Thunder, the Life Jun, he doesn't dare, it is estimated that he will say hello."


Many people who look at the lively are also discussing, they all look at Zhang Bin with mercy.

This is unfortunately, how can I get a disaster without end?

"How do you learn this monster?"

is extremely exciting.

However, Hung Jingjing is a bit worried, and his face is full of nervous colors. She knows that the descendants of any Tianjun can't provoke.

Seeing the palm of the darkness to play Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin's left hand suddenly lifted, and he grabbed his wrist.

Then he hit a slap in his face.


The horrible voice sounded.


Suddenly Dark Jun seems to be a shell that shot from the gun, whistling to the air.

Then the explosion of the explosion.

Just as if I put a red fireworks.


At this time, the soul of the darkness is also awake, and I have sent a bad scream.

The audience shocked, the Chinese script was silent.

Everyone is stunned, and I can't say it for a long time.

The caising scene has also become extra silence.

The needle can be heard.

There is a nine-level Chinese Sheng, anonymous monk in the district, which can do a slap in the face?

You know, the darkness has been cultivated to the middle of the holy, and it is more important than Zhang Bin.

In other words, the darkness is being smashed by the people.

It is just a shame.

It became a big joke.

Also say that the real world is invincible?

The special grass is a big grass bag, blowing out grass.

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