The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5045 Qingguango Main War Airplane

"Congratulations, finally broke through the holy ten levels."

The Qingguang Domain Lord went in and was congratulated.

He looked at Zhang Bin with a very satisfied and appreciated.

Look carefully, you can see a fear on his face.

For Zhang Bin's enchanting, the future of the emperor, even if he is still not strong, he still does not dare to have any Tang and disrespect.

After all, the life is home.

Of course, this is the glare domain.

As for why it is true, the glare domain is not explained.

But he believes that after all, the glare domain can be more wide than him.

The time exists is too long.

"Slightly progress."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"Sitting sitting."

The Qingguang Domain He said Zhang Bin to sit down.

Then he asked very curiosity: "Where are you getting the magical treasure? Can you let the will tree skyrocket?"

"It is to find out more than one adventure, find it."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"Your luck is too big, get the treasure is too easy, countless years, I have found countless treasures, but there is no one can be found."

The Qingguang Domain Strongly said.

Only the difference did not say that God is returned, and the luck is so good.

"Easy? Hehe ..."

Zhang Bin's face has floated the color, and he stains his own and swallowed the animal group, and one person kills millions of swallowed beasts. ...... "

"Hey ... There is such a horrible domain in the world?"

The Qingguang Dominant is pouring a cold, and the face is full of not a letter.

Looking at Zhang Bin like the monster, I dare not think that he has such a horrible wisdom and guts, and the single guns have killed such a horrible special hunting human monster group.

Sure enough, it is home to the life, this is not dead, but he will kill all the other people.

Such a enchanting, who is right, and he has to end.

"The son is too powerful ..."

Of course he has heard the light merchanes and Xiaoyan who served on one side.

They all shouted in my heart, and their faces were filled with admiration.

"This is the skeleton of the ancient swallowed beast, in fact, is a very powerful magic weapon. Domain, you can try it, can you see its defense?"

Zhang Bin thoughtfully, took it out.

The instant is very large and the previous dimensions are completely restored.

It has emitted a horrible to the ultimate momentum, with a heavy pressure.

"God, such a horrible magic weapon?"

Three people were completely earthquake, and the eyes were a bit sluggish.

After a while, the Qingguang Domain Lord woke up, he said hesitated: "Then I try? If you break, don't blame me."

"This is the most amazing magic weapon, naturally there is repair ability. Don't worry. Despite the shot."

Zhang Bin said.

He is trying to try the airplane's defense.

If you can't resist the giant attack of the Qingguang domain, then, in the future, he encounters Tian Jun. Before he has not strong up, he can only escape immediately.


Qingguang domain is no longer delay, he is a punch on the plane.


A loud noise.

The plane trembled slightly.

However, there is no appearance even a trace.


The Qingguang Domain Lord praised the sound, and his hands appeared in his hand, raised his hands high, and then slammed it on the plane.


The sky is split, splashes.

The plane began to shake dramatically.

But there is still no trace.

"How can this be?"

The eyes of Qingguang domain are almost falling, and his willine is uncomfortable.

If you are invincible, any treasure can be cut off.

However, it did not open the defense of the plane.

This horrible swallowing beast is terrible to be so steping?

"They can eat aspirations and trees, naturally can restrain the will weapons." Zhang Bin said, "Do you try the blade of the world?"


The Qingguang Domain Lord also has a heart, and his hand has an will ax.

Excorps the fierceness of the sky.

Then he was crazy on a plane.

Bang ...

A horrible to the extreme sound.

The plane touched while taking it, but it quickly returned to balance.

A shallow lathe appeared in the place where it was smashed.

However, it is so slightly negligible.

Don't look carefully, you can't see it.

Therefore, you can have a terrorist attack of top Tianjun.

"How can this be?"

The main shock of Qingguango is like a fool.

"Do you try to call the gluner domain?"

Zhang Bin is also very satisfied, so he asked again.

"That is very horrible, maybe you can't resist this treasure, it will be completely broken ..."

The Qingguang domain is a little worried.

"Wonderful ..."

Zhang Bin, but I have seen many horrible will trees in the plane, it is definitely a will of the will of the top.

He believes that the aircraft will certainly hunt the top world giant.

No reason to resist the attack of the glaucoma.

As for saying that he only refines the first layer of array, he estimates that there is no matter how much Zhang Bin is refining, or there is no refining, this magic weapon's defense ability will change.

Because that is the beast.

In the future, he refines more than a diagram, it should be the speed of improvement.

And the speed of the increase is to consume an energy.

"Energy call, human domain combination ..."

The glaucomer is shouting, starting to call the energy of the glaucoma.

Suddenly his body expands rapidly, his momentum is also rapidly skyrocketing.

It's too terrible.

And his hands also appeared a silver ax.

This is the top magic weapon in the sky.

Whether it is sharp or hard, it is not as a weapon.

And he can use such a magic weapon to make a trick.

Then he jumped high high, and his crazy ax was on the wings of the plane.


A huge sound of a horrible

The spark is a brilliant.

The plane turned directly on the side.

Wings are also slightly curved.

The place that was smashed, and there was a deep depression of a fist.

However, for millions of kilometers of aircraft, this scar is simply ignored.

Moreover, this scar is disappeared with the speed visible with the naked eye, just a few breathing time, has been completely recovered.

It seems that there is never injured.

"My God, this defense ability is too burning? This monster, if it is in the past, what is it strong?"

The main shock of the Qingguang Domain is almost bite the tongue, and the face is filled with the color of the confidence.

"This is the second fierce beast ranked in the ancient times - the skeleton of the Actic beast, the defense ability is extremely horrible ..."

The sound of the glare domain sounded.

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