The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5259, Breaky, Testing

"Truth, you will regret it soon, and your people will die very irrelevant, and even you will die."

Undead, I am shouting in my merits.

"I will soon will let you die. My strength, my base card is what you have such a antique. If you are not your empire, but there is any place outside, I can have a point. , your perfect heavens are in front of my truth, but also a big joke. "The face of Truth Daozun is full of contemptuous colors, continue to tramce crazy, put all the citys. Powder.

Then he went to the golden and not destroyed.

His truth pen explored, and painted a space container when you wrote it.

Suddenly, the magical thing happened.

The immortal substance of the golden immortal sea fly, and actively entered this inseparable substance container.

The whole sea is completely dry.

It doesn't even have a drop of golden water.

"Do not go out, transfer to the Truth Empire."

Truth Daozun once again writted these words in the void with the truth pen.

Suddenly, the horror thing happened.

If you don't die, you will automatically fly from the ground.

Then it is a golden dragon.

It went up and went, and finally fell in the truth of the Truth Empire, and took into the earth.

Then there is a golden neutral source of the substance.

The truth law cooperates with the truth pen, which is even so much.

All giant and Daozun are creepy.

The face is filled with fear.

They all secretly celebrated, they did not have to be guilty of truth.

Otherwise, their end is not comparative.

"This is equivalent to breaking the foundation and national transport of the Empire, too poisonous."

"If you don't die, you will be finished."

"It's sad, one step is wrong, I'm going to follow."


They also dramatically whispered, and their faces were filled with .

The heart is also a pity on the immortal Zun.

"Zhen Shidao, you are very poisonous."

If you don't deviate, you will be rushing, and the poison is extreme.

"Broken your country, destroy your foundation. Your empire is destroyed, the emperor crashes, you have to be punished by the heavens and the earth. I want to get my merits, I'm almost impossible. You will die sooner will die in the world." Truth Taoist said faintly, " Dare to make it right, death is your end. "

"Ha ha ha ... I want to kill me? You are really innocent, no death, eternal long-lasting."

If you don't have a crazy laugh, "Instead, how long, how long is it arrogant. When Zhang Bin and Heng Yuanlong have grown, the trial monitoring will join hands, it is your death."

"Then let's wait."

Truth, I said, "I will warn you, I also master the monitoring rule, cultivate it is very advanced, will continue to make quick progress. Although it is not necessarily to capture the position and monitor the empire of monitoring the road, but monitor the empire It is very easy to get to you, but you will be your life at any time. "

After finishing, he flew with the Thunder Disease.

He killed the trial of the empire.

The city established by all Tianlei has stepped into powder.

I laughed and said: "Zhang Bin, I have to see how much merit cultivation you have, after the cultivation is completed, what is your strength?"

"Truth, you don't have to be anxious, don't have to take long, we will come out to destroy your empire, destroy your descendants. Your truth will not keep your people, don't forget, my trial is more advanced, monitoring law can monitor Everything in your descendants, someone else can cultivate the truth to the same level, even beyond, then, you will wait until you are. "Zhang Bin's voice sounded," Do you want to see you again Emperor print? "

The truth is a brightening, and his attention is concentrated in his Tiandiyin, and then he discovered that the genius actually broke the truth and truthfully broke through the two bottlenecks and cultivated to 172. It seems to be faster.

His brow is slight, but soon, he quickly said, "" "" " What is powerful? Also let you know how horror is my topsend? It's not you can confront. I am overlooking the existence, no one can surpass. "

After finishing, he went.

It has become a ghost, disappearing among the heavens and the earth.

No one can know where he went. Hiding where.

There is no way to know what conspiracy is prepared.

Trial the Empire's merit pool.

Zhang Bin, Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, Heng Yuanlong, the unsouno is gathered together.

"If you are not dead, sorry, this time is tired."

Hengyuan Dragon I said.

"There is no hope, you can't make a virtue. In the past, I used an incompetent substance to exchange the massive merits, I can adhere to a lot of many years."

Do not decene and say.

However, his face is very heavy.

There is no merit, only merits.

That is terrible.

More merits, there is also the day that consumes.

In order to save merits, you can only dismiss the Wenwu, which is not your blood.

The emperor of your blood, the same merits.

So, if there is no way to rebuild the dynasty, the last place is not comparative.

Especially, now I have to hide in merits, on the shore of merit pool, it is also consumed, but there is not much consumption.

But that is also an incredible extravagant behavior.

And any Emperor did not mean, and certainly killed in the world.

Therefore, the crisis of death has arrived.

"Don't be nervous, you don't have to be anxious. Now we have no loss, it is a huge victory."

Zhang Bin said, "We are full of peace and robbery, continue to cultivate, we will have a perfect Tiantian. In addition to the power of faith, we will not be subjected to it. Now we have to work hard, It may be cultivated to the Imperial Ten Class. I have two empire. I have two empire, my body will definitely exceed him, just have not cultivated enough genius descendants. In the future, let's first Establish an empire, full defense. Can make merits. That slowly will become strong. "

"Waiting for us to cultivate ten levels, defend against an empire, absolutely no problem."

Hengyuan Dragon said, "At that time, we can also build the country, because we have the heaven and earth bridge, you can support it at any time."

"No matter what, we have to hurry to cultivate and strive."

Liu Chao said.

"Do not deceased, we have a lot of books and magical exercises here, help you, you can make up for your cultivation defects, let your mana have a lot."

Zhang Bin finished, putting a jade tube to the unfamed road.

If you don't die, what kind of practice does he have seen?

However, he still released the knowledge, and then he jumped up highfully, and his face floated, "Yin Cao Duan House? Ghost Emperor Collection? It is good, this is the confidence of the truth, any Human masters, he has to take a kill. I didn't think that you can get it? Then I can have a lot, and I will be defeated by Truth, and I may not be defeated. "

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