The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5263 of the origin of the local

"Don't worry about the Emperor, no one cultivates Dan Road to 150 levels?"

Zhang Bin said.

His own Dan Tao Talent is not very good.

However, Zhang Dong's Dan Tao Talent is very poor.

It has been cultivated to 145.

Have the opportunity to cultivate to level 150, but it takes a long time.

"As far as my Dan's Tao is the best, practice to 149, it is stagnant, this is still because of taking the award, otherwise it can only cultivate to 148." Do not die, "but, 149, also Basically, it can refine the attribute Dan, which is not high in success. If you can find a special treasure, you can increase the level again. "

"Special treasure? There is such a treasure? Heaven and earth generation?"

Zhang Bin asked curiously.

"There is a property that is generated by heaven and earth, such as a more powerful attribute Dan medicine. There is also a medicinal medicine in the Yuankong House. There are some cattle people in the ancient times. Although they can't be a road, they are three ways, even four The road is five great, the heart is arrogant, and I don't want to put on any empire. They have entered the semi-sealful place to establish a Dongfu, find treasures, improve strength, powerful souls, relying on their own strength to fight the world robbery. Most of them Falling, a small part is the stronger, and finally, it can easily fight the robbery of the heavens and the earth. Finally become a member of the local family. The land is not a race. If it is the uniform of many raceful terrorists. Therefore, it is only a horrible. Whether it is false, it is a good garden who has lived in the land, may have left some special medicinal herbs, Danfang What. If you can find it, you will have a big gain, and you may even get too ancient spiritual treasure. The Emperor of the Treasure of Half Seal, and they are mainly looking for such a cave. "

"It turned out to be like this. It is some power to be aunt, because they can't be aunt, and I don't want to use my merits and robbery. So I will go to the semi-sealing local treasure hunt, they may be robbed with the world To exercise yourself. So slowly become strong. Finally, you can have a rumor. This person is a local family. "Zhang Bin suddenly realized," they are really strong, it is really powerful. " . Putting a way to cultivate to unmanned, not necessarily strong, he still has weakness, such as body, such as soul. And to cultivate more cultivation to 150 levels, even if there is no one can become a road Respect, but the integrated mana is very horrible. Plus the body, such as too ancient Lingbao, willing as a steel. The soul is indestructible. That is the most horrible. "

Now, he has finally understood that the truth is said, and the truth is probably the existence of the mission, he doesn't need merits to fight the world robbery, strong, so it is very arrogant and proud.

Don't put Zhang Bin's four genius in your eyes.

Even if someone can exceed him on the truth, he is not afraid, because he can directly kill each other.

Sep it again.

This is a hurry.

"It seems that the body of the truth is also half-sealing the local cultivation, and it may even be a member of the local family." Zhang Bin was taboo in his heart, he felt more careful.

Although the land is not necessarily to help the truth to deal with human beings.

But if human beings have seized everything of the truth, but can't kill him and let him escape.

It is also likely to take a revenge with a male master.

So, there is no strong to invincible, or you can't do it in the golden continent.

"Ni Fu, do we want to go to the seal area for treasure and cultivation?"

Do not die, autumn, look forward to it.

Now Zhang Bin they have so many merits.

It is also to go to the semi-sealing local cultivation of billions.

Is there such a long time, can you still be strong?

Cultivate it here, although it can call the power of the empire.

But but dare not go out, just like a prisoner.

This is not too good.

"Waiting for my body to make it into a Taikoo Lingbao, go to the semi-sealing area for treasure. After powerful, come back to deal with the truth." Zhang Bin Shen said, "I estimate, I have been more than 100,000 years." At that time, I can break through several bottlenecks. Perhaps you can make the sky into a perfect heaven. Even if you are truly killing, there is also the ability to escape. "

"God, you let the body be born into too ancient Lingbao?"

If you don't die, you will jump up, and you will look at Zhang Bin with the eyes of worship.

She also reads that this secret, know how difficult it is to give birth to the body into Taigu Bao.

The secret of the secret has not been successful for more than 300 billion years.

"This is luck." Zhang Bin said, "It's not my talent than him. My Taikoo Lingbao is a trial pen, which is a pen, the shape and my body is almost the same, so it is completely Don't adjust and modify. However, other Taoist Taikoo Lingbao, maybe it is a bead, or if it is an ax, what is the knife, that is to adjust the same array and congenital rune, can you not be difficult? Don't say three billion years, it is 300 billion years, I feel very difficult. "

"Yeah, your trial pen is like a human body, the hair is a pen, the body is the pen, just adjust it slightly. You have two empire, and it is a huge empire, this is fast. "

Don't die, autumn, you have a pretty blush.

I immediately said that she was tense: "Since the stroke of the Taikoo Lingbao has such a huge advantage, the Temple of Truth is also a truth pen, you say that he has the same too astringent ? "

"When I saw him last time, I felt very special, emit a breath of an eternal breath, in fact, the most top of Taikoo Lingbao's breath, obviously, he has made a body. The same too ancient Lingbao is also a jealousy.

He said that he was confident and full: "However, our heritage is now absolutely unbearable. So many residual gave us countless classics, and we still have to continue to be perfect, and the future is four perfect. You can also get more residents, the number of residual souls must be more than four times or more. You can get more books and practice. I have been born late, that is, there are more, each There are only too ancient times. At that time, the cultivation has not been in the peak. So, it is not necessary to catch up with him. "

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