The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5265 Terrorism

Tiandi robbery finally arrived.

At this moment, the golden continent became dead.

The wind is still stationary.

I can't see any emperor.

Specifically, they are all robbery in the cultivation of the midst of the secret room.

Even most of them are not in the array.

Because everyone has robbed to the world, their security is guaranteed.

The time of robbery in the world is very long, three days and three nights.


The truth can be robbed in the world, and it has turned into a golden light over the heavens and the earth.

Soon, I went to the unsatisfactory Empire, and the spatial barrier was easily broken with the truth.

Sneak in, show monitoring rules, and monitor it fine.

He flew down, hovering a circle, just after the view, he muttered: "There is no unmanage of the Empire, many treasures, and even the dragon veins. It seems to monitor the empire or trial the empire. But They may also be in merits, there is nothing to monitor. "

He went to him.

First, I went to the Monitoring Empire, and then I went to the Trial Empire.

In the trial of the empire, the knee is a few laps, he landed in a special place.

I sent a crazy laugh, "Hahaha ... hahaha ... a group of stupid, actually robbed in the Baisheng in the world? And all are here? Are you not affectionate? I am completely a network. This is too easy, too easy. In fact, I really don't want to kill you like this. I hope that you can quickly stronger, the resume is an empire, I will fight with you, then I am a few bar, put you. All taken, that is cool. If it is not a thunder, I will not come out to you. "

There is a truth pen in his hand.

Slowly on the rock.


The horrible voice sounded, and there was a cave in the rock.

The truth pen continues to slowly.

Moreover, it began to rotate quickly.

Just like a drill bit.

Such treasure, that is, the sky is formed, although there is no dragon vein, but it is not underestimated.

Only when his cows can use Taikoo Lingbao.

Then sneak into.

If it is on weekdays, it is not a heaven and earth.

He will naturally not do such a stupid thing.

There is no such opportunity.

Because he sneaked into the empire, Zhang Bin can induce, and you can escape into merits in the pool.

However, now, no matter how he caves, how old is it, Zhang Bin, including the dead, and it is impossible to know.

Because they are scratching the horror.

God is not awake.

"For up to one day, I can take a hole to enter the treasure. I will kill you, it is too simple. It's a bit bad to start." Truth Dao Zun is in the heart, "But, kill you, I will be the supervisory road." The monitoring the empire is also mine. But it is not lost. Just say that you are robbing by the world. I don't have this pot. "

He continued to take a hole with a truth pen.


Zhang Bin, Liu Chao, Zhang Dong, Heng Yuanlong, not dead, no death, headow, the world of unmanaged empire.

There is even a three borders that have been swallowing the heavens, Tian Lei Zhengxuan, Hui Xing, plus unsouncing.

Of course, there is a little Fuxing.

Duilda is a horrible world robbery.

Zhang Bin felt that he seems to fall into the darkness.

Without the body, there is no magical power.

There is only your own soul and consciousness.

The horrible Thunder is crazy in his consciousness.

His consciousness and memory are quickly collapsed.

After a while, he felt himself in the sea.

I am a big whale.

All sides kept to swim the sharks and bite his flesh.

His painful him almost fainted.

However, he did not have a certain way.

That is, there is no resistance to any resistance.

Can only be biting with sharks.

He can only be so hard to resist.

In the end, he only had a whale skeleton left.

Next moment, the scene change again.

The whale skeleton appears in a place where ironmaking is.

A blast furnace is burned red.

The whale skeleton of his consciousness is put in.


The horrible hot sweep is full of body.

Bones are melting.

The pain is also a point where there is no way to endure.

It is not to stick to the general will of steel.

"I can't coma, absolutely can't be coma ..."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart.

He continues to hard to resist this torture.

If it is a coma, it is equal to the big robbery failure.

If there is no merit, it is completely fallen.

The soul collapsed.

If there is a merit, the merit will start consumption while you are coma.

Help you reduce the feelings of pain, so you can insist on the end of the robbery.

Many people can't resist such pain. When I arrived, I started burning merits when I came.

There is no such horror in heaven and earth.

The torture is relaxed, and the temptation is not very horrible.

Yes, I have a small robbery, Zhang Bin has spent many times.

Sometimes it is tempting the robbery, the sky is a beautiful woman, tempting you.

Or it is tempting you to your loved ones.

Let you make some things that violate morality and conscience.

Thus make your soul and soul crash in condemnation.

Therefore, the world is a small robbery, everyone is basically not burning merits, hard antity, ensuring that the heavens and the earth do not abandon themselves.

I can't afford it, I am using merit.

The whale skeleton has become a gray ashes in the oven.

The oven is also slowly cooling down.

A wind blowing.

Ashes floors.

Finally, it is completely free.

In general, at this time, all the emperors, including the road to be coma.

The awareness does not exist.

Gongde will start.

However, Zhang Bin has not been coma.

He feels that his consciousness has become thousands of points.

Dissipate all in the world.

Survived by the earth and swallowed by the river lake.

It becomes weak slowly.

If you can't support it, he is also coma.

Do not……

I can't coma.

I want to make my consciousness, I have to fight the truth.

He can ignore the robbery of heaven and earth, and the land can also ignore, and the heavens are stronger.

Why can't I do it?

I Zhang Bin is a judge.

Trial everything.

I am tall.

Even the heavens and the earth can trial.

How can heaven and earth?

"Trial ..."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart.

He looked at the faint golden light.

But it is now destroyed.

Then light up.

Just as the bulb is insufficient.

It's so bleak.

It seems that the candle fire in the wind can be extinguished at any time.

"Hey ..."

Truth Daozun stands outside of Baandi, the truth pen in his hand continues to rotate quickly.

The truth pen is innective and it has become more and longer.

The sound has become more and more dull.

"It's time for a day, it's going to be broken. Zhang Binheng Yuanlong is not dead, do you have died?"

The truth is a madness.

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