The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5297 is intimidation

"Trial, rebellious yourself sentenced ..."

Zhang Bin was furious. His body is directly integrated with the Taikoo Lingbao trial pen. He burst into a golden light, his feet were also an extraordinary trial station, and there were countless judges behind him. Made of vain.

The magnificent momentum exudes from his body, and the violation of the rolling is also swept from his body.

His hair has become a sharp striker, and his hands are quickly written out in the void - the death penalty.

It has been chemically formed, and the blink is posted on the forehead of the group.


The group is screaming, and it is directly dropped directly.

However, that is just a puppet.

Not his body.

And his voice came out of the Zhenhe Temple, with a deep contempt, "Do you think I am so stupid? Directly come out and you? I am in the native temple, you will always I can't hurt me. However, now I can self-explosion now, I will directly put you into a gray. "

" ?"

Zhang Bin slammed in his heart, he read countless books, of course, knowing the treasure of the puppet.

This is the master of being cultivated to the masters of the mortar, can replace their body, it seems to be exactly the same.

But if it is a horrible attack, death is a puppet.

The bastard was controlled so many emperors, of course, all of them, which may have the Tiandi to cultivate the way to a horrible point.

Even, the valley may have been arranged by them, killing the genius of the sky, if it is a mediocrity, will not intercept.

Elf Emperor may only be a sake of control, because he cultivated the way of cultivation.

"What should we do now?"

Zhang Bin's face became a bit ugly.

Many residual souls are also a bit depressed, such a situation seems to be dead.

The opponent has so many human meat bombs.

Any self-burst is extremely horrible.

The soul and the body are self-explosion, the mana and energy are all bombard.

Too horrible.

It can be compared to any huge universe.

And in the golden continent, any of the emperors, even if it is necessary to be killed by the enemy immediately, they will not be self-explosion.

Because I am self-explosion, I can't resurrect.

The energy of the soul, the material is completely thoroughly generated into energy bombardment enemies.

Not in the world.

Therefore, in the war, don't have such concerns.

However, these more than 3,000 Tianmili are thoroughly controlled. They have not had their own souls and thoughts, but they will not hesitate to self-explode under each other's orders.

Terrible is that in the temple of Ehe, there may be more Tianmili, all controlled by the other party, and you can come out at any time.

"How? You still haven't thought it? Then I can only let them explore, let you completely kill you."

The group is proud, and the fiercely said, "I have a human meat bomb, I have long thought of there will be a genius like you, naturally have a way to deal with you."

"You let me think about it, I am adding to you, or is it?"

Zhang Bin muttered, his face was full of pain and despair.

The heart is in a very important issue in nervousness, that is, why don't they come out to kill the elf and giant? But let them have been outside?

They can completely let several emperors come from explosion, they can kill their soul.

Does the Elf and the Giants are actually their molecule?

That is to let them induce strong genius?

As for the imperial emperor, will they do?

If this is the case, then there is no vitality.

But there is another situation, the emperor of the elf and giant is really not their people, and they don't dare to deal with them, they don't have any grasp, I don't dare to self-explosion, because I am worried about destroying the virtual temple. The Ehehe Temple is very cattle, but can really bear the self-explosion of an inner universe?

If you can't afford it, it is the same end.

One possibility is relatively large.

If they don't have such concerns, why will it threaten and forced?

Let several Tian Emperor will come out to explode.

Let more than 3,000 emperors come out, it is too stupid.

This is intimidation.

In fact, they don't dare to self-explosion.

What's more, even if you are self-explosion, you may not have a way to cope.

As long as you avoid the other direction of the ignither Temple.

The Eshen Temple is not destroyed, and he will basically there will be no problem. After all, he is also a super .

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin's heart suddenly turned over.

He also did not empty the emperor, but it entered his perfect heaven.

All of the souls have also been entered.

However, the door of the perfect Tiantian is the hole.

Zhang Bin stood at the gate, behind the countless residual soul.

Zhang Bin's hands appeared in the hands of it.

Gao Gang raised his hand, but there was no attack, and there was a ridicule of ridicule.

"It seems that you can only send you up."

The sound of the group has become cold, and the horror murder is also emitted from the gate of the Zhenhe Temple.

The gate is slowly closed, and it seems that the other party will immediately display self-explosion.

"Trial, I am sentenced yourself ..."

Zhang Bin is no longer hesitating and shouting crazy.

His hair rapidly wrote two big characters - death penalty.

The instant became a large covert, and then acutely split into more than 3,000.

Explosive in the past.

He decided to kill them all, now they live, it is better to die.

Then they may be resurrected.

So, he does not leave.


More than 3,000 Tianmili shouted at the same time, they showed the rule of terror, while the words of Zhang Bin's death penalty.

Kill kill ...

The 8 million souls after Zhang Bin also shouted in madness.

Hold their rules out.

Suddenly, countless rules are bombarded.

Bang ...

The sound is natural, the sun and the moon are light, and the sky is discolored.

It is too horrible.

A huge mushroom cloud is also emptying, and the array of days is collapsed.

However, with the end of life, it has honest.

But can't be broken.

Zhang Bin's death penalty is also crashing under such a horrible attack.

More than 3,000 Tianmili also retired after connecting.

Zhang Bin's perfect heaven flew down to the horrible impact wave.

The Eheh Temple is slightly shaking.

"Hahaha ... they don't dare to be self-explosion, because it may make the ignither temples broken."

There is a lot of emperors, and I have emitted excited shouts.

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