The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5304 is easy to go

"Do you dare to work with my local family?"

Jingyang Qiu furiously, looked at the shadow of Zhang Bin on the wall as the dead.

His face has floated a ferocious smirk.

It is obviously a horror giant that can't be reversed.

In fact, he is unclear, how many years, no one dares to reverse him.

Perhaps, since he cultivated into a local family, no one dared.

However, now it has come out, and it has not been cultivated to the ten level.

That is it just a crust.

What is the big gut?

It's just that I don't know how to live.

"Is it right with your locality? This is a big joke, you come to grab me the treasure, is you in harmony with me, the land can be ignored, do you want it?"

Zhang Bin said with anger.

"Sorry, our local countries can really want to do their desired, no one dare to fight."

Jingyang Autumn proudly said.

Zhang Bin and many residual souls were angry, they did not have seen such arrogant giant.

"Is it true that the world really doesn't have you?"

Zhang Bin said his face.

"Sorry, I can't help us in the world."

Jingyang Qiu said proudly.

"That day? Can they not let you?"

Zhang Bin slammed, said angrily.

"Tian people are powerful than us, but they are our own people."

Jingyang Autumn is told, "The giant huge of our locality will be promoted into Tianmu in the future. They are equal to the parents of the land, we are equal to the child of the Tianzu. So, if you want to be right with our locality, the sky I don't have your place. You can't live a long time. If you want to kill you, it is too easy. You have no use of the north temple, we have a way to break the ignither Temple. Just Well pay a certain price. "

"I can't open the ignither Temple in the world. Can you do it? It is a big joke."

Zhang Bin said, "Moreover, I will never believe that the heavens and the earth are really not you, but there is no need to fight, there is no need. If you go down, you will fight, against the heavens and the earth, nothing to exist, let alone I really don't believe that you can represent the local mission. If the local family is all people like you, I have never existed. "


Jingyang autumn is anxious, roaring, "I finally asked you, do you really want to be the most right with our local?"

"Into, I finally asked you, do you really want to capture my treasure?"

Zhang Bin was angry.

"court death."

Jing Yangqiu roared, his hands appeared a horrible magic weapon.

That is a hill.

Dark gold color.

Hereinafter also wrote a few big characters - over-site printing.

Then he was crazy to put the seal out.

The instant became the sky, the blink of an eye is already in the ignither.


A horrible to the extreme sound.

Spark splash.

The rays were bursting.

Having hooded from a huge anti-shock and was shocked in the air.

But the ignither Temple is also shaking, and there is a touch of cracks on the surface.

A pair of appearances to collapse.

The power of this hit is really horrible to the extreme.

Zhang Bin, they are all creepy.

Jingyang Autumn is much stronger than they imagined.

Perhaps, he really has the ability to destroy the destruction of the north temple.

"Ha ha……"

However, Zhang Bin is a clear.

Shouting in your heart: "The array is started."

Variation variation, there have been countless space cracks, and countless contrams are also derived.

And this time, the method is derived from the surroundings of the Zhehe Temple, and began to spread far away from the distance.

I didn't derive the array of array just now, so I almost crushed.

The material of the Ehehe Temple is of course imperative, with an endless characteristics, and has a repair ability.

However, there is no array, or it will still be broken.

"Mixing ..."

Jingyang autumn is airstrip, he quickly retreats, and he does not dare to fall into the array.

However, he is a command to cover the madness.


A loud noise of the sky.

Void shock, spatial cracks are collapsed.

The ancient Chinese is also shattered.

However, more cracks are generated, more of the Taikoo rigmate is derived.

The land is covered out to block in front of the array, and cannot bombard the ignither temple.

Terrible is that the array will continue to spread out quickly.

Suddenly white fog is filled, covering the sky.

The eyes are also unclear, and the knowledge is also induced.

Jingyang Autumn can only continue to retreat, do not dare to surround the array.

The Hubei Temple is now thoroughly carried out by Zhangbin, and the array is also thoroughly launched, and the defense capacity is increased to the extreme.

The attack ability is also extremely horrible.

Although he is strong, you can't resist it.

Their regiments are of course an emoticon temple, so I know the terrorist power of the ignither Temple.

The reason why he has to grab Zhang Bin's temple, that is because anyone is a limitation.

Only 500,000 days of emperor entered the avoidance.

If you exceed this, you will close it yourself and don't open it.

Their number of people is numerous, of course, want to master all the Eheh Temples in their hands.

Then they can become more and more prosperous.

It is only that they have not thought about it, and there is an ignorant temple outside the country, and it has been hidden on this mountain.

Due to the distance from the distance, it is too far away from the land.

Until Zhang Bin was refining, Jin Guang shines, and attracted his attention.

But what didn't think of, I still didn't take it.

"Betting, you are waiting for me, our land will not let you go, you only have a dead road."

Jingyang Autumn sent a big shouting of incomparacy and grievances.

Then he hide it, as if there is no existence.

Obviously, he is waiting for Zhang Bin to come out.

It is impossible to hide in the ignition temple.

The day will always come out.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin made a despise, he did not feel the other party.

But there is nothing concerns.

His mind is always moving, and his Ehe's temple has already fly.

It has become a stream, swaying.

The speed is fast to the ultimate.

Voids, spatial cracks cannot hurt and block it.

"Lying in the trough, this is really a burden."

All of the souls, there are Luohong, both secretly marvel.

After all, in such a place, the Emperor did not dare to fly so, it may fall in the empty.

Half-sealing area, void is very dangerous.

However, the giant huge such as Jingyang Autumn is dare to cross the void.

However, his speed and is far less than.

Therefore, he can only look dark, look at the distance of the ignition temple, and catch up.

"This is my local area, you can't escape."

Jingyang autumn was rushing to roar.

(Chat, today only two chapters, sorry. There are more than 1 million words, follow-up is very difficult.)

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