The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5307 has one

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Zhang Bin is a creepy and sweating.

Fortunately, he did not use the perfect heavenly confrontation, which may be perfect to be divided into two halves.

Many of the souls may have too much false.

The physical attack ability of the flying saucer is definitely the crown of the world.

Directly is invincible.

"Trial, rebellious yourself sentenced ..."

Zhang Bin did not dare to neglect, his body and trial pen were completely integrated.

Hair is written into a pen, and it is written quickly - the word death penalty.

With a murder of the sky, flew over, and fell on the flying saucer.

The flying saucer paused slightly, and sent a painful voice. "Who dares to trial this emperor? Even the heavens and the earth are not tried. What do you count?"

"Trial, rebellious death sentence ..."

Zhang Bin did not have any hesitation and continued to show the trial rules.

Bombards on the UFO.

"Boom ..."

Many residual souls are also crazy on the rules of the laws that are good at.

Death rules.

Thunder law.



It is a rule that can deal with the soul.

And it is very advanced.


The flying saucer made a painful scream, "you are looking for death."

It rotates more quickly, and has become a horrible cold light, cut.

That is definitely invincible.

If there is another one, even if you have a perfect heaven, you can't stand it.

But Zhang Bin is different.

He has a horrible endon temple.

This is also the treasure that he has no way to deal with it.

Although there is no intelligence, the defense ability is also extremely terrible.

Therefore, Zhang Bin didn't see it, and the perfect heaven is also unprepared.

Instead, it is the temple, and the defense law is also started at the same time.

Spatial crack, Taikoo schema, rapid spread.

White fog is also vacant.


The emperor of the flying saucer is really too cattle.

Continue to cut in, and the array can't resist, and they were cut directly.

Huge cracks appeared.

However, the speed of the UFO has also been affected, which is much reduced.

Therefore, Zhang Bin rapidly retreats quickly.

Let the flying sauce will never attack the .

Zhang Bin did not do anyway, what should I do if I can't resist the attack of the UFO?

Then he may flee can't escape.

However, Zhang Bin also found the weakness of the emperor of the flying saucer.

That is its soul is not as strong as the body.

If it is attacking the soul, it is possible to kill it.

Therefore, he let the door of the Zhem Temple open, he continues to show the judgment rules attack.

Many residual souls continue to display horror law attacks.

This allows the UFO to only be beaten and cannot attack.

"Ah ... I am mad at me."

The emperor of the flying saucer is angry, and the extreme of anger.

It continues to chase a while, or have to give up.

For a long time, it is a bit a bit of a bit to attack by many of the laws of attacking the soul.

In particular, Zhang Bin's trial rule, the power of the death penalty is particularly terrible.

It quickly retreated, is awkward outside the array of Eheh Temple, "Human, do you hide in the turtle shell for a lifetime? If you have a matter, you will come out and the war, see how I kill you."

"You have this thing to kill in, continue to attack my magic weapon, see how I kill you stupid."

Zhang Bin also shouted in a smile.

Even, he began to let Luohong pick the many medicinal materials on the ground, ready to refine the second Danfang.

Enhance the defense of your body and soul. Also enhance your own war.

At this time, Zhang Bin finally realized that his body's defense capacity is too weak.

If you can practice your body to the ground like the flying saucer so that you are so cow, that's really.

In the heart of Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin has a desire. If it is the secret of the flying saucer to practice, the body will become powerful quickly?

After all, my body is also cultivated in accordance with the method of cultivating the Taigu Lingbao.

But then the method without the emperor of the flying saucer is high.

How can you like it?

"If I put the trial rule, then improve multiple levels, perhaps you can hit its soul, then you can use it."

Zhang Bin took place in his heart, so he began to fully understand the trial rules.

His trial rules are now practicing to a sharp point, that is, 188.

So, in order to kill a lot of powerful Tianmili.

Unfortunately, there is no merit pool here, otherwise, use merits pool to practice, burning merit cultivation, speed can be faster.

In fact, Zhang Bin has not burned merits so far.

Because he has not been cultivated to a stepp.

Can make quick progress in yourself, compare mers?

Good merits or collection, if you can bring together to 100 million merits.

That can be transferred to the heavens and the earth, and can use the strength to practice the magic of some kind of cattle.

"Human, you will roll out soon, here is the great land of this emperor, if you don't listen, the consequences are at your own risk."

The emperor of the flying saucer screamed.

It feels that Zhang Bin, can't kill the Hubei Temple, can only expel.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, and even he entered the lake.

Start madness to collect the immortal substances in the lake.

"you wanna die……"

The emperor of the flying saucer was completely angry.

It instantly became covered, and the rays of unparalleled rays were sent, and the singular fluctuations were also swept the world.


The horrible voice sounded, and it was a too ancient spiritual treasure.

This time the Taikoo Lingbao is very weird, it is a comb.

But the comb teeth are sharp.

Excissible rays that are incomparably brilliant.

"Big Brother, have you encountered a strong enemy?"

The comb flew over and asked surprised.

She dared to think, there is still what existence in the world, can fight her big brother.

It is a local family, and it will not come here.

Even if you come in, the big brother will not be afraid.

"It is a human, he has a very cow, which seems to be the legendary Slee Temple. It is a heaven and earth that is pregnant. The defense ability is terrible, because it can constitute a defensive array, now I attack from the front. You From the back attack, as long as it can be close, then you can kill him, he actually dare to grab my unsteady. "

The emperor of the flying saucer was angry.

"yes, Sir."

The comb promkets to the back of the temple.

Together with the emperor of the flying saucer, began to kill the ignither temple in the temple, and the array couldn't stand.

"Lying in the trough, there are two Taikoo Lingbao that produces a wise? Is there any special place in this area?"

Zhang Binnai is eye-catching and shocking.

The heart is also a desire, if you can get these two too ancient spiritual treasures, it is really developed.

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