However, if there is any human can create such a magical secret law, Zhang Bin has no way to repair the feeding of the Tianbaofeng.

During this time, Luo Hong also founded the second Danfang of the Dafa of the Dafa, let Zhang Bin enter the Dan furnace and refine it.

Let Zhang Bin's body and the defense strength of the soul have skyrocketed again.

Plus the cultivation of the burial clouds, his strength is rapid.

Refining an irregular monument of unsudulent substances, and the contrast of more cattle is derived.

Defense capacity is rapidly improved.

The flying saucer and the comb did not stop Zhang Bin from cultivating, and he had been secretly observing Zhang Bin.

It seems still a little doubt.

This is a Taikoo Lingbao?

Or is it a human traitor?

However, they still don't feel any crisis.

As far as their strength, it will not fear Zhang Bin.

Even if Zhang Bin cultivates the body as soon as they are as strong as they are as strong as they are as strong as they are as strong as they are as strong as they are as strong as they are as strong as they are as strong as they are as strong as they are so powerful.

Moreover, they also expect Zhang Bin to cultivate more than wisdom and souls.

All, they all ask Zhang Bin's inquiry.

And explained fine, there is no impatient.

Such a Taikoo Lingbao, which is more lonely.

There is no such entertainment.

Therefore, now with Zhang Bin, let them have a teacher's addiction.

Zhang Bin has passed the secret law to Zhang Dong, Liu Chaoyheng, Yuan Dragon.

Let their body can become stronger.

However, there is not much not extinguishing substance on them, but it is a bit trouble.

However, they also have their own adventures, and they are no more than Zhang Bin.

So, I didn't think about cultivating it here.

Time is running rapidly.

Hundreds of years have passed.

"Madi, the realm is can't stop, I really have to break through. The Bao Emperor who is fooled by me will be robbed from me. I see that I am human?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, because there is such a concern, Zhang Bin is still pressing the realm.

Otherwise, he has already broken through the nine levels of the emperor.

Even if you work hard, his trial rule has also been advanced twice, repairing it to 190.

Power has improved a lot.

However, Zhang Bin himself cultivated the burial day, and I felt still can't destroy the soul of two too ancient Lingbao.

The other party refines too much of too many incompetent substances, and the soul also has an endless character.

Although the trial rule is terror, it is still not.

"Two brothers, I want to pick some special medicinal materials and some special treasures to refine my body. Say for a while."

Zhang Bin still dares to rob in their day, if they suddenly attacked, they really have to tragedy.

"go Go."

The flying saucer and the comb are faintly.

I don't care about it.

"Big brother, can you let me worship the big emperor, see his body, maybe I can make me feel more about the mystery of cultivation."

Zhang Bin looks forward to saying, "Then I will leave here, maybe you can fly."

Today, he has split the two guys.

He can do it.

As for two of them, he couldn't do it. He was stronger, and he secretly found that the flying saucer and the comb were also become stronger.

The speed is not too slow.

However, if you can deceive the coffin, take the escape.

It is very good.

In the future, I will cultivate myself, and I can return to the task given by the world.

Kill them two souls.

"It's also, let you see it. In fact, we practice, mainly to see the body of the big emperor, can we turn quickly."

The flying saucer finished, the flying saucer suddenly opened, and a paint black and the coffin of the ink flew out.

In the land.

I sent a horrible to the extreme giant.

Suddenly, it is shocking, the extreme horror.

The coffin is huge, with a length of 4 billion kilometers.

There are also tens of millions of heights and widths.

The surface is not a numerous contravement, and any of the euphoric cafes is unique.

Xuanao pole.

It seems that you can destroy everything in terrorism to destroy everything.

Zhang Bin is a bit unstable, which is continuously retreat.

His eyes also lit a red-hot light, greedily looked at the contigutrient runes above.

The funeral day is the most powerful thing is the magical Taikoo rune.

Forming one more, understanding one, you can refine some unsulfed substances.

The body and soul will become strong.

Now Zhang Bin knows that there is no one in the other ancient runes on the coffin.

The gap is too big.

However, looking at the ready-made Taikoo rune on the coffin, the speed of cultivation and realization will be much faster.

However, the two guys used him very guarded him and did not let him see.

I know that he said that he said to look for her herbs, put forward this request, the other party agreed.

It can be seen, how precious this treasure is.

Even if you read the funeral book, even if two guys are answering Zhang Bin's problem. However, it is not a discretion of coffins, and progress is still very slow.

"Wo Day, no wonder these two bastards are only submissive. It turned out that they have been comprehension of the coffin."

Zhang Bin was depressed in his heart.

Your own fool is still successful.

There is no trust in two Taigu Treasures thoroughly.

Seeing such a huge coffin such as such terrorist and suffocating, Zhang Bin knows that he has no ability to steal, as for the deception, it is not possible.

Two guys are not stupid.

Maybe it is still stupid.

Just want him to teach the burial day to give some other too ancient spiritual treasures.

Also have any other purpose.

"Big Brother, Er Brother, you said, can the funeral heaven can you have a soul again? If you can, what is better, our Bao will become very powerful." Zhang Bin said.

In fact, it is also worried.

This kind of thing is not necessarily.

Otherwise, the world will not rush to kill these two bastants.

Guide him Zhang Bin to come here to take risks.

"That is not very clear, anyway, now the body of the big emperor has not yet pregnant and wisdom, and may be in gestation." The emperor of the flying saucer said faintly.

"The body of the funeral heaven is the windshield of our family, and it is also the source of robbery. It will become stronger and stronger, there will be a lot of many powerful existence of many funeral days. We will be one of them. "

"It's too good. We can't be self-purple, you must work hard."

Zhang Bin said, "I am looking for some special medicinal materials, and then I will cultivate with you."

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