The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5314, Taikoo Soul

Zhang Bin is a face, what is this?

Why didn't you attack me?

Is it to give me an ant readily?

"Be careful, this is the scriptures of the Taikan Soumbard. If you can't comprehend as soon as possible, the soul will collapse, because your soul can't help, you must make an ecstasist in the surface of the soul."

A high-inspiring remnant shouted, "This is very rare, it is equal to the secret law of the heavens and the earth in taking your super cow, too ancient soul, there have been several times from too ancient times, but only one person Survive, but there is not all the understanding, just understand the part. It is said that the man is the giant of the land. "

"Lying in the trough is so powerful?"

Zhang Bin is not only not afraid, but it is extremely exciting.

He is still the first time I know that there is still too ancient people in the world?

The first time I know that I can't condense the Sougs in the surface of the soul?

Is the soul that will be strong too much?

The funeral heaven is because he did not comprehend the ecstasy, and did not constitute a too ancient soul in the soul.

He didn't dare to think more, sit on the knee, and two eyes looked at the verses on the stone.

Listening to the dark golden antscript.

The ants are of course not really existed, it is an ancient soul jumping on the stone.

Every ant is a rune, exudes an incomparably mysterious breath.

It also has an endless taste.

The sound is also totally different.

Anyone has a special meaning.

Zhang Bin started that it was a face, but he slowly realized what.

The face also floated shock and excited color.


He seems to have entered a new world, a field he never know.

If he is not in the last 10,000 years, he is reading the burial day, and I have realized a lot of too many contigutrins.

I have made some foundations, he is absolutely not understood.

It's too deep.

It is just like listening to the subject.

Slowly, Zhang Bin's soul is condensed out of an ant.

Then it is the second, third.

However, there are some can't understand, so he can't get up.

Can only be empty there.

Therefore, the text of his soul forming the text is small.

Hear a miserable.

Finally, after reading it.

Then start again from the beginning and continue to recite.

"Lying in the trough, there is such a good thing?"

Zhang Bin is so happy, and again, I am trying to understand it.

Those who miss the rune were added to some of them.

But of course it is impossible to completely add it.

It's ancient times.

Many residents are also excited, they are also trying to listen, and they are realized.

There are some residual souls very cattle, and one or two runes are condensed on the surface.

They are not true souls, but the soul.

It is very impossible to do so.

It can be seen that what is the top day before the birth.

After three times.

It is completely silent and there is no longer ringing.

A total of approximately 10,000 runes.

Zhang Bin has 99 cafes have not been understood.

Even if it is what is like, I don't remember.

It is completely a look.

The horror thing happened.

The stone with a scripture is like the ghost, like a ghost, in the moon palace.

With the murder of the sky to Zhang Bin's soul.

Suddenly the golden light is bursting, murderous.


Zhang Bin's soul shouted, and he was in the scriptures.


A loud noise.

Zhang Bin's soul was bombarded.

There have been cracks in places where there is no scripture.

Fortunately, there are only 99 places.

Therefore, it is not deadly.

However, Zhang Bin is still a creepy, he finally understands that many people have not spent the reason for this too ancient scriptures.

It is not tolerate, but not to comprehend too much scriptures, it is completely broken.

Your own understanding is good, and I laundered the foundation, I can understand so much, just 99 did not comprehend.

However, if you can't comprehend, it may still be a terrorist robbery.

The rune must be added quickly.

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin's minds and attention is fully concentrated on the stone, and watching the runes who have not condensed themselves.

I don't pay attention to the attack of the stone.

Hey ...

The stone that condenses the vetein crazy hits Zhang Bin's soul and put Zhang Bin's soul hit the earth.

The pole of the wolf.

However, Zhang Bin also made progress and quickly realized nine runes.

Quickly add up, suddenly, these places become no flaws.

There is no crack again.

He continued to understand such a madness and suffered from the stone.

This is a natural robbery.

It is also an incredible risk of robbery, dealing with your soul, if you can't comprehend the ecstasy.

Then it can only be a dead road.

Tianship continues.

Zhang Bin's soul was beaten very miserable, and those where there were no runes began to collapse.

A deep hole appeared.

"Ah ..."

Zhang Bin's soul made a painful voice because he felt a strong pain.

This is really horrible.

Zhang Bin's soul is two. Four hands, four feet.

Now the two souls are very miserable.

And the runes of the two soul surfaces are different.

Originally, the stone looks like two and the human body together.

Zhang Bin continued to be madly, condensed.

I realized one, condensed, and the place where the collapse was repaired.

Let him become safe.

However, if you continue this, it is absolutely not long.

Because the cave crash is inversely, it began to spread.

"That remnant said that although one person did not understand all, but he spent the robbery, how did he do it?"

Zhang Bin is thinking about the way, while thinking about it.

His talent is very good, but in such a transient time, all of these incompletely anlythy runes is all.

It is still like the night of the night.

There are still fifty.


49 ...

40 ...

More runes are comprehensible and adding in lacking.

Deep hole disappeared.

However, there is no place to add, but it will continue to crash deeply.

Let his soul have the possibility of crash.

It is simply unstoppable.

It's not difficult to insist on an hour.

Zhang Bin finally took 97 people who did not have a real understanding.

There are only two no comprehension.

They are in a soul chest and lower abdomen.

These two runes are very difficult, he is a fogwater.

I have no way to comprehend.

Therefore, his soul began to collapse from here, and the energy of the soul leaked.

It seems that a balloon that has been tied with a hole, so I will go down and immediately fall.

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