The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5317, Tongyu

"Two brothers, Zhang Bin came back. You are more and more powerful."

Zhang Bin took the ignorance of the ignoranding.

Say to the flying saucer and the comb.

The flying saucer and the combo face have floated the smile of victory.

Zhang Bin came back so soon, and it really didn't endure the temptation of the ancient rune on the coffin.

Also, it is estimated that anyone can't stand it.

More condensed out an ancient Chinese.

The defendability of the body will increase a lot.

"The body of the funeral heaven is in my body, if you want to understand, come in with the sister."

The emperor of the flying saucer said faintly.

Its body is completely unsteading, just by Zhang Bin attack, you can't hurt it.

However, its soul is not necessarily unsteading. If Zhang Bin enters, attacking its soul inside, it is really possible to kill it.

It dares to be so bold, obviously there is a reliance?

Do you have some time, its soul is flying?

Or, is it to take Zhang Bin into the killing?

Also, in its body, Zhang Bin urgently had the ignition temple, and it can't escape.

The comb is also there, that is likely to attack the ignitheon immediately, and let Zhang Bin off.

"The comb is a woman?"

Zhang Bin put out a surprised look.

In fact, he knows that Taikoo Lingbao is not gender.

The reason why the comb is now doing women, and it is estimated that the cultivation has a breakthrough.

Thoroughly managing.

This is very terrible.

In Zhang Bin's view, the wisdom of the comb is not asailed to the flying saucer, and even higher.

The strength is also certainly no less than.

Don't look at the flying saucer is a big brother, but maybe a fatal thing to launch Zhang Bin or a comb.

"I just decided to be a woman."

The comb is faintly.

However, its voice has changed, and it has become a lot of pleasure.

It's really like a beautiful woman.

"Big Brother, Second Sister, why don't you put it out of the body of the Emperor, so that we are all comprehension?"

Zhang Bin installed a pair of doubts. "We are so powerful, is it afraid of mankind to kill the door?"

"Oh, I want to tell you, we have no doubt, let you work hard, know that you are not willing to enter."

The emperor of the flying saucer was smiling in his heart, but it was said: "Just worry that the locality or the Tian people have sneaked here, causing us to make trouble. If they let them see the body of the Dame, it will break the horror war, they It will also be crazy to chase, after all, for them, the body of the big emperor is super magical magic weapon, if it can refine, you can be invincible in the world. "

"It turns out."

Zhang Bin nodded, but in the heart, is it in temptation?

Wisdom is very high.

So he said faintly: "I have a lot of things that have not been comprehensible for the burial day, I will first try to understand the outside. Wait a certain point, and then enter the realization."

After finishing, he stood in the lake.

It is charged an incompetent substance while working hard.

Thirty hundred years, he basically realized the scriptures of Taikoo, so there is basically no progress on the burial day.

He is bright in his heart, how to feel a burial day, and it is difficult to catch up with these two too ancient Lingbao.

The only thing he can exceed them is the soul.

If he did not get a tall soup, he has always been working hard to feel the trial rule.

To cultivate the trial law to a higher level.

However, the trial rules are basically cultivated to the bottleneck.

It is difficult to improve again.

Therefore, he can only feel the venue of the Taikan Soumbard.

There is such a magical adventure, of course, it is necessary to use it well.

He doesn't know whether the two guys know that he is human.

But he knows that his flicker has too many flaws, and the fool will believe.

Is the two too ancient lingeruits?

If it is, it cannot cultivate so powerful.

So, he is a little bit a little on their prevention.

Entering the flying disc in vivo, it will not go in.

I will not dare to go in in the future.

That is almost the same.

"Hahaha ... I am too worried, do we still believe in you? You are still afraid that we hurt you?"

The emperor of the flying saucer laughed, "It's all, now you are coming back. Let's join hands, the world is invincible, that is, we are not afraid. Then, let the funeral coffin come out, we work hard together."

After finishing, it's heart, the funeral coffin is flying out, and it has fallen on the ground, and it is also horizontally on the lake.

The mad is in the sky, and the pressure is like the sea.

"So big? Is there anything?"

Zhang Bin screamed in his heart.

"Perhaps, what can they get from you to the proceeds of Taikoo?"

A remnant said seriously, "I got out of a rune of ancient soul in the beginning, because I saw the condolence process of the rune on the surface of the stone, so that other rune I have It can't see the coacerous process, it may be a talent. "

"Condensation process?"

Zhang Bin's face floated the color, which is true, the reason why it can condense many souls, it is really because they see the process of condensation, simultaneously condense, even if they are successful, but because of memory The blurred steps, then watch the rune, slowly condense.

And the reason why the two runes did not condense, because they did not know the process of aggregation.

I don't know where to start aggregation.

What stroke is over.

The two residual souls were condensed according to the hoist painting scoop, and then they had forgotten the process of condensation, and they still did not remember now.

In fact, Zhang Bin himself is also the same, and most of the condensation process of most runes has been forgotten.

Only a few, he still remembers clear, that is the most easy to condense, and a few with his talent.

Therefore, he can also teach these runes.

Most of the souls cannot be understood.

But there is also a residual spirit.

Therefore, want to teach, you must be clear, equal to thorough understanding the scriptures.

This takes a long time to figure out.

"It turns out, it seems that they are also cultivating with my super comprecy. I want to quickly condense more Taikoo runes." Zhang Bin suddenly realized, "they have already sent it countless years, as long as I condense a rune They will always condense immediately. And the burial day is the key, there is no burial day book, simply understand the condensation process of the rune. I also feel that I can't speak the rune. I am very powerful, I am small. They. "

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