The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5338, Wisdom

"My soul is mine, with my brand, how can you refine and integrate?"

Zhang Bin's face was shocked, and his face was full of colors.

Although it is installed, it is very exaggerated.

However, he did surprisingly, and this is indeed doubts in his heart.

Any one of the emperors, even a weak Tongmie, their soul energy has its own brand.

If you want to erase, it is more difficult than the day.

There is no way to do a strong incentive world, so any soul combines a lot of emperors who are not extinguishing. After they fall, they can still reborn in the distant future.

They rely on an endless soul energy.

Slowly collect together, enter the fetus of the organism.

It is equivalent to have the ability to regenerate.

Therefore, there is no giant, dare to refine the soul of the emperor.

That is purely to find trouble.

One is not good, it will also pollute your soul, let your soul become very nice.

It may even make their soul become very confusing, and you can go into the magic.

That takes a long time to slowly purify it.

So, such a stupid thing is no one to do it.

"Hey ... Because you cultivate the body into too ancient Lingbao, the soul has therefore a strange change, it has become similar to my soul, although these soul energy takes your brand, but I have a way Into your memory, and it is very easy to erase. Originally, I work hard to cultivate the flying saucer and comb, just waiting for their soul to become strong, then swallow the refining, let himself recover, but did not think, It was destroyed by you. It is you kill them. Let me have been destroyed for many years. Now I can only use your soul to make up for it. You have not let me down, so soon, I will condense so soon. Many burial days, reaching 90% of my degeneration. "

The funeral heavenly said, "The soul must also meet the requirements, with an endless characteristics, and my soul is almost."

"So, I didn't let me enter, just because I have not met your requirements, but now I have reached your requirements, you will let me enter? It seems that I am just from the network." Zhang Bin Put a pair of faces full of fear, , "But I have a problem, since your soul has returned to such a look, you can use the body to see the treasure, you can faster Restore, swallowing my soul is not a good way. "

At the same time, he is crazy to condense the inside of the ancient soul of the inside.

The meter of the soul is also a dark golden ray, which occurs everything.

Let the other party difficult to find that he is a messy odds in disappearance.

Although in the moon palace, the other party may be difficult to see his soul, but the power of the other party is extremely terrible, perhaps this ability.

In addition, he is still trying to observe this representative of the big coffin representing the new soul.

I want to see that there is also an ancient soul rune.

However, a black piece seems to absorb all the light, it is simply a black hole that swallowed everything.

He couldn't see it, and he couldn't see what the strength of the other party was terrible.

However, he knows that the former funeral Tian dynasty has killed countless Tianmili, and even the land and the legendary Tiangu are difficult. There is no ability to resist.

Still relying on the world to gather a few billion years of energy, it will kill the soul of the funeral heaven.

However, there is no completely killing.

He has returned to it again today.

The soul appeared again.

And it is necessary to swallow and refine his soul of Zhang Bin.

How terrible this bastard is, how is it estimated that it is not too much.

"If I control my treasure for treasure, devour and refine the countless treasure, I can't recover quickly, but it will certainly be discovered by the world. It will never let me let me, the world can make the Tianzi and the land. When the family, I didn't have a complete recovery, and I can't resist it. In fact, today's local countries and Tians are stronger than before. Of course, I can't play the snake, let alone, the world can also bring together energy to deal with me Therefore, I can only hive, I want to slowly become stronger than before, even if it is a collection of energy, I may not kill me. "

Funeral Tianda said.

It is simply a deceit to the extreme, completely like a too ancient Lingbao.

More smart than humans.

It is too much smart than the flying saucer and the comb.

"It turns out, then what is your purpose? Overhand human beings, destroy everything, let the Bao people unified gold autumn field? Or do something else?" Zhang Bin tried to ask.

He believes that the other party will have absolute grasp, don't worry that he escapes.

Therefore, it may reveal a shocking secret.

Why is the secret of funeral coffin?

And the horror of the coffin, Zhang Bin has already gotten it.

He entered this, completely separated from himself.

I don't feel at all.

Naturally, the body is not induced by the body.

This is a very bad situation, but fortunately Zhang Bin has already put the earth and human beings in the body of the people in the body.

It is fear that it will encounter danger.

However, this danger must be experienced, there is no way to avoid it.

It is difficult to completely condense it, which is uncomfortable to practice to him now.

Because it is very complicated and very blurred.

He wants to become stronger, you must enter the treasure hunt.

Perhaps you can get a magical treasure.

Since the burial day is so embarrassed, of course, I will not worry about Zhang Bin to reveal any secrets inside.

"Ha ha ha ... My purpose, of course, it is to be buried."

The burial day is madly laughing.

"Funeral day? How to bury?"

Zhang Bin suddenly, this is simply a madman.

A too ancient Lingbao actually wants to bury the world?

"You don't have to know these, after all, you will be dead soon, why bother to listen to these."

The funeral coffin said with a smile, "Now, have you prepared it?"

"Do you think you can kill me?"

Zhang Bin said, "I am you can kill? Today, maybe I refined your soul, powerful me I."

This is a guess. Since the other party can refine his soul, then he can refine the other's soul.

"Ask you? One antique? I dare to hit my soul's idea? It is a laughter." The funeral day is extremely embarrassing, "I killed countless than you strongly existed. Although I am not all Restore, but kill you, or easy, just like eating drinking water. "

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