The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5341, rabbit, horses, one top

The flames in the body are caught in the madness.

Wherever you have, your soul particles are screaming, screaming.

Many death, it is chemically ash.

However, there are some thus become more powerful, especially the energy planet of energy soul, becoming more and more. Quality is upgrading.

"Trial ..."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart.

The trial is spread in the body.

Fight against the flame.

Eliminate the flame.

Let the flame don't be so fierce.

Just just quenching his soul.

His soul has so slowly become stronger.

"Hahaha ... Wrong is wrong. Funeral Tian Dynasty, your luck is not good, I met me Zhang Bin, I am Zhang Binhongfu Qi Tian. Where is you?"

Zhang Bin laughed in his heart.

If he is not a mistake of the Temple of Taikoo, you can't lead this horror into the soul.

I don't know that this flame can quench his soul quickly.

I can only look at the flames to put all the ancient soul of the ecstasy into myself.

Then crazy burning his soul, so violent flames, as long as you will, the brand on your own soul will become ashes, and you will fall.

There is no possibility of escape.

But now it is.

I can lead such a flame into the body and slowly quench the soul.

Let the soul become very pure, so that you can condense more the ancient soul in the body.

As long as each soul is condensed out of 10,000 runes.

Then it is completely perfect, your soul is not destroyed, but it should be able to resist longer.

Perhaps you can find a way to find a victory.

So Zhang Bin continued to use this flame to quench the soul.

Continue in the body to coagulate runes.

high speed.

After three days and three nights, he has condensed 2100 runes in the inner surface.

There is no way to condense.

Because the soul can't bear more runes.

At this time, the flame in the body is slowly extinguished.

I have consumed too much energy, and I naturally go out.

He tried to swallow a little flame in his mouth.

Suddenly a big problem.

The flame is crazy in the body cavity.

The brand of the soul particles without rune is rapidly erased, and it is chemically formed into ashes.

Just like there is no too ancient soul rune, you can't afford it.

"Lying in the trough, swallow the flame is equal to suicide."

Zhang Binnina is a creepy, he feels closed his mouth, and then madly show the trial rules, and fights the flame.

This flame is definitely more than three hundred fire rules.

Can destroy all souls, perhaps you can make his body into ashes.

The other party is not blowing oepside.

Zhang Bin's trial rule is still very poor, even if there is no other senior, because the flame is only a little bit, it is still slowly killed, it is completely extinguished.

"The flame must be introduced from the body surface, because the surface has a tallistory rune in the protection, so the power of the flame is limited, can only quench my soul."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

"Concentrate ..."

Zhang Bin once again struggled to condense a redundant rune.

One of the surfaces of the two souls.

Suddenly there is a flaw.

The flame flows in this flaw.

Quickly spread in the soul body.

It is equivalent to quenching Zhang Bin's soul.

Soon, Zhang Bin's soul has become stronger, Zhang Bin has condensed some runes in the body surface.

He felt that the ability to bear the flame has been upgraded.

However, he also encountered trouble.

Because the body's lumen is not too much, how do you want to arrange runes?

This is a big problem.

Do you want to condense the visceral surface?

Do you want to condense the skeletal surface?

Do you want to condense the muscle surface covering the bone?

I want to come, this is certainly the next day's robbery taught him.

However, he can't be robbed.

Even if you break through, there will be no more robbery. After all, here are in the funeral coffin, you can't induce yourself.

"Rabbit, help the location of the design rune, must be perfect."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart.

Since become so powerful, there is almost no use of rabbits.

However, this is also the most important partner of Zhang Bin.

At this critical moment, Zhang Bin thought of the rabbit.

Today's rabbits are different, absorbing a lot of immortal substances.

It has become very hard and the computing ability has also been greatly improved.

"Yes, the master."

The rabbits immediately agreed.

Start the location of the design rune.

In fact, it is modeling.

Two souls are constituted.

One is the spiritual soul, one is the energy soul.

The surface also has a rune pattern.

Of course, it is virtual, there is no use.

After all, you must condense on the surface of the soul.

The surveillance rune pattern is not a change.

Because that is a heaven and earth, and the position of the rune on the stone that is like two tours together.

Therefore, rabbits just as long as the runes in the design are good.

"The owner, this is not difficult, I can design to extrame, because the size of these runes is different, suitable for distribution in different places ..." The rabbit is flying quickly, arranged.

Countless patterns are disappearing, in transformation, constantly changed.

One design scheme is arranged.


Just take ten minutes, the rabbit is still designed.

It is excited to say: "The owner, there is only one design plan, others are not suitable, not more runes, it is less rune, only this program, only is free."

Zhang Bin's attention is also concentrated.

Then he found that all internal organs covered the rune.

The muscle inner surface is also covered with runes.

The inner surface and outer surface of the bone also covers the rune.

A total of three sets of runes are required.

In fact, this is the skeletal and muscles of the soul energy.

"Need three sets of runes, plus external tables, isn't it four sets?"

Zhang Bin was very shocked.

"There may be a special rune, which must be covered in the internal and outer walls of the blood vessel."

The rabbit said, "Today's Taikoo Soul Rune is not suitable for this organ."

"It makes sense, then there is no endless scripture, may be about condense the Soul Scrub in the body, one of which may even have new runes, covering inside and outside the blood vessel."

Zhang Bin muttered in his mouth, his face has also floated the color of thinking.

It is exactly the same, the soul and the organ's organs are exactly the same, and the blood vessels are the organs of energy and mana in the soul. It is essential, but it is important.

If there is no rune cover, it is strange.

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