The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5348 encounters the old age

On the abyss, Zhang Bin is standing.

In fact, it did not practice too long.

Even, even the bottleneck has not broken.

He has also not cultivated to the ten level of the emperor.

However, he has a change in the earth, and the strength has improved too much.

Not only the body is stronger, but the soul has become a lot of times.

"Walk, let's look for medicinal materials."

Zhang Bin took Roen to the sky, and went away from the abyss.

The more far away from the abyss, the light will become bright.

The area they can induce will become bigger.

Soon, Luo Hong already found that it starts to pick medicinal materials.

The people here are harsh, and there is almost no Emperor to come here, and they don't have this strength to come to such a depth.

Therefore, even if it is not a restricted area, there is still a large number of medicinal materials.

They are very precious.

Zhang Bin himself is difficult to all discover all, but Luo Hongzhi recognizes the ability of herbs to the world.

So, I naturally start working.

Zhang Bin looked at this green mountain green water, looked at the void crack, the ancient array, with new sentiment.

This is a non-intentional array of heavens and earth.

It is not easy to enter.

It can keep many precious medicines, these medicinal materials may even practice into a local family.

If the heavens and the earth have been working hard to cultivate strong.

It is also a special purpose.

Just like Zhang Bin yourself, we have cultivated many days in your body. I hope they can become super powerful, so that Zhang Bin's own combat power can be improved.

Does the golden autumn are also a huge life?

If so, then you will force it, simply powerful to terrible.

However, Zhang Bin still felt that the golden autumn domain may be a living body, but it is not a living body such as human beings, and it is a domain, a huge terrorist domain.

It should be the mana and energy of the living in the life.

Otherwise, you can easily kill the funeral cockroaches.

After all, then the power of the soul is coming together, and the big funeral is strong, and it can easily kill.

Therefore, this domain has cultivated strong, it may be another purpose.

This objective Zhang Bin is currently not guess.

He also didn't want to guess.

After all, it has nothing to do.

Life on the golden autumn field, very good.

I can now ignore the robbery of the world, I still refine the funeral coffin, anyone can avoid the robbery of the world.

I am equal to the sky.

You can live a happiness.

After ten days, Luo Hong has picked a lot of medicinal materials, and the six Dan people who have gathered out of the ground.

In addition, it also picked the refining breakthrough to the Tan medicine of ten levels of the emperor.

"Oh, I can break through it soon."

Zhang Bin is a evil, "" At that time, he kill the local family and grab some treasures and classics. "

"Hey ... Zhang Bin, finally found you, this time you see how you die?"

A horror pole sounds.

Three local countries are old and flying, landing in front of Zhang Bin.

They all looked at Zhang Bin as a dead person, and it was laughing.

"You are still looking for me?"

Zhang Bin said, "I really don't give up? Is it really trying to exploit?"

"The altruation? Yes, it is a family of human beings."

The elderly, "I thought it was so long, thinking that you have broken, where do you know that the emperor is nine levels, for us, you are an antity, you have done this antity, it is what we should do."

"I will hand over the burial days, hand over the flying saucer and the comb, and the lyrical temple. Then we don't have too much, just kill you, but will not kill your people."

Another long and old smile.

"I have to see what is the reason, let you be so arrogant?"

Zhang Bin was furious. His hair suddenly set up, and two big words were written quickly: "the death penalty."

In an instant, these two words have become flooded, and there is a sharp pressure and suffocation of horror.

Directly split into three.

Then flies to the three people like lightning.

"court death……"

The three elders are bovine.

They have a heart, and nearly 100 laws condense.

Covering the sky, all of them have reached two hundred levels.

Have a huge guard cover.

Put themselves in it.

Let Zhang Bin's trial attack in vain.

There is no breakthrough cover.

In fact, in these years, Zhang Bin has taken a lot of medicinal herbs to improve the heroes, so that ten road cultivates it to 150.

He became 16 Tiandi.

However, it is too old to grow older than the land, or the gap is too big.

Because they are all Tiandi, they all take the Tan medicine who enhances the income, and improve some talents, and then cultivate it to 150 or more.

Therefore, their mana is terrible.

Anyone is old and old, is a terrible power, once he is all in the world.

Said that they have been suppressed by a era.


At the same time, an elderly counterattack, crazy, punch, to Zhang Bin.

Bang ...

The space collapsed and a black hole appeared.

The murder is coming.

It is too horrible.


Zhang Bin did not fear, he also slammed a punch.

Instantly two fists.


Amazing voice sounded.

Squat ...

Zhang Bin felt the huge force of the horror.

He is back, it can't resist it.

However, his body is quite strong, or if there is anything.

And the other party is also backwards.

Of course, this punch, the other party is large.

"Death ..."

This elders have smiled, and the lightning is like Zhang Bin, he wants Zhang Bin to kill here.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin smiled coldly. His body is invisible, and it is an open disc.

Under the support of Zhang Bin's terrorist mana, the repair of countless unstrial substances.

The flying saucer has already been repaired.

Crazy, cut against the other party.

"court death……"

This elderly laughed, and his hand had a sharp ax, squatting on the UFO.


A horrible giant ring.

The flying saucer flew away.

A gap appeared in the ax.

The elders are also going backwards.

"The flying saucer is still very hard, they have to break it is not so easy, then let me die all three."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he didn't have any delays, his soul flew out.

The blink of an affection, turned into a stream, and went to this elder moon.

"Good bile."

This is very powerful, anger is rushing, and the two souls have already been integrated.

Looking at Zhang Bin's two souls with ice cold eyes.

"Death ..."

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, he rushed over, two souls each grabbed the legs of the opponent's soul, crazy and torn ...

(There is also one chapter, is being code.)

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