The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5355 is completely fallen

"How to do how to do?"

The groundless horror, watching the burial coffin and swallowing the northern clouds.

There is no way to save.

That is to put all the giants of the Tianzi, there is no way, and it can't be funeraly.

Also can't be opened at all.

The North Yun covered by the swallowed into it, can you escape?

Can Zhang Bin who can play most of the power of funeral?

If it is possible, Beiyun will die will die.


Beiyun covered the sky was also a big shouting that was incomparable, he was really scared.

Soul flying.

Although he is very powerful, the funeral of the coffin is too horrible, and it has killed the land and swept the heaven.

Although the current land and the Tian people are more powerful than before.

However, if it is the old funeral heaven, there is no more than anything.

That is the horror that is almost in the world.

In the past, the coffin was opened, swallowed everything, any powerful Tianmili, the beginning of God, and the gods were swallowed in, and then they didn't come out again.

They have become a body.

I will die.

This is an old saying that has been circulated numerous years.

Now that he is swallowed in the sky, can you still have a good end?

A paint black in the coffin.

Ice cold bones.

Death laws, the darkness of the Darkness flocked, and wrap him thoroughly, crushed.


He issued a horrible shout.

His body lit up.

Countless laws condensed out, wrapped in his body.

A attack on the dark and mortality.

However, he couldn't resist, his law guarded the terrorist attack in the dark and mortgage law.

Quickly disintegrate.

Finally he was swallowed with darkness and death.


His body is bursting, his head is broken.


Beiyun broke the sky.

At this moment, he regretted the extreme.

Why do you want to give your son?

I am not strong, I also cultivate to the beginning of God.

If it is a strong number of times, it can be attacked to the law.

The power of funeral coffins is far from probing.

However, there is no regret.

"The antity, I also dare to arrive in front of Zhang Bin? Is it true that my human beings are bullied?"

Zhang Bin smiled.

The rules of the other party are very advanced, but far from the death and dark rules of funeral days.

So, killing the other party is not too difficult.

"Zhang Bin, how do you kill me? Do you think that my Tian people will let you go? Will you give me a revenge?"

Beiyun covered the sky and drove. "If you let me let me, then hate a summary. How?"

"Let you put you, wait to let the tiger return to the mountain, the next time you have to revenge. Do you think I am a fool? So, I don't ask for it. Death is the only end, dare to kill me, you must do it. Good death. "

Zhang Bin said coldly.

"I will go to the land."

"The Tianman is coming, it is also destroyed."

"People don't commit me, I don't commit crimes, if people commit me, I will prison."

Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, Hengyuan Long is also roaring, and their body exploding the power and momentum of the world.

With a funeral coffin, they won't fear any strong enemy.

And they also have time to be strong.

Now they can say the peaks standing in the semi-sealing area.

Further, it is possible to deal with the celestial.

In fact, they only have to break through the bottleneck according to the class.

You can get teach by heaven and earth.

It can become super power step by step.

Their ability of their comprehension, the crown of the world.

So they have such a bottom gas.

"Do you dream? The power of our Tian people is that you will never be tested."

Beiyun screamed, refuted, and smiled.

"In the past, the land also said with us, however, now the local family will now be destroyed."

Zhang Bin said, "Where can you still get better?"

"Our Tian people will not give you a chance to grow up. You will come to death immediately."

Beiyun shouted in the sky.


Zhang Bin shouted.

The attack of the Dark and Death Fair is more horrible.

Rolling on the body of Beiyun, even if he cultivated became almost perfect, it couldn't live.

Quickly burst, the head is completely broken.

His soul is exposed.

It is two souls.

The Taikoo Soul Wen is completely perfect.

Even a flaw is not.

Therefore, the attack of the death and the dark rules is also injured.

He is still safe.

"Ha ha ha ... It turned out that the coffin was so funeral, and there was no previous fierce. We can't refine it. If you want to kill me, it is just dreaming."

Beiyun has a crazy laugh, "but it is me, you can die here. Then I can refine the burial of the coffin."

"Intercourse, let you see the horror power of funeral coffin."

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, his soul came out.

In an instant, a singular change has become a small coffin.

Suddenly open, I sent a horrible phagocytosis.

I will swallow the soul of Beiyun's sky.

Dangdang, coffin cover cover.

Then the coffin is crazy.


The soul of Bei Yun's sky has sent a horrible scream.

His soul is directly squeezed.

Booms are bursting.

It has become a countless black soul energy.

All the ancient soul of the tall is broken.

Because the runes in his body are not perfect.

Even than Zhang Bin's soul is powerful, this is among the funeral coffin.

His body is also broken.

Where can I live?

This is not the same as the funeral heaven.

The funeral heaven wants to get Zhang Bin's body, refining the components.

So didn't kill Zhang Bin's body.

And it's too small to see Zhang Bin, no squeezing Zhang Bin's soul, but directly with the flames, you want to burn too ancient soul.

Then burning the printing of all soul particles and does not lose any energy.

Let Zhang Bin get a breather.

The salty fish turned over, but turned over to the soul of the funeral heaven.

And swallowing the refining.

Zhang Bin learned such a lesson, of course, will not give any opportunities to each other.


There is no endless flame in the coffin. When you instantly, you will be able to measure the soul of Beixun.

He will not refine his soul energy, and there is no high quality of the soul of funeral.

Moreover, Zhang Bin worried about something.

Still being old and realistic, let your soul become better.

And the members of the Tian people, Beiyun cover the sky, so it was killed by Zhang Bin.

It's completely fallen.

Perhaps, it is impossible to even resurrect.

Because of death in the coffin.

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