Then it is a huge scary finger, and the abyss is standing straight.

This finger is dark gold, the surface is full of singular runes.

The nails are also densely covered with weird runes.

The horror is that sharp nails passed through a chest of the emperor.

That emperor is ambit, and it is dead.

His body is now distributed with a horrible to the ultimate pressure and horror.

It seems that this horrible suffocation among the abyss is exuded from the body of this feast.

However, he died by a finger's nails.

And what horror is the existence of this finger?

"I have to get the body, I must get it."

The truth is exciting in the heart, and his face is full of excitement and desire.

He has a deep hunch, and the body of the body is absolutely perfect, there is no flaw.

It is definitely a burial day of the past.

Even, maybe the body is strong than the old funeral day of the past.

Also perhaps, the funeral heaven and the body have special contacts.

Otherwise, why is the funeral day to come to this abyss to recover strength, then become more powerful?

The truth arrived in the sky, sitting on the knee, and he began to cultivate.

Slowly, he cultivated the strongest point in the treasure, surpass any of the Emperor's body.

His neutral fire has become more hot, and the speed of quenching soul is getting faster and faster, and the effect is getting better and better.

Finally, he stood up, and his hands appeared in his hand.

Slowly grow, and explored from the crack.

Near the body.


However, the horrible suffocation is crushing, and the horror spatial cracks are rapidly changed.

Space breaks.

His truth pen is almost broken.

I can't afford it at all.

"No ..."

The truth is full of fear.

Returned the truth pen back.

He watched the body without a heartfelt.

I thought in fine, he still didn't find a good way.

He wants to continue to explore the cave, but the following suffocation is more horrible.

His body can't bear it.

"Is it, there is a more powerful body body below? Is that the top giant in the beginning?"

The truth is muttered, and the face is full of doubts.

What happened to what happened here?

Where did these horrible Tianmili come from?

Why never record it.

Also, who is the fingers?

It seems that there is also a vitality of life.

He began to back.

Returned to the place where he can easily bear.

The truth law here is only 210.

This is the number of urgents who have been cultivated in the past.

He began to madly obey the 201-level truth law in the abyss and quickly sent it.


The horrible voice sounded, and he broke through the bottleneck.

His truth is broken through 202.

He began slow down, continued to obey and sent more advanced truth.

His truth law breaks quickly.

He wants to cultivate the truth to a very advanced point and get the body.

Then more than Zhang Dong, capture the king of the truth and the Trume Empire, but also kill all human beings.

"The truth is really dead, hiding together and cultivation. Advance this is so fast?"

Zhang Dong looked muttered in the mouth of Tianyu, his face floatedly scolded.

"Give me ..."

Liu Chao suddenly shouted.

His extraction and fusion law will be promoted to the bamboo.

Soon breakdown to 200, but also continued to break through.

Finally, it is directly broken to 240.

He is the two rules to break through such a level, which is terrible.

Therefore, the Tiandao List once again appeared.

The bit of the integration of the road is Liu Chao, and the extraction of the integration of the empire belongs to Liu Chao.

The four super genius of human beings, they finally have their own empire.

Liu Chao and Zhang Dong's belongings, in fact, the super genius of the resurrection of the residual soul they get, and finally there is a loyal empire.

They can earn merits or continue to be perfect.

" ..."

Zhang Bin, Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, Heng Yuanlong, but they did not delay in their own empire. They let the Imperialism, but they will go to the eighth cave immediately.

They felt the crisis and pressure from the truth proud.

They must also continue to cultivate.

It is best to practice, natural is the eighth cave.

They can continue to practice the baby, but they can also cultivate no fire.

Even them can also go to the refinement of the embarrassment.

They can also observe the rules of the survey of the Abyss to let the law advance.

"Truth proud one must be in the abyss of the world, and he is also working with the law of the abyss, otherwise he will advance without so fast."

Zhang Dong said, "Unfortunately, our destiny and the fate of the algorithm are not too good, otherwise it can be estimated to his position."

"This is simple, we can respect the truth, let him feel the rule of the fate, maybe it can cultivate the fate law to a very advanced point. Then you can calculate the truth proud." Zhang Bin smiled "Truth proud can find such a good place, maybe there is a big adventure, we just have to die."

"Hey, this way is good."

Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, and Heng Yuanlong were weird.

"I have had a collection with Pang Taigu, I will go find him."

Zhang Bin said, his soul broke out, and worched the movie.

If you don't die, it's too fast, you can easily cross the distant void.

Almost invincible at speeds.

Because he got the beginning of the funeral coffin, he also sent it to the beginning, the energy in the soul is more sufficient.

The effect of quenching soul is better.

The speed is even more incredible.

Magical is that a soul goes out and does not affect Zhang Bin's cultivation.

Because the soul of the out is the energy of the energy, it is not a mana soul.

His body is still in the back of the baby, and condenses the rune.

Not only have a script, but there is a funeral coffin and a large number of mosities, and even the north cloud cover the body, that is, the perfect neurout.

Therefore, Zhang Bin's speed is also very fast.

Zhang Dong did not understand the truth, and continued to condense the baby.

It is important to practice into a perfect.

He can also monitor the cultivation progress of truth proud, because now he is the truth.


Just one moment, Zhang Bin's soul has appeared in the destiny.

"The trial of the road, seeking a life road."

Zhang Bin's soul is drinking.

The sound was shocked.

(There are not many content, how to write behind, very charged. There is only four chapters today, there is a chapter, it is a code. Let me think about it.)

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