The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5367 Zhang Dong Wars Truth Proud

"The burdock, it is too big."

The truth arrived at the sky, and his face was full of admiration.

His eyes are also brightly bright.

He seems to see a new world.

This is that he has never been exposed, but it is extraordinary heaven and earth.

It used to be because there is no machine, I can't get the adventure, so he can't break through the beginning of the domain.

However, since Hengyuan Long created the monitoring law, he inspired his hidden attributes.

Let him cultivate the monitoring law to the point of 150.

It can make him monitor the rules of the spatial cracks of the burial day, he can go to the way to slowly explore.

There can be so many adventures.

Otherwise he is never possible.

He began to search for treasures in the body.

Unfortunately, he did not gain too much, because there is no jade, the world is not a good treasure.

There is no life in it.

However, his body is still living in the world.

In other words, this body is not a corpse, equal to having no soul.

It is estimated that the horrible energy is killed, and the soul of the world is also killed.

Then it is equal to the seal.

I can't give birth to birth spirits.

However, now I am proud of the truth.

But it is possible to pregnant, Dantian can also have a mana again.

Even, it may be a soul in the future.

Of course, the truth proud is not allowed to give birth to the soul.

"Maybe, I can refine the body of this body."

Truth is proud of the mouth muttered, "But I have to test the talent of this body well, is it more than me."

He no longer delayed, started crazy, in fact, it is a rune that condenses his body according to the runes on the body.

He has already entered the body to practice.

So this progress is very fast.

Just a month less than one month, he cultivated the never-cultivation.

"Ha ha ha ... I don't die, I don't have the soul. I have no fire, I have no burden, I still refine the treasure of this horror, I am almost the world. unrivaled."

Truth proudly sent a crazy laugh, his face was also full of pride.

He no longer hesitated and delayed, and it was chemically formed from the cave.

With the murder of the sky, the pen is straight to the direction of the Empire.

He is going to kill Zhang Dong, seize the position of the truth and the truth, and then destroy human.

He is really confident and confident.

Such a powerful self, it can easily kill the land, it is to go to the Tianzu, and it is estimated that it can be rampant.

Soon, he went to the Trume Empire. He issued a crazy shout, "Zhang Dong, you gave me out of death."

His voice was shocked, and all the Tiandi of the Taoist Empire heard.

"God, the truth is finally killed, and there is a good show immediately."

Many roads, countless days are shocked, they excitedly fly over, watching the lively.

They believe that it is inevitably a big bloody battle that is extremely horrible.

This is absolutely not missing.

" ..."

Zhang Bin, Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, Heng Yuanlong four of the four gold bridges.

At the same time, it landed in front of the truth proud.

"Ha ha ha ... Truth proud, you are finally here, I am waiting for you for a long time."

Zhang Dong made a happy laugh.

Zhang Bin, Liu Chao, Hengyuan Long is also a happy color, they all look at the truth proud of the same place.

No matter how strong the truth is powerful, since he appears, don't want to go today.

"Hey ... Zhang Dong, you are really true, Zhang Bin, Liu Chao, Hengyuanlong, you are also very innocent."

Truth proudly laughed, "In my eyes, now you are a group of antices, I can kill it when you are."

"God, the tone of the truth is too big. It is worth the first to respect the Empire, and the suppression of many respects countless years. It seems that he has a big adventure, and it is still more than the local family. Too much too much, dare to come over to deal with human beings. To know, today's human empire is strong. It is completely invincible. "

"Dragon struggles, there is a good show."

"Truth proud one person challenges four cattle people."


Many of the roads and the emperors shouted excitedly, and their faces have been looking forward to the color.

Today's human empire is indeed strong, and it is easy to sweep all the empires.

After all, all the souls have long been resurrected, and they are cultivated to a very strong point.

Most of them are cultivated to seven, eight, or even nine levels, and ten levels.

Many can sweep the empire.

Even, some people have become a respect.

Seapt the position of other roads.

Truth is proud of the sky, where is it possible to be so many genius?

"Yes? I come here, let's it."

Zhang Dong smiled, faintly gone, and hooked the truth.

"Very good, then I will be completely killed by you."

Truth is proud of the sky, nor does it use the magic weapon, because his body is more powerful than the magic weapon.

When he stepped out, he had reached the front of Zhang Dong.

Crazy punch to Zhang Dong's face.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Dong smiled and did not hesitate to bomb up.

In an instant, two of them are bombard.


The big sound broke out.

The horrible shock wave appeared, swept the heavens and the earth, and chemically became a huge incredible mushroom cloud, rising emptiness.


Truth proudly sent a big shout that did not dare to confuse.

Because he actually stabilized the body, he retired a few steps continuously.

Instead, Zhang Dong, just retreats dozens of steps.

Even, he did not call the power of the empire.

The audience shocked, the Chinese script was silent.

All the lively Tianmili and Daozun are completely dumbfounded.

Dare to confuse this result.

Truth is arrogant to revenge, but even Zhang Dong?

This is simply to send it.

You know, there is Zhang Bin, Liu Chao, Heng Yuanlong, these three horror giant.

If they start together, the truth is proud of this time.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible ..."

Truth proudly sent an angry and did not dare to confuse the shout, and he took out the sweat of beans on your forehead.

Because he felt, the situation was a bit bad.

"Ha ha ha ... Truth proud, I thought you were cultivated into an earth-shattering thing, I dare to come to this way? Where did you know that is such a pus?"

Zhang Dong issued a smirk.

"He is coming to send magic, his body refines well, is a good magic."

Zhang Bin said with a smile.

(The new book city enchanting real fairy has been suspended, no longer updated, work hard to update small gods, write perfect endings.)

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