The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5378 Terrorist Hunting

Zhang Bin passed the funeral coffin, and the coffin hidden in a high thorns.

Three people began to wait patiently.

Here is the hunter area.

In fact, it is the war area.

Below is a rocky rock, it is difficult to wear, the enemy is also difficult to attack.

However, it is still a lot of precious medicinal materials, which can improve talent.

These medicinal materials Zhang Bin have been taking inside, so the three thousand laws can be cultivated to more than 150 levels.

However, the medicinal materials here are extremely lacking for the creature of other gods.

So they will come over picking medicines.

By the way, hunting the soul on the golden autumn domain.

The top giant in the golden autumn area is not here, but those very weak, it is easy to be broken.

As long as the enemy does not enter the area of ​​his guard, he will not attack.

Therefore, the hunting area will not have eight levels, nine, and ten levels of the gods.

But five, six, seven, seven are a lot.

Includes local and not ontology.

Once encountered, it is a dead war.

If the local, it can escape into the guard area.

If you can't escape from the sky, you can only escape to the sky.

Zhang Bin did not carefully observe the surface, he was only observed in the sky fine.

The sky is a dark.

Can't see the stars, can't see the light.

"Is it so dark?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"Yes, I have been so dark, you can't see other gods."

Fang Fei said, "This is what is done in the gods, that is, it is not compelling. Otherwise, it will attract more enemies. If it is just to pick the medicine, they may come to the guardry area, want to attack Into the inside, it is terrible. "

"We try to hunt to pick the enemy of the medicinal material, and do not want the enemy to become stronger. Otherwise, there will be a large-scale battle with a large scale sooner or later."

Hui Yan said.

"How many gods are there, are you clear?"

Zhang Bin asked seriously.

"The nearest is the coffin domain, so it is a dead enemy. There are countless far."

Fang Fei said.

"Unfortunately, I just cultivate the monitoring law to the point of 160, and I went to the bottleneck. I can't break through again, otherwise I may induce a farther area. I may even induce nearby coffin gods."

Zhang Bin sighed, "If you can find the treasure of the promotion of the monitoring law, it is ideal."

"The magic eye beast of the magic eye domain is such a treasure. As long as you can hunt, you can greatly improve the talent of the monitoring law."

Hui Yan said, "But it is incomparable to hunting. And very rare, because the distance is far away, they rarely come here."


A horrible giant sound, suddenly broke out.

A huge monster like a small car like a trolley.

With the murder of the sky, I am in the funeral coffin.

It turned out to be flying from the soil.

Obviously hidden for a long time, just want to hunt the human giant in the golden autumn field.

This hit is really horrible.

The funeral coffin was knocked down.

There is a touch of traces of the surface.

And it dares to attack the funeral, maybe it is to see the funeral coffin and want to capture the past.

By the way, you can kill the people inside.

"Lying in the trough, so horrible?"

Zhang Bin's creepy, just did not find this magic eye beast.

"Don't go out, you have to kill the soul. The magic eye beast is the most good at attack and monitoring."

Fang Fei said seriously.


Zhang Bin was furious, and the shan is crazy to go to each other.

The magical eye is not willing to show weakness, cracking down on top.


A loud noise of the sky.

The magic eye is flying back, the coffin is also the same.

Three people inside are overwhelmed.

"What level of magical beasts?"

Zhang Bin touched the sweat on the forehead and asked.

"This should be the magic eye beast of the beginning of the domain. We have no ability to kill. Unless the ancestors of the ancestors of the will of the leaves." Hui Yan said, "Let's go back, lead it to the trap of our Tianfang giant. "

"Only six levels are so horrible?"

Zhang Bin is darkly jealous, and Zhang Bin is too dark, and it does not dare to swallow the coffin.

It is estimated that the other party may look forward to him.

He didn't want to use the ancestimate treasure given by Tianfang's ancestors.

That is simply an incompetent manifestation.

" ..."

Zhang Bin no longer delayed, and the coffin straight to the area of ​​the ancestors of the ancestors.

It seems to escape.

However, there is a trap on the road, and the ancestor is a hexagonal giant.

"Where to escape?"

The magical eye beast is very old, and the lightning is chasing.

The burial day coffin is a super treasure, if it can be obtained, absolutely a lot.

It hits it again and again.

But it is still not broken.

When Zhang Bin passed the funeral day, it was a flash to go to the trap.

I will not chase at all.

Holding a terrorist monitoring law, of course, know where there is a trap.

"This is very difficult to hunt a magic eye beast."

Zhang Bin said a little depressed. "If it is just a six-level giant, you can do it."

"It is also very difficult, its monitoring law is too powerful, and even the situation within the coffin of the burial day is that there is no strong enemy inside, and I dare to attack us."

Fang Fei said.

"Hey ..."

Suddenly, the sound of the fight rang.

It is a heavenly ancestor to take the initiative to stop the magic eye beast.

The two are crazy.

The heavenly danced a ax, the magic eye beast is like a eye, and the surface has sharp spikes.

Flying around, then crazy hit.

Kill it is flusk, and there is no light in the sun and the moon.

The earth is shaking.

"Go to a few giant, can you hunt it?"

Zhang Bin said.

"This is not allowed."

Hui Yan said, "Maybe, it also has a strong companion hidden nearby, waiting suddenly to issue a fatal blow."

"It seems that it is an old hunter that is very rich."

Zhang Bin launched, the first time he felt the difficulty of improving the talents.

No wonder, there is no way to help him.

If you don't want to make a good method, you get cultivated resources.

He Zhang Bin wants to be so strong, just like dreaming.

Is there any good way?

"Boom ..."

Another place once broke out of terrorist war.

That is a giant battle with a Tianfang Giant.

The attack of the giant hand is very sharp, the five points are extremely flexible, and any point is like an empty sexual treasure, and the nails can be retractable.

Killing the heaven is a continuous retreat continuously, and it can't live.

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