The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5381 is time to revenge

"First, we must figure out, if you get the life of the giant beast, is there any benefit to our cultivation?"

Zhang Dong said, he looked at Fang Fei.

"Uncle, Zhang Dong, is of course useful." Fangfei replied, "Nothing of the life of any of the wild beasts is different, all have good benefits to our cultivation, can improve the talent, enhance our lives The more powerful, the more useful. Of course, the most important time is still a breakthrough to the beginning of the domain. If there is no good foundation, then it is necessary to make up for it. If you can get a super good life. It is natural to make up for it. So, if I refine the bouncing beads, the live crystals of the coffin, the foundation will be good, the breakthrough will become fast, and the strength of the same realm will also be improved. "

"That is worth venture."

Everyone, including Zhang Bin, has become exciting.

Liu Chao has now cultivated the extraction fusion law to 300.

This is horrible.

If it takes the life of life, the talent is increased, the law will progress quickly.

Their injection is piercing into the giant animal body, and it may not be able to do it.

Of course, you must first break through the beginning of the domain.

"Perhaps, the heavens and earth are imprisoned, and it is waiting for this day." Even, Fang Fei said excitedly. "Although the Tianzu is so many giant, but no one can cultivate the extraction and fusion law to 300 or more. The two laws are not more talented. So, there is no way to deal with the giant hand. "

"Then let's start cultivation."

Liu Chao has been caught up.

"Then you look well, I took Zhang Bin to my cave to practice." Fang Fei said, "Mainly Zhang Bin must catch another genius beauty, the beauty has taken the initiative. If you miss, then you will pity. Therefore, our people must become stronger, and we must take more days to come back. "

Suddenly Zhang Bin's face is red.

"This can be."

"Zhang Bin, I ordered you, you must catch the beauty as soon as possible."

"You must also breed the future generations as soon as possible."

Liu Chao, Heng Yuanlong, Zhang Dongrui smiled.

Zhang Bin ran with a Fang Fei Wolf.

Fang Fei is also ashamed.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, Hengyuan Long is laughing.

In their minds, today Zhang Bin is their most pro-relatives, is the old township, is a son-in-law, and a son.

Of course, I hope Zhang Bin can marry more genius beauty.

Fangfei Kongfu.

The funeral coffin is placed in a sea in an endless substance.

Zhang Bin is sitting on the coffin, and the body is also overwhelmed by the sea that is not extinguished.

He took the live crystal of the burial day, so the egg was so large, took it.

Then I started crazy.

Crystals begin to slowly melt into terrorism life energy.

Nourishing Zhang Bin's body, even his soul and will tree have been moist.

Included changes in the country.

Slowly in the world and will trees are expanding, the soul is also sharp.

It becomes more powerful.

Zhang Bin found that he was promoted.

Especially those that are not good, the talent is skyrocketing.

The speed of squatting is very fast.

"This is really a magical treasure, no wonder it is so hard to get."

Zhang Bin was admirable in his heart.

Cultivate this point now, if there is no such treasure, it is hard to inch.

Like the genius like Truth proud day.

I don't know, how is the truth today?

Have you recovered?

Can he get a live source crystal?

He didn't dare to think, continue to cultivate, refined.

"Ha ha ha ... I finally recovered."

Among a sealed Dongfu, Truth proudly shouted, "Zhang Bin, Liu Chao, Zhang Dong, Heng Yuanlong, this time you died?"

This cave is not in the Tianbanian site, but in the semi-sealing area.

It is also one of the most securious triguar three caves arranged proud of the truth.

He is hidden in this cave.

At that time, his soul escaped to the Tianbanian site.

I saw the welcome pine, I went to the 36th day, I saw the boundless.

Naturally, it understands the magical effects of life-life crystals.

He wants to quickly condense the body, let the soul recover thoroughly, but it is necessary to get the source of life.

Of course he can't get it.

However, he immediately warned, returned to the semi-sealing area.

Found the treasures taken from those who are in the body, the body.

Among them, there are more than a dozen life-saving transistors.

The biggest fist is so big.

The smallest is also as large as eggs.

I used to think that it was just a debris, where I knew it is a super treasure.

He began to condense the body with life.

Sure enough, a generous treasure, only three life-generated crystals

Just let his body condense, the soul is completely recovered.

More amazing is that his talent has got a huge improvement.

19502 laws are super good.

What's more, he also found a breakthrough Dan.

" ..."

He flew up, out of the cave, and went to the cave of the burial world.

Beginning the rules of madness to feel the feelings, he wants to cultivate all the rules to 150.

Then break through the neighborhood level.

Then he has absolutely grasping the killing Zhang Bin, Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, and Hengyuan Dragon.

Time will pass quickly.

I have been three thousand years later.

Because the truth arrogant has been refining the source of life, the talent is greatly improved.

Therefore, he finally cultivated 19502 laws to the point of 150.

"It's time to break through."

The truth is full of pride on the face of the truth, full of pride.

He didn't hesitate to take the medicinal medicine break through the bottleneck.

Then crazy refinement of medication.

He lit up 19502 rays.

Numerous laws are agglomerated.

The horrible momentum is also an explosive.

After about three months, he was awkward.

Imprison his bottleneck breaks.

The Dantian law has skyrocketed, and the world is also skyrocketing.

The horrible energy flows in the body.

The soul is also sharp.

The body also became very hard.

This is an unparalleled sharp change.

It took a three years for three years.

His body exudes an ambient Hong Kong breath.

It seems that he and the world are both in the same way.

With a powerful breath.

"Hahaha, this is the beginning of God? Sure enough."

The truth is excited to laugh at the sky, he flew up and revenge.

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