The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5397 Hui Yan

Zhang Bin was crazy to cultivate for five hundred years, and he finally cultivated the proportion of life of the source of the source of the source to almost the point of bottleneck.

In fact, the speed of refining and absorbing life of life is much slower.

Need to slowly absorb and refine the use of a lot of time.

Waiting for the life of the source of the source of life.

And this is the toughest place.

Many people are in such a place, and the life of life is always sharp, and the proportion will never reach breakthrough standards.

Zhang Bin is a funeral day, even if the speed of the bottleneck, absorption and refining of the life of the life is still more than a few times faster than others, or even hundreds of times.

The process is shortened.

However, Zhang Bin can only stop cultivating.

Because he felt that the drug in the lake was not much.

The energy of life of the funeral coffin absorbed the life of the life is also reduced.

He flew out of his face.

Then he found that Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, Heng Yuanlong, and they still didn't break through the second level.

Do not make a bad repair, even a peerless genius, the cultivation speed is impossible.

I want to break through a bottleneck, I have to practice hardships tens of thousands of years.

"The drugs here, it is estimated that they can only break through the beginning of the domain."

Zhang Bin is muttered, a bit depressed, seven giant gave so many cultivation resources, and even other Tianyi also gave cultivation resources.

But it consumes half of it so quickly.

According to the reason, it can make him cultivate to the beginning of the field.

However, their four life is different from those, want to break through, need to devour and refine the drugs.

So, that is, the result.

"The better the talent, the more cultivated cultivation resources."

Zhang Bin's heart has pickedly, "If you don't get cultivation resources, the slowness of the cultivation is slower. Even if you can get cultivation resources, it will be very slow, because you need to refine more of the source of life, this needs plenty of time."

"I want to get cultivated resources in the future, I can only go to myself."

Zhang Bin muttered.

As long as you can go to the gods, it is possible to exchange a lot of cultivation resources.

It is in your own body, and it has also been derived from an inexhaustible substance and cultivated countless medicinal materials.

But it is basically the same as the mother-in-law.

It is a pity that Zhang Bin has three levels, the past gods, is still very dangerous.

It will be the goal of others.

"Now the reform can practice the will knife."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, did not disturb Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, and Heng Yuanlong.

Instead, I went to the bottom of the lowermost layer and started to watch the will knife.

Try to start cultivation.

The first is to condense the knife pattern on a will of the leaves.

Since it breaks through the beginning of the field, he is much stronger.

The strength is a lot of skyrocket, will and souls include the world's world expansion.

This condense is basically possible.

He is very difficult to condense.

After half a year, it was barely condensed on a piece of leaves.

Of course, he cultivated in the lightweight array.

"go with……"

Zhang Bin's heart, this will leave the leaves, and I will be on the wall.


The broken sound sounded, and the leaves of the leaves were deeply caught in.

Sharp pole.

"Lying in the trough, it is really sharp."

Zhang Bin said darkly admired, but he still knows that his will knife patty leaves, still can't be more than the ancestors of Tianfang, and the gap is too big.

The main reason is that the material is different.

Every breakthrough a bottleneck, the will leave the leaves will become sharp and hard.

The quantity will not change much.

It is the change in quality.

"If the will, if the explosion is also horrible."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, because his mana and energy among his will have become extra particular horror and pure.

If you throw out the explosion, you can destroy the earth.

However, the giant battle of the beginning of the domain, relying on the end of the horrible life, the power and powerful law.

Of course, what is it for life, how to fight, Zhang Bin is now a foggy.

He continued to condense the will knife.

It is difficult to practice 100 leaves.

If you want to condense, you can't do it.

It seems that his ability can only condense so much.

"We can't say that the old ancestors said that the will of the will of the leaves are extremely precious because they cannot condense too many will knife leaves."

Zhang Bin suddenly realized.

He became a stream, and he went to the cave of Fangfei.

"Fu Jun, you are going on? It's great."

Fangfei excitedly puffed into Zhang Bin's arms.

Hui Yan, who got the news, I immediately came over, and looked at Zhang Bin smiled.

A look of deep affection.

"Is there any good thing waiting for me?"

Zhang Bin felt the same, asked in the same way.

"There is a good thing, our Tianfang a cultivation to the giant - , she wants to go to the main god domain, exchange medicinal materials and get cultivating resources. She is a Hui Yan's mother, that is, your mother-in-law We can go with her, control your funeral coffin, basically safe, and have her, we can get cultivation resources, break through the bottleneck as soon as possible. "

Fang Fei said.

"Is there such a good thing?"

Zhang Bin is big, he wants to go to the main god, but if they go three, go, it is absolutely dangerous.

Their realm is too low.

Want to exchange treasures and cultivation resources, you have to deal with people.

It is impossible to hide in the funeral coffin.

So, if the other party is very powerful, you can even kill you in an instant, to win everything.

Zhang Bin can't think of how to be safe.

However, if there is a giant giant in the beginning of the field, it is basically safe.

As long as he makes him break through a bottleneck, his strength can reach the beginning of the domain.

It is basically possible.

"We started to prepare, get more Tianwei Bao, starting from three days, go to the main gods to exchange genius."

Hui Yan said, "But I will take you to my mother first ..."

So Fang Fei went to prepare many medicinal materials, in fact, putting the medicinal material into the body of the body.

And Hui Yan is pulling Zhang Bin to her Cave.

"Where is the predecessor? Why didn't you see?"

Zhang Bin's appeal is surprised.

"Fool ... If you still don't want me, I don't take you to see my mother, my mother will not take you to the main god."

Hui Yan is immersed into Zhang Bin's arms, and said.

For so many years, because they have been trying to practice, they have no two rooms yet.

However, if the beauty of the heaven, if the beauty of the man is back to the hole, it means this.

In the future, the man is her husband.

Zhang Bin accelerated and started to do whatever you want.

The scenery is self-reliant.

(There is also one chapter, is being code.)

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