"Unfortunately, in countless years, our Tianzi passed the second-level Shenyuan assessment, and only seven people were reached, which is the ranking of the top seven." Fang Wei sighed, "Fang Fei and Hui Yan Tao Zhang Bin Your blessings, the two life of life has also become a lot, and there is a lot of war, there is a trace of possible assessment standards. As for Zhang Bin, if you can get enough cultivation resources and treasures, it must be compared Top, let the quality of the life of the source of the original crystal do not drop, then there is no problem through the assessment. "

"Secondary gods cultivate genius on the dominant domain, can they really get benefits?"

Zhang Bin said.

"Of course you can get benefits, and it is a huge benefit."

Fang Wei said, "If the secondary god is being attacked by the second-level gods, when it is extremely dangerous, it will assist the first-level god domain, the giant huge to cultivate, will be aid in the first time. This is an enrollment It is time to have vowed. If it is contrary, the soul will have a flaw, and it will break through to a higher bottleneck. "

"However, if the first-class god of the stars near the secondary gods evolves into secondary gods, don't you have an enemy?"

Zhang Bin asked curiously.

"It's the opposite, that is, there is a strong brother and friend. Because it is equal to the genius you have cultivated." Fang Wei said, "will depend on each other, guard each other, even if you can't advance the third-level gods, but not Can be swallowed by other secondary gods. "

"It's really interesting, I am actually excited, I am in urgent to go to the secondary gods."

Zhang Bin is very excited, excited.

"As long as the talent is good, you can stand out, it will always get the cultivation of the secondary gods, and even selection you send you the gods of the third-level gods to learn and cultivate."

Fang Wei said, "But this is too difficult, there is almost no first-class god domain to have such award. It is all the quota of the secondary god domain. Because the genius in the secondary gods is better, plus Get better cultivation resources from small, and more horrible. Zhang Bin, your talent is very good, the current power is also very strong, even after the assessment of the second-level garden, you want to stand out, sent Going to the third level, it is almost impossible, unless you have a peaceful adventure. The genius of the secondary gods, you want to stand out, sent to the four-level garden, almost impossible. "

She said, she said: "The seven families have not been able to pass the selection of the three-level garden, even the qualifications of the selection. Because they are not very good in the second-level Shenyuan, together with the top 100 of the realm Names can't enter, and there must be qualified to participate in the selection of the third-level garden, must be the top three in the realm. So, when they cultivate from the beginning of the field to the beginning of the field, they graduated. Back to the mother. "

"so tough?"

Zhang Bin's face became a bit ugly, but the eyes were shot a firm ray.

You may not go to the third-level garden. Then the four levels of the hospital.

However, Zhang Bin still understands that this is really difficult.

As for Fang Fei and Hui Yan, it has been secretly screaming, this level is too strict.

Fang Yan watched Zhang Bin glanced at Zhang Bin, continued: "If it can pass the selection of the Level 3 College, the possibility of cultivating into the field of the field is very huge. Of course, it should still be a few mission, Protecting any of your gods, as well as giving your gods. "

Zhang Bin was shatter, he looked at the deep void, I have been saying that I can't say it for a long time.

In this void, countless gods, how many horror masters have you?

How much horror genius does it?

What lucky is those who are born on the main god domain?

The cultivation resources are not lacking, which are all treasured treasures.

Can their talents are not good?

Country of your own adventures, but only on one level of gods, the first-class god domain itself is not too good.

The top treasure and the main treasure of the main gods may not be anything.

However, talents are still talented, if they can get strong guidance, good treasures make up, maybe I still stand out.

"Look, the front of the spot is the second-level gods." Fang Wei said, "There are many gods in the second-level gods, but the nearest from our golden autumn is the god domain. And our gold and autumn is also a thousand Silver contact. Also received a lot of . If the , . However, if other giant giant invasion, the gods of the gods will send Strong support and killing. "

Zhang Bin's gaze has also been shot.

Sure enough, there is a cyan ray in front of the side, and it is a huge dragonfly.

Distributes the warranty and terrorist power of the sky.

It looks very beautiful and mighty.

"The strength of the second-level god is very strong, so, dare to make a light, shining the world."

Fang Wei said, "In fact, some powerful first-class gods, dare to do this. Because there is a union of the giant swords, it may even be multiple. But our golden autumn area, there is no one in the field, and does not send a ray. Try to be careful, do not attract the attention of other giant giant. "

"This is really a miracle of life."

Zhang Binfang Fei Hui Yan they are in sigh.

However, Zhang Bin's heart is full of retreat, and a flame of a bears is also burning from his heart.

Let him hate you crazy.

It is too wrong to live in your own parent domain.

I must be strong, sweep everything, let the mother domain become stronger.

They don't have any stay, passing directly from the starry sky of the dragonfly.

Slowly see another second-level god domain - butterfly domain.

"Because we are not affiliated to the butterfly god domain, we don't contact the butterfly god domain, even because the butterfly gods and odds are hostile and competitive relationships, so the strong people in the butterfly domain are more enemy. They may kill. We go to the main god domain. So, the funeral coffin is very important. "

Fang Wei said seriously.

" ..."

The blanked sound sounded.

Five giant flying, blinking, intercepting in front of the funeral coffin.

Their shape is very weird, all butterflies.

But it is a prediest pressure.

Especially for the first one, it is more powerful.

"The beginning is seven, the remaining four beginning areas."

Fang Wei said seriously, "Since they are cultivated in the second-level gods, they are very powerful, encounter them, my only way is to escape, and even flee can't escape. Now, you How to deal with it? "

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