The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5432 takes the initiative

In the cultivating room of the Dongfu, Zhang Bin is cultivating the Wanfa Forgedness.

That is to say, he wants his life to complete the fifth forging.

This is a crucial forging.

The proportion of his life's own source crystal can improve, the defense and attack power will be greatly improved.

That maybe you can easily kill the border seven levels, even the giant giant.

Then he will go out to kill.

As long as this is to attract attention, the enemy will not attack the Golden Autumn.

Even if he will become strong, he can also return to the golden autumn domain safely, participate in the bloody battle.

Then he can call the power of heaven and earth to get full support from the Golden Queen.

The war will certainly be extremely horrible.

If the war is extended for a while, then he maybe it can also break through a bottleneck.

However, before exercising, he must completely repair the lives of life.

Previously in the will of the wild, the will of the wild, let his life have suffered heavy, and there are many cracks.

Although the surface is repaired, it is still not repaired internally.

"Refining me ..."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, his body lit up green rays.

His hands also appeared in the life of the magical life.

This is the life of life of the world's life, with massive life.

And it is exceptional advanced.

He used such a living crystal to hear, it was extravagant.

However, time is very valuable.

He doesn't know if the enemy is to launch a war.

Therefore, he must fix the live crystals before the enemy decisions, complete the five forging.

Advanced life is really useful.

It quickly made his life, the source of the origin was repaired, and even one percent.

Zhang Bin is big, even if only one percent is, it is also a huge gain.

Defense and attack capabilities have been upgraded.

He is not stopping in a hurd.

The knee is sitting in the container, and the container is of course the life of the primary life.

This energy is extremely precious, but Zhang Bin has absorbed a lot.

Therefore, it is not possible to make his life of this source.

Can only complete five forging

His Dantian lit up the light.

Ten thousand rules of law have burst out the terrorist light, in fact, the law attack, slamming in Zhang Bin's life.

again and again.

Boom ...

Sound shock.


Time is also rapidly lapse.

Soon I have been in the past ten years.

Of course, it is a decade of the light.

The outside world has only passed for a long time.


The singular voice sounded, and Zhang Bin's life was finally taken to the extreme.

Break through the limit, the volume became large.

I turned from 9.01 fists to 9.5 fists so big.

"Lying in the trough, how much this time is improved?"

Zhang Bin himself was shocked, and his face was full of shock and did not dare to confuse.

Because he knows, the more the number of exercises, the less the volume is large.

The last time I can only increase by 0.2 fists.

But this time it is raised by 0.5 fists so big.

"Is it because the last time my life is from a fatal hierarchy, then uses the life of the life of the world's life.

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, but he did not dare to affirm it.

This is a huge risk.

One is not good, it is completely broken.

Must refine.

Moreover, the power of life of the field is the same as the value of the city.

It is also difficult to get in the main god domain, and the market is absolutely swap.

He didn't think much, began to cultivate the origin of life, and enhanced the proportion of our lives.

Finally, he cultivated to the limit.

"Quenching the shells have no time to practice."

Zhang Bin looked at it in detail. "This stuff seems to be a low-level version, which may have a high-level version of the main god domain. In the future, you still have to go to the main god domain. Looking for a small ball to get a secret."

He didn't have any delays.

Opened the cave, driving the magic eye.

I went to the college's life and death.

Zhang Bin flew out, she stands proudly, and I cheered: "I challenge students from the seven levels of the Coffin God Domain. You are all, we will die. Only one party can live."

His voice was shocked.

Enew any corner in the college.

"Lying in the trough, Zhang Bin crazy? There is no more time for a day, he will get the injury to the treatment of the cockroaches.

"This is simply searching for death."

"Madman, mad, live impatient."


Countless students have heard that it is stunned and shocked.

Can't believe that this will happen.

Don't say they, even the giant giant in the coffin is also completely dumbfounded, they are ramping their brains want to take the vice president , then attack Zhang Binong House. Haven't thought of the way. But Zhang Bin actually dispatched out to provoke?

This is the initiative to send dead?

Many tutors are also shaking their heads, and their faces are filled with ridiculous colors.

Even the deputy chief of the police is also shocking. Although he is Zhang Bin's mentor, it is not to be optimistic about Zhang Bin, and Zhang Bin will regard Zhang Bin as a dead.

Because he can't see Zhang Bin, there is any life path.

If the coffin god of the coffin is bold, directly attack Zhang Bin's Dongfu, ten people entangled his vice president.

It is also possible to quickly kill Zhang Bin.

She 's garden is not even worse.

However, Zhang Bin took the initiative to attack, he really didn't think of it, is this to die?

Time I don't have time, how much can you?

Deal with seven giant?

Five-level pairs of seven levels. And it is one hundred and too ridiculous.

However, he flew away immediately.

Other mentors and students also fly over to see the fun.

Such a lively is a thousand people.

" ..."

The genius of the coffin is also flying over the blink.

100 extensive seven giants are of course flying in the ring.

Then formation.

Must be dead, the junction will open.

This is the junior that is getting out of the wild domain, but also the cattle.

It seems that they are afraid Zhang Bin to repent.

And one of them, they sent a lot of excitement and madness.

"Ha ha ha ... Zhang Bin, you are not bad, know that you live for a few days, don't want to get tortured, so you can find it in advance."

"Zhang Bin, now we are here, can you commit suicide?"

" ..."

" ..."

The seven-level giants of the coffin gods are laughing madly.

I looked at Zhang Bin like the dead.

"I killed 209 yesterday. I can kill 100 today, cool."

Zhang Bin also laughed excitedly.

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