The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5436, to kill, wisdom against the sky

They instinctively control the life of life and escape.

I don't want to be so easy to kill Zhang Bin.

This is too worthless.

Unfortunately, the impact wave of life of the source of the source is too horrible.

Plus this space is not big.

So, I was quickly chased.

The horrible shock wave is in the life of life.

... ...

Their life of this source is broken.

Impact the wave on their soul.

One gray is landing.

No escape.

And their lives of life are not completely destroyed.

It has become a variety of fragments.

It can still be collected.

Still very precious treasure.


The giant hand has made an angry to the extreme shout.

He is also rapidly hiding into a coffin.

But this coffin is also completely destroyed.

Equal impact wave dispersion.

A wolf borrowed in the nepons.

Only Zhang Bin's magical eyes and giant.

The rest is no longer existed.

100 giant, has been killed 99.

Zhang Bin has achieved incomparably brilliant victory.

However, he also losses a life of the life of the field.

"This is simply incredible."


Numerous giants are amazed, and the face is full of colors who don't dare to confuse.

I have known this result, however, Zhang Bin only killed 19 giants with a five-level life of this source.

It's just too powerful.

"Ah ... I am mad at me."

The behemoth has grown a grievance to the extreme shout.

If he doesn't break the body of 20 companions, then Bin wants to kill them, it will never be so easy.

It is definitely to experience a horrible war.

Although they have almost no hope, if they cooperate with self-explosion, the will of the wilderness is attacking.

Still there is a possibility of a broken magic eye defense.

But now I really have no hope.

"I want to be cloudless me? It is too ridiculous."

Zhang Bin made a despise, and he was the ancestors of the Yin people.

In the past few years, I have encountered countless giant, countless difficulties.

Easily spend, countless giant hormones are also killed by him.

The only thing that is still alive is proud of the truth, that is because he is in hand.

The other person is indeed that is Yin him.

First pretend to die, let the life of life have fly out.

As long as Zhang Bin picks up one, it will die.

"Come come, we are single, dare?"

The giant hand is crushing.

"You have killed the will of the wild, I can talk to you, I don't have to use my eyes."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

In fact, the opponent's willingness of the will of the field, and may not be able to break the defense of the eye.

However, it is not impossible to cause the magic eye.

Of course, he can also use the will of the will of Hebang.

However, that kind of treasure, how would he be willing to consume in this case?

You know, that is, you can kill the beginning of the nine-level giant, and even the top ten giant.

Therefore, it can only be used to destroy the most powerful snacks in the enemy.

"I don't have the will of the uncertainty of the wild."

The giant hand is crushed with dark face.

"Then I am sorry, I can only use the magic eye to kill you."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

After that, the eye has taken the horror black rays.

Bringing a murder of the sky

The giant hand is rushing, but it is still a bit.

It is really the attack speed of the eye.


He made a scream of screaming.

The heart is also a deep desperate, and he does not dare.

How can I have a living?

"I promise you, I destroy the will of the wilderness of the wilderness."

The giant hand yelling.

So Zhang Bin stopped attacking, looking away from the other side, watching.

Of course, he looked through the eyes of the magical eyes.

It will not come out at all.

Even, he has already called a coffin, and it is open, and you can take it in it.

Even the enemy's will leave, even if there is an attack, there is a coffin to resist, it is difficult to hurt his magic eye.

A will of the giant hand has an will of the leaves.

There is a flame flame in his hand, and it will become ash.

"Oh ... The giant hand is not fraudulent. Just destroy your own will, when I can't see it?"

Zhang Bin sathented again, "You have been happy with me."

If it is yesterday, he is difficult to recognize the will of the wilderness of the wilderness.

But now it is easy to recognize because he also got three.

This kind of treasure is not available if it is someone else.

Once excited, the people who discovered guards were gone, they will kill you directly.

"It's a treacheon."

Many giant are sigh outside, watching Zhang Bin like the monster.

Yesterday they also found Zhang Bin's big bag, talent very well.

But today has a bigger discovery, that is, Zhang Bin's wisdom is against the sky, and it is like a fox.

Such a genius is terrible.

It is almost impossible to kill him.

Unless it exceeds him too much force.

The giant hand is also almost mad, he bit his teeth, once again took a will leave.

Exctends an incomparably horrible breath.

Instant excitation.

It will be chemically formed into a blade of the coffin.

The coffin buried autumn black face and looked at the moment of the coffin in the coffin. He said that the air was ruined: "The giant hand is crushed, you are just a waste."

In this case, use him, can't kill each other at all.

It is completely waste.

"Adult, the late generation damn, but even if I suicide, I can't hurt him, but I can fight for him."

The giant hand said that there was no compassion.

"With me, kill him together, you first break the coffin ..."

The immersive shadow of the coffin buried autumn.


The giant hand rushed to the past, and the madness was in the coffin.

"Bang ..."

The coffin is broken, and then a life of life is detached.

Of course, Zhang Bin detonated, he has entered another coffin.

Coffin fragments are detailed.

The horrible shock wave is also swept the world.


The giant hand screamed.

The vain of the coffin buried autumn is also completely dumbfounded, it is really exciting.

But he is also chemically formed, and passes through the impact wave.

A palm shot on a coffin.

... ...

The horrible voice sounded, and he cried more than a dozen coffins.

But still did not see Zhang Bin's magic eye.

The fumes of the coffin buried autumn are also crushing, dissipating between the heavens and the earth.

Zhang Bin flew out of the magic eye, and his face floated the smile.

Use a five-level life of the source crystals to destroy the will of the other party's genus.

This is too cost-effective.

It is now entirely a one-on-one battle with the beast.

As long as you use the strength, you can make the dragonfly gods to look at it.

Maybe you will be asylum.

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