Seeing Zhang Bin has gone through more than 500 meters, it is still in front, 30 giants from the somewhere of the coffin are connected, excited.

Sure enough, people want to die, must be crazy.

Zhang Bin is now completely crazy, there is absolutely no way, soon it will become a corpse.

Even the dean only dare to go to the place of two hundred meters, dare not deepen.

Does Zhang Bin have a good talent of the dean?

That is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, Zhang Bin did not have to move forward, or after retreating, it was a dead road.

"Zhang Bin, I know that your talent is very good, but are you too arrogant? Do you dare to go to more than 500 meters?"

However, in her heart, she quickly poured another thought: Perhaps Zhang Bin is because there is no cultivation of resources, she has to do this.

Yes, it must be like this.

Zhang Bin came from the first-class gods, and it was a first-class god domain that has been blocked. The lack of cultivation resources, and now I have burst the horror of destroyed war, so he not only sent the magic eye, and put all the cultivation resources Also sent back, including the cultivation resources of more than 300 strong enemies he killed.

Therefore, even if he entered the purgatory, there is no way to practice resources, there is no way to break through.

And the fruit trees on the two roads have no fruit, he can only choose the cyan road, and must go to the fruit tree.

This is really sorrow.

Thinking of this, her face has floated deeply.

The heart is also porn.

It is difficult to get it.

"Ping ..."

With Zhang Bin, the cyan flame is more horrible and hot.

Gravity is also a great place.

Rolling Zhang Bin's body is cracking.

He turned into a human form of fireball, burst.

From this point of view, Zhang Bin is a distance that supports less than a kilometer, and it is going to fall here.

However, Zhang Bin is still firmly forward.

He didn't dare to stay. Every foot is stepped on, he will have a horrible to the extreme ice energy from the foot.

The flame energy is poured from the body into the body.

The two energy bombarded in the body.

Bang bang bumps ...

The horrible explosion is burst in the body, the muscles are broken, the blood vessel is cracking, and the five organs are also collapsed.

However, Zhang Bin's life of this source crystal is a source of life and manifestation, and crazyly repairs the body.

The body and soul are still a few ruptures, countless times.

Becoming more powerful and tough.

Boots are also getting stronger.

However, continuing to travel, flames and gravity are also rapidly enhanced power.

Therefore, his situation is not better at all, but it is more and more difficult.

His life of this source of life is actually shrinking quickly and narrowed.

This is of course because it consumes too much manifestation and life energy.

The realm is different, the power of flames and gravity is different.

Therefore, even if Zhang Bin is cultivated to the beginning of the field, it is still the same difficult ending.

The only thing that can rely on talent.

What is the talent?

It is to practice the volume and specific gravity of the life of life.

And this is what Zhang Bin is good at.

If he did not go to the main god, he did not learn the magical secret law of the Wanfa Forging.

Did not get the live source of life.

His talent is good, there is no way to develop.

His life of this source will not be so huge and have a specific gravity of terror.

Of course, it has accommodated a massive life energy and mana.

It is of course easy and easy to use to hear.

Therefore, Zhang Bin can come to a thousand meter confidently.

He has gone through six hundred meters, seven hundred meters, 800 meters.

His life is also narrowed from 9.5 fists to only 5 fists.

Zhang Bin's face became extraordinary.

The brow is also deeply awkward.

Because there is still two hundred meters, the more the power of the front, flames and gravity is also terrible, the greater the consumption.

He wants to speed up, but do not do it at all.

He can only go a step forward.

The most horrible thing is, now he can't use any life of any life of the source of life and medicinal materials, and cannot use mana confrontation.

Because once used, you can't continue, and the front of the road will disappear.

And he can only cultivate here.

But he did not cultivate resources, and it is only a dead road here.

Even, he can't even go back.

So, now he is like a river, can only be retired afterwards.

In this case, Zhang Bin did not hesitate and delayed, and continued to go forward.

Let's be a flame.

Let his body break and crash with terrorism.

Ren to continue to influence over more horrible ice energy, exploding in his body and flame energy.

"It's impossible, it is absolutely impossible, how can he support so long? How can it be so far? This can already be more giant than the superior giant."

30 strong enemy face shock and dare not confuse.

Even the rains are looking at it.

Zhang Bin is still working hard.

I finally gone over 900 meters, and there is a hundred meters from the fruit trees.


The gravity and flame also have a rapid improvement of ice energy, and Zhang Bin issued a painful voice.

But he is still in front.

One step is another step.

His attention is concentrated to his Dantian, carefully observing the situation of narrowing.

Today, only 3.5 fists is so big.

Just one hundred meters, let his life of this source of life have decreased by 1.5 fists.

Consuming massive life energy and mana.

"Walk away ..."

Zhang Bin roared in his heart and continued.

950 meters.

960 meters, his life is so big that there are 2 fists.

990 meters, his life is so big about 0.5 fists.

But the gravity and flame capacity have a cold energy to improve how many times.

Zhang Bin is still in front.

One step is another step.

998 meters, his life is completely consumed completely.

nothing left.

There is also a distance of two meters, it is true to the horizon.

He has to take two steps, but these two steps may allow him to completely become ashes.

Those geniuses from the master domain, if it is in this case, it will never continue to travel.

They will immediately start cultivation with cultivation resources.

No one will be stupid to force the past.

Because they don't lack cultivation resources.


Zhang Bin did not hesitate to continue to take a step.


Gravity increases may only be one percent.

However, it is the last straw that is in the group.

Zhang Bin's two legs directly burst.

He is also sitting directly on the ground.


The sternum is also broken.

(There is also one chapter, is being code.)

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