The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5477 The coffin is completely traged.

The coffin buried in the winter with a hundred giant huge, close to the height of the void.

Go slowly to the giant hand's or dead position.

It is of course a living area of ​​life.

However, if it is not close to the ground position, it will not be attacked by the golden autumn field.

They began to slow down.

The huge knowledge of the coffin buried in winter is also taken out, and in detain, in detail, observe.

Then he finally dared to the dense fog area below.

I really broke out the horror of war.

A huge giant hand, trying to escape from the ground.

Five fingers have explored the ground.

However, the surrounding rocks still calmly calmly.

The horrible phagocytic power is also active on the giant hand.

Let it make it easy.

And hundreds of Tianzu giant, there is Zhang Bin, is crazy attacking the giant hand.

Countless rules and energy attacks, slamming on the mega finger.

Even Zhang Bin also made a horrible light using the magic eye, bombarded the finger.

"Fast, fully attack, kill him as soon as possible, can't let him escape ..."

"There is an enemy, fast, ready to meet."


Many giant shouted in madness.

"Ah ..."

The giant hand is still crazy, it is screaming, "I am not destroyed, you will be able to kill me. Your end is here."

The scene is particularly tension and intense.

It seems that it is definitely not acting.

"Ha ha ha ... Tian people, you finished, Golden Autumn Domain, you also have to fall, no need to struggle."

The coffin buried in the winter and smiled and smiled. "Don't die, I will save you ..."

He took 100 powerful somewhere of ten giant killer landed down.

I quickly entered the concentrate area.

The horrible gravity acts on them.

But they didn't fear, but fell quickly.

Almost at the same time, they broke out incomparable attacks.

There are countless laws, and they are exploded, and they are crazy to be odd from Zhang Bin and many Tianzu.

"Bang Bang Bang ..."

The sound was shocked.

"Fast, stop them."

The heavens are shouting in nervousness.

Many Tianzu giant is also an attack of terror.

The rule of the spirit is bombarded.

The void collapse, the heavens and the earth discolored, and the sun and the moon were light.

Horror pole.

No success can be blocked.

The coffin buried in the winter with a lot of giant, and it fell in front of the giant hand.

"Hahaha, you finally came, the last day of the golden autumn area is here, fast, attack the earth, let me get off."

The coffin did not die unexpectedly.

"Boom ..."

The giant giant of the coffin is also excited, and they divide some people to block the attacks of the Tianzu.

Some people are attacking the earth.

Suddenly collapsed.

Countless runes are also cracking.

The giant hand did not die, "Hahaha ... I finally took off, see how I destroy you."

His giabman suddenly grabbed, but it was a burst of the coffin to bury the winter, and the coffin was buried in the winter.

Suddenly, the earth slammed the coffin directly and died directly.

"What do you do if you don't die? Why attack me?"

The coffin buried in the winter.

I can't believe it will be such a result.

The rest of the giant is also stunned, and the shock is extremely.

Smart, I will understand, this is really a trap, a fatal trap.

But they actually be upright.


The giant hand will explain where it will explain, and the crazy palm should shoot in the coffin.


A loud noise.

The coffin buried in winter almost burst.

After all, he is now crazy by the Golden Queen field.

"Fast, save people ..."

That 100 giant flavor is greatly angry, they crazy attacked the winter.

Also crazy attacking the earth.

However, Zhang Bin suddenly sent it.

His mouth opened, and his life was sprayed out of his life.

It has become green lightning.

Bounce on a giant body of the beginning of the field.


The horrible voice sounded.

Instant cave is passed, and it passes from the moon.

Even the soul is killed.

Terror is that his life is still going to take short.

through a lot of huge body.

More terrible is that Zhang Bin's magic eye also blasted the bright light and scanned crazy.

Hey, he wore a lot of three giant bodies.

Tianshu also took many giant attacks in madness.

Under the cooperation of the golden autumn domain, they call the power of the heavens and the earth, and attacks are also extra terrival.

Crazy slaughtering these giant.

Ah, ah ...

The scream of screaming, these giants fall in the same way as cutting wheat.

Just dozens of breathing time, 100 giants were mostly fallen.

The rest want to escape.

Unfortunately, here is the penalty area, suffering from the full ban on the golden autumn.

They can't fly, and they can't escape.

They were slaughtered by Zhang Bin.

"Ah ... I am mad at me."

The coffin buried in the winter and angry to the extreme, crazy struggling.

Want to break free, then take a lot of giant to escape.

However, his body was clamped by the golden autumn field.

Moreover, the giant hand is not dead and crushed on his body and constantly attacks.

Let him can't escape.

"Death ..."

The coffin is in a hurry, and the heart is moving. His life is spread out.

With a murder of the sky, the giant hand is not dead.


The giant hand did not die, and the crazy palm was taken on the live crystal of life.

Due to the power of the heavens and the earth, this palm is particularly horrible.

Even the life of life is in the earth.

Even, the surface has a fine crack.

And it is such a delay.

The 100-level giant hormon has been killed.

There is no escape.


Zhang Bin shouted in the madness, his magic eyes madly slammed the coffin buried in winter.

Rotate rapidly.

The sound of the sound continuously.

The coffin buried the body of the coffin was broken, and a cave appeared.

"You find dead ..."

The coffin buried in the winter and rushed, and crazy roared.

His mind, life is flying from the ground.

With the murder of the sky, Zhang Bin.

But it is also taken by the giant hand.

"Good bile ..."

The sound of the coffin buried autumn sounded.

He wrapped in a heinous momentum landed.

He wants to save the coffin in the winter.


However, the body of the coffin buried autumn.

And a 10-level life is thrown in the cave.

Almost simultaneously detonated.

Bang ...

A loud noise of the sky.

The body of the coffin buried in winter became a debris.

The soul is also flew.


Zhang Bin's life is from the main crystal to shoot, and the soul of the coffin buried autumn.

Explosing the horror to the ultimate golden rays ...

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