The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5482 Terrorist Personality Cannon

Most importantly, also secretly worried that the

Now the coffin is burying in the blazing.

Once the secret practice is successful.

The Tian people can't resist, Zhang Bin will die.

The coating of Golden Autumn is also in front of you.

However, consequences are very serious.

Many first-class gods look in their eyes, there will be ideas.

If the butterfly god is sent to the master, it will come to reveal the facts and lobby many levels of gods.

It may even make the many first-class gods on the spot.

Going to the butterfly field.

At that time, the golden autumn area was destroyed, and most of the coffin gods were falling. The coffin gods did not advance to the secondary gods, and they were the lowest of the gods.

If the butterfly god is sent to the army to attack the dragonfly domain.

Then, the giant giant of many primary gods came to capture the life of the golden autumn gods from the hand of the coffin.

Coupled with many first-level gods ready to betray.

Dragonfly domain is really desirable.

Even if there is no destruction, it will become very weak.

It is still to be covered in the future.


"You teach Zhang Bin broken the secret method ..."

The dean said seriously, "I will negotiate with my mother domain, try to make the war fair."

"Zhang Bin, Covenant Tower This is a special defense magic weapon, which is specifically used in secondary gods. But it is not to be broken." replies to the way, "The shield can also devour the energetic energy, However, if the energy of the attack is exceeded, the shroud can't be swallowed. However, after the shroud is broken, it can also appear again, the time interval is only ten minutes. So, to completely cancel the threat, you must capture Covenant Tower, but Caiding Tianbao Tower is refined, you can only find way to seal, and the golden autumn area should be a seal, even if it does, the crisis of the golden autumn is still there. You have to take time to practice, you can break through the beginning of the field, if you can break through the beginning of the field, you should be able to deal with the first-level giant, that is, it is completely uniform ... "

"Is only ten minutes when it is broken?"

Zhang Bin's brow is deeply awkward, he knows the horror of this.

If it is to go in, it is only a broken road.

It is necessary to capture the sky tower, too difficult and dangerous.

"Mysteria, you gather energy and mana, surprisingly hit, strive to destroy all the cars."

Zhang Bin thoughtfully thought of it, and the many giant is detailed.

Then they start acting.

First use the coffin buried the broken body to make materials, and strive to make a special magic weapon.

Just like a cannon.

Then he placed the cannon outside the shroud, and the guns were aligned with the enemy military camp.

In the energy bin, a 50-level giant life crystal is placed in the energy storage.

start up.

Substant ...

Under the role of the array of cannons, the 50-level giant life of the 50-level giant is chemical into an incomparable energy and mana, from the gun.

Suddenly discolored, the sun and the moon are light.

It is energy to become a hot fireball.

As a mountain is so big.

In an instant on the shroud.

Bang ...

A loud noise of the sky.

The shield is completely broken.

Energy fireball, bombarded, bombarded in the military camp.

Falling among the millions of army.

Then burst open.

Bang ...

Energy light globasses become shock waves and sweep everything.

Ah, ah ...

The fierce is screaming.

There are countless giant turning into flying gray, and some giant will become a fragment.

The ground also has a deep pit of a tens of thousand kilometers of diameter.

There are more than 100,000 big sergeons to fly off.

There is also a few hundred thousand army suffered heavy.

"Kill kill ..."

The golden autumn is also not delayed, and the gathering to the horror energy and the mana crazy.

This is equivalent to attacking it.

I have sent this blow, and I have to recover at least one year in the golden autumn field.

Bang bang bumps ...

Destroy sexual energy bombards.

Crazy explosion.

Ah, ah ...

The bleak sounded again.

Many of them have suffered from huge miserable deaths.

Those giants who have not injured before and are not injured.

The ball on the ground is almost broken.

All positions have become a fire sea.

However, the covering tower is still safe, and it stands proudly.

However, the earth suddenly burst, there was a huge horrible cave.

Send the power of swallowing the world.

I will swallow the Heaven Pagoda.

Then, the earth is closed, and the clouds will have no trace in an instant.

"Ah, you are looking for death ..."

The coffin buried autumn also suffered from attacks, but he was very powerful.

Still safe.

Of course, gas is almost in the wind.

Immediately show the terrorist manual and magic, build a shield.

Protect the remaining army in it.


Zhang Bin smiled coldly. He once again put into 50 original giant life crystals in the cannon.

start up.

Suddenly blafed a horrible to the ultimate energy flame ball.

In an instant, on the shield buryed in the coffin.

Bang ...

The horrible voice sounded.

The shield is broken.

Energy ball bombards.

Then explode it.

Bang ...

Flame, Thunder, rays.


Destroyed energy ravaged world.

Ah, ah ...


The rest of the hundreds of thousands of troops are completely gray to smoke.

There is only a thousand giant.

They are all giant giant in the field nine and ten.

Of course, the coffin buried autumn is also alive, almost no damage.

After all, he is too powerful.

However, the rest of the giant suffered.

One by one is screaming over the ground, lacking the arm.

Bloodstream in your mouth.

"Kill kill ..."

Many Tianzu giant shouted at the same time, while the energy and mana took the past.

"Ah, you are looking for death ..."

The coffin burys the autumn defects, showing the gods, building a tenth day, and hit the energy light ball.

Bang ...

Space collapse.

The energetic energy is shocked and swept the world.

There are hundreds of giantization into flying gray.

If they are not injured, they can of course resist.

But the injured, even if you don't have it to use the gods to resist.

It is also tragedy.

More terror is that although the golden autumn area has no attack.

But it is rapidly generated a dense fog, covering the area.

It is difficult for the enemy's knowledge and eyes to induce.

Even the monopolism has been urged to imprison many injured enemies.

"Kill kill ..."

Zhang Bin rushed in with the Tianzu giant.

They can clearly see and induce strong enemies.

Start madly slaughtering the giant of the coffin.

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