The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5485 Refining Covered Tower

"I can only use the origin of the source."

Zhang Bin kills himself.

He is absolutely not allowed to leave any posts.

The golden autumn area is far from danger.

Numerous giants also nodded.

As a result, Zhang Bin took out the originate of the origin, and was aligned with the Heaven Tower.

Put into the 50th genus giant life.

All giant is a bitache.

What a huge cultivation of cultivation resources is to waste.

"Bang ..."

The horrible voice sounded, and a hot destruction of a blazing was taken out.

In an instant, you will be on the cover of the sky.


The indestructible covering the sky is also an attack that can't be so horrible.

A broken sound appeared.

The smoke is exhausted, and everyone discovered that there were countless fine cracks on the surface of the Covenant Tower.

And it is depressed.


Zhang Bin rushed to the magical eyes and slammed it and started rapidly.


Slowly, a cave appeared.

Then the magic eye drills it.

Numerous giant is big, their gods are also drilled in lightning.

It is a huge space.

There are countless mysterious runes on the wall.

A horrible breath.

This tower is 108 floors, and each layer has a window, which can be issued from the horror attack.

In other words, this treasure is not only defending, but also can attack.

However, the million army of the wok of the coffin did not have inside.

Otherwise, it is not only possible to manipulate the Heaven Tower to issue a terrorist attack, but also very safe.

Even if the origin cannon, you may not kill anyone.

Let them excite, in the top center, there is a goddess stone monument.

On the top of the stone monument, there is a reminder of the soul of the coffin.

" ..."

They quickly rushed in and went to the top.

Of course, Zhang Bin is also one of them.

"Kill kill ..."

They also shouted at the same time and put their horror attack at the same time on the soul of the coffin buried autumn.

But it is incredible that this soul is imprisoned as if it is.

That is not moving.

Even the soul imprint also issued a scream, "I want to erase my soul imprint? Do you do the Qing Dynasty dream?"

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin issued a despise, his mouth opened.

The life of life is flying out.

He grabbed it, and he was imprisoned in the soul of the coffin buried autumn.

Then I burst into the golden rays that were extremely horrible.

Full attack in life.


The horrible voice sounded.

Ah, ah ...

The soul of the coffin buried autumn issued a scream.

Then I started to become bleak, and finally began to crash.

One-in-in-in-place crushed.

It has become a black smoke.

Thoroughly dissipate nonsense.

"Ha ha ha ... I am going to, this is really great."

All the giants are excited to laugh.

"Heaven, the ancestors, how do you refine?"

Zhang Bin said.

This treasure is of course extra precious.

However, it is mainly used to defense.

It is especially suitable for defending the golden autumn domain.

And Zhang Bin is destined to be impossible to stay in the golden autumn field.

Therefore, the potential is the greatest, and there is a variety of people who can practice to the field of field.

Heaven and old ancestors have now cultivated the life of life to more than 900 million.

The distance is not too far away.

After all, as long as I can go to 1 billion kilometers, I will break through and cultivate into the field.

"It's still Zhang Bin, you are refining, your potential is much bigger than me, and your war is now more than me, you can play the power of the Tiaobao Tower." Heaven is the same.

"But I am basically not staying in the golden autumn, I have to go to the gods to learn and practice."

Zhang Bin said.

"Let your giant fingers, and let the giant hand guard in the golden autumn field in the future."

Heaven and old ancestors.

"To the right, let Zhang Bin's giant hand is the most suitable."

Numerous giants also said.

Zhang Bin's giant hand is divided into the first level of the field, although the soul is not.

But the strength is not absolute to Zhang Bin, even more powerful.

And the potential is not too big, just the town of the golden autumn.

Zhang Bin's body can take the magic eye to cultivate in the wilderness.

"It's all."

Zhang Bin nodded and agreed.

At this time, he realized that there were many giant in the people in countless years and strong enemies, they had already condensed into a whole, almost no selfishness.

So Zhang Bin, let the giant hand will refine it.

Let Zhang Bin are surprised that this covered Tower has another magical ability.

One of the layers is used to practice, and the time flow rate can be increased.

This is very horrible. After all, you can speed up the speed of speed.

Even if it is a golden autumn area, if it is not lost to life, it is difficult to form a treasure land, let the beginning of the domain cultivation in it.

The last time, the golden autumn is more than 100,000 times, and Zhang Bin can make Zhang Bin's treasure land in it, the loss is exceptional, and the power of the golden autumn domain has reduced too much.

As for the present, the golden autumn domain has consumed too much energy and mana because of the hit hard.

Even the treasures of 5,000 times a time flow can not condense.

Therefore, there is a shackle of the Tianda Tower, but it can make many geniuses enter it, improve the power.

Nowadays, there is a lot of cultivation resources, but it is possible to make the strength of the people.

Of course, the first step is to repair the wounds of the Covenant Tower.

This is not too tough.

Just use a few nine-level life crystals, it is completely repaired.

Covenant Tower recovered.

Excissions from richness.

The defense capabilities in Golden Autumn are also greatly improved.

Take the Covenant Tower directly in the restricted area of ​​life.

Also thoroughly enhanced the living area of ​​life.

Even the defending ability of the Covenant Tower, the enemy is also difficult to attack.

Unless you also use your own cannon attack.

However, Covenanta can also get the power of the heavens and the earth in the golden autumn.

There is no problem with the attack between the two origin cannon.

The attack of the originated cannon, that is, it is necessary to consume too many high-end life crystals.

The general first-level god is almost consumes.

This time, if Zhang Bin who killed many giant giants in the sashimi of the coffin, got their lives of life.

There is no way to make two guns for bombardment.

Do these, many giant horses in the hearts of God.

They feel that the most dangerous period of Golden Queen has passed.

It is equivalent to spend the most difficult crisis.

At this time, the voice of the golden autumn area suddenly sounded in the spirit of many giant, "the butterfly is coming to visit ..."

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