The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5501 Terrorism

It is because of this, Zhang Bin is no longer taking and tune her.

Always love.

He didn't want to pretend to be another man to soak this beauty.

After all, he has not lacks cultivation resources and does not lack the guidance.

In other words, he doesn't want to hurt the maple leaf.

So Zhang Bin entered a space container.

Start cultivation of Wanfa exercise.

It is in cultivating tenth forging.

There is a life liquid in the main god domain, and there is a perfect practice.

It is not difficult to practice.

Just use a month to practice success.

His life of this source of life broke the limit again, and the volume was raised by five percent, and the proportion was raised by 10%.

Even this is just like this.

But hardness and defense ability have improved multiple.

Today, his life has become green.

It looks like a dark as ink.

The inside contains rich to the ultimate life of life.

At this moment, Zhang Bin felt its power.

Whether it is a body, or a soul, even a will tree, it is powerful.

Excissions from richness.

And Wanfa exercise, cultivation to the current, it is completely completed.

In the future, it is necessary to start cultivating the original artifact.

The cultivation of the origin is also a very long process.

Slowly quenching more hard, grinding more sharp, and the energy of life is also increased.

" ..."

Zhang Bin has a space container.

As with Maple Leaf, I walked out of the cultivation room.

A hundred bored and urine elder eyes are instantly lit, but the fart will come up.

There is also an admiration in your mouth: "Yes, just three years, break through a bottleneck, and two years, maybe you can make your own source crystal refining into a relatively rough artifact. Go, test your battle "

He also glanced at Maple Leaf Yixia, saying faintly: "Apprentices, you are really useless, now I haven't going to bed yet."

"The urchin is eager, you can't spit out ivory in your dog."

Maple Leaf Yingxia is shy, hate does not have a crack on the ground, and I will drill in and hide.

Zhang Bin is like he did not hear, he is very immunized by the style of urchin's elders, crazy and epilepsy.

Soon, they went to the training martial arts.

"Maple Leaf Yingxia, you use the life of the life of life, and strive to attack Zhang Bin."

The urchin is very serious.

"There is only the old urchins such as urchins, only to see Zhang Bin as Zhang Bin, not a romantic routine."

Maple Leaf Yixia squatted in his heart, her mentions, the original artifact flew out from the mouth.

Falling in her hands.

Her host artifact is a sword.

I haven't grinded before, but now it is grinding.

Although it is not too sharp, it is already possible to see Jian Feng.

Power is naturally improved too much.

And Zhang Bin's body has a set of black armor, the horrible pressure and momentum is also emitted from his body, let the void are shocking.

This helmet name is called ink Dragon A, which is used to refine the material that is not destroyed and many super successful materials.

It must be a three-level giant to refine.

Therefore, the defense ability is extra terror and terrible.

Zhang Bin wearing ink, but it was a few times, the origin of the original artifact.

Of course, just the lowest original origin, Maple Leaf Yingxia.

"Zhang Bin, you are careful ..."

Maple Leaf Yixia raised the sword high, the momentum was soaring, and the void was shocking.

The horrible pressure is also swept the world.

Shock people.

After that, she slammed the sword to Zhang Bin.


The mana and the energy is energy into the sword, and it takes out.

, ice cold.

Between the blink, the sword wrapped in the sword, and he had already went to Zhang Bin.

"It's good."

Zhang Bin shouted, his mouth opened, and his life was out of transmission.

Wink in the other side of the sword.


A crispy voice sounded, spark splashes.


Maple Leaf Yixia sent an angry screaming, she continued to retreat continuously.

The tiger mouth of the two hands cracks, there is blood flow.

And Zhang Bin's life is also flying back, and there is a half-in-dark gap.

"God, it's really too cattle, just life-generated crystals, can you resist the attack of your original artifact?"

The urchin jumped high and highly, and the mouth sent a cheerful cheer.

If Zhang Bin also refines the source artifact of life, what kind of point is it horrible?

"How can this be?"

Maple Leaf Witxia stabilizes the body, and it is also a fascination, shocking.

Looking at Zhang Bin like a monster.

Don't afford Zhang Bin's life, this source crystal is hard to have so step?

How did he cultivate?

How can his talent so good?


Zhang Bin was shouting. He grabbed his life of the source of the source. He has already reached the front of Maple Leaf.


The sound is scream, hurricane whistling.

Maple Leaf Yixia was shocked, she rapidly retreat.

However, Zhang Bin's speed is faster, so that she can't get rid of it.

She had to complete the sword in Zhang Bin's life.


A loud noise.


Maple Leaf Yixia sent a miserable call, the origin of the origin in the hands flew to the air.

People also fly away, the mouth of the mouth flowed out.

Zhang Bin is a step without refund, it is said to stand.

Moreover, he stepped out step out, then chasing the maple leaves, open his arms, and put her into his arms.

Avoid her on the ground, the mouth is also a soft question: "Princess, you are nothing?"

Suddenly a rich man is poured into the nasal cavity of Maple Leaf Yixia, and the pretty face is also blush.

The beautiful love is autumn waves.

"I am fine ..."

She is shy to embed the head on Zhang Bin's chest.

I don't dare to see Zhang Bin and the urchin.

At this moment, she was completely conquered by Zhang Bin's terroristism.

It was also moved by Zhang Bin's gentleness.

That is to beat it.

An unprecedented feeling of feelings.

She feels exceptional, and I hope that Zhang Bin can hold her like this.

"Not bad, a trick is easily defeated by Maple Leaf Yixia."

The urchin is old and old, "" Waiting for you to cultivate the original artifact, you should be able to deal with the field of the original origin of the original origin. I am too powerful. I have cultivated such a strong and genius. "

"This is not too big to do, it is his talent."

Maple Leaf Yixia squatted in his heart, she grabbed Zhang Bin's neck and looked at him with worship.

She felt that she really fell in love with him.

Look at this royal prince.

(Today, only two chapters, here to celebrate the book, I wish you a happy new year, the Year of the Pig, good health, good luck.)

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