The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5510 Refining Life Entrepreneur

The cultivation of the cultural ride of Maple Leaf Yixia.

Zhang Bin is cultivating the knee pads, in fact, it is refining the original artifact.

The martial art is still going on, even, the truth is also participating in the sky, challenging some of the disciples of the same level.

However, Zhang Bin found that he was far from the opponent of Baiyun, and he did not waste time to challenge other disciples.

He already knows his strength, approximately enter the tenth of the white cloud list.

Because he can defeat the maple leaves, Maple Leaf Yixia is tenth.

However, now in the eleventh disciples cultivate the original artifact, Maple Leaf Yingxia may not be his opponent, and even Zhang Bin is also likely to play.

Therefore, Zhang Bin may really say that the urchin is always said, can't enter the top ten.

You can only kill the eleventh place.

He must practice the original artifact as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it is still not allowed to keep the golden autumn.

Time is very urgent.

Because of the maximum two years, the coffin can be cultivated from the origin.

And even if Zhang Bin even geniuses, can I really cultivate my original artifact in two years?

Fortunately, this is a 30,000-time cultural cultivation room.

Too much better than in the first or secondary gods.

So, it is still possible.

However, Zhang Bin is very worried about the way the coffin domain is used to consume the source of 100,000 times, so that the coffin is ambush in it.

The other party does not need five years to practice the origin.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is not dare to have any delays.

"What kind of original artifact I want to refine? Ax? Sword? Knife? Long gun?"

Zhang Bin thought carefully.

However, he did not think too long on this issue.

Because of the refining secret law that is tempted by urchins, if it can be cultivated to the final four level, you can change the magical shape of the present source.

And it is easy to change.

Therefore, Zhang Bin decided to make an ax shape.

It is not that he is very good at the ax, but because the refining ax is the easiest.

It is much more than refining into swords and knives.

He first makes a mold with a special rule to wrap the life of the live crystal.

Then the many ray flame laws, the mold is burned, allowing the temperature among the mold to raise.

To make the life of the live crystal, then change the shape.

But the situation is not a good thing, Zhang Bin found that he refined his own artifact.

Because his life is different from the unique, hard to the ultimate, you want to change the shape at high temperatures, it is more difficult than others.

However, if it is repaired from the original artifact, the power will also be particularly horrible.

"Not good, I can refine the time of the origin of the origin, there may be a few hundred times. The two years is not enough."

Zhang Bin's face changed, and the first time used a communication to teach the urchin.

The urchin's elder brow is also deeply awkward, and also replies with the correspondence: "Your life is so large, the melting point is also extra high, you want to use two years to refine life Original artifact, it is indeed very difficult. However, it seems to have a shortcut. I went to the martial arts box inquiry, and then contact you again. "

Soon, the urchin will appear in Zhang Bin's cultivation room.

Holding thousands of jade tubes in their hands, there are hundreds of secrets.

He said seriously: "Zhang Bin, there is a shortcut, but what is the shortcut? I can't understand it, I have to rely on yourself. These jade tube has special records and instructions, and shortcuts "

As a result, Zhang Bin began to read it fine.

Then he quickly understood, why the urchin didn't understand the secrets and explanation.

Because it is unknown.

Basically, it is said that if it is condensed into a life of life, it is easy to refine the original artifact, and the speed is also very fast.

Obviously, this is the secret law that the genius of the primary god can be mastered.

Making jade tube simple giant, it is impossible to be the main god domain, so they are just talking.

It doesn't know how to refine the secret law.

However, when Zhang Bin took all the books and jade tube, he still had a new discovery.

That is, if you want to quickly refine the life artifact, you must be a condensed into life, and you must use the road to do templates.

In other words, Zhang Bin must make his own live crystal refining into the past.

In addition, it is also imposed that the shape cannot be changed, but it is necessary to change the shape by life.

Because such life is hard to be hard, their flame law is not melted.

"How? Is there anything?"

The urchin is a little asked.

He didn't want to see that Zhang Bin had such a genius to keep the mother.

If Zhang Bin does not make a life artifact, it is very trouble.

He can't do it if he wants to help, because the giant giant of advanced gods is not allowed.

Otherwise, it is necessary to suffer a punishment of the higher level or the main domain.

"I have some short-wrap, now I try it."

Zhang Bin said.

Then he started trying.

First, let the rabbit have designed the mold of Libra.

Then he will show the trial mana to change the shape of the source of life.

However, no matter how he works, there is no use.

His life is still a sphere.

"Maybe, you have to enter the source."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

Soon, he entered the source.

Observed blue sea from life of life.

"If it makes the sea become a scale model, is it to make the living crystal change shape?"

Zhang Bin muttered.

He started trying again.

Unfortunately, I want to change the shape of the blue sea, it is also difficult than the day.

He has no way to do it.

"The will tree is condensed ..."

Zhang Bin thought for a while and shouted in his heart.

Suddenly his will tree is in the source.

Countless roots are also in the depths of the sea and the earth.

Then Zhang Bin found that he became more than the control of the living river.

The river has poured into the blue sea.

Mana energy collection.

Zhang Bin began hard to manipulate the power of the sea and the source of life.

Gradually, he has a new discovery.

The trial attributes in the sea is very large.

It seems that the mana can be converted into the source of life.

And all of them are trial attributes.

He began to observe finely.

Surenest, the mana river flooded into the blue sea, which was quickly assigned, and became the life of the trial attribute.

"Hold grass, it is magical."

Zhang Bin is extremely shock, and the first time I found my own advantage.

If there are many roads to condense into life, the estimated mana is difficult to transform.

After all, there are too many properties.

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