The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5520 Chapter Dead

Seeing Zhang Bin's tragedy, the urchin is like the ghosts.

Take it on the head of the . .


Suspension of the extreme voice.

The .. .........................

Obviously, I can't believe that the giant has always followed Zhang Bin to the depths of the ground.

I am dying.

This time is really a heavy loss.

Due to death, the coffin god is finished.

The golden autumn field is also equal to the gods of the dragonfly.

The strength of the dragonfly domain is reduced. In the future, it is necessary to deal with the terrorist attacks of the butterfly domain.

Can the still keep?

His awareness quickly caught in the dark.

Because he is completely fallen.

Directly used urchin and old.

"Master, thank you."

Zhang Bin said.

If it is not a urchin, even if you cultivate it, you can't save the Golden Queen.

The enemy is too strong, too despicable.

"Now I protect you, you will protect me in the future."

The urchin is old and said, "It is also to protect my mother."

"That is required."

Zhang Bin smiled, this urchin is really a child's personality.

"This should be the difference between the gods, or may be his belongings, very powerful, and the field level."

The urchin long said, "Since the god domain intends to give up the golden autumn domain, it has been supporting the sashimi of the coffin. Naturally do not want to appear unexpectedly, this will happen."

"It's too despicable, I will kill you."

Zhang Bin said.

He and the ,,,,,

How can he give it like this?

"This body will be used to refine the composition, but you must wait for you to practice to the field level, otherwise it will be anti-motion."

The urchin long said, "My branch just killed a second-level giant, I want to go to the golden autumn field, and also sent you to do it. After the upgrade of the golden autumn, it has protection."

"Thank you."

Zhang Bin gave birth to this body, this body is intact, even the source of life is intact, such a body value is very large.

Even if he does not refine, Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, and Hengyuanlong can also refine.

Then the strength of the Jinqiu area will be greatly improved.

He didn't have any delays, and he had rushed over, crazy attacked the soul of the coffin.

"I am not willing, I am not willing ..."

The coffin god is completely desperate, but it is still working hard.

Of course, you can't resist it.

Soon by Zhang Bin became a fragment.


Zhang Bin shouted, and the crazy ax is on the live crystals of the coffin domain.


The life of the coffin domain has a huge gap.

Zhang Bin continued to cut.

Successfully cut a few ax.

It is finally cut down the life of the coffin domain.

I have received my body.

Brain bumpy ...

... ...

The coffin domain began to collapse, and the space inside was collapsed.

"Ah ..."

The people of many coffin gods made a desperate scream.

"Give me ..."

Zhang Bin crazy and a motor, with a murder of the sky flew up from below.

It has become a stream of stream, flying into the golden autumn god.

"God, Zhang Bin seized the live crystals of the coffin domain, this is to go back to upgrade the golden autumn gods."

Many huge huge gods have made shocking shouts.

The face is filled with a lot of money.

Originally, they just came to see the golden autumn area, where did they know, the result is just the opposite.

Instead, the coffin is destroyed.

The golden autumn gods rely against Zhang Bin such a super genius, and the single sticks captured the life of the coffin domain.

This is simply a big miracle.

After all, Zhang Bin only cultivated to the beginning of the field.

Seeing Zhang Bin to arrive in the golden autumn domain, the horrible attack is coming.

Twenty-initial giants suddenly appeared from the void, one of which was the most powerful, with the original artifact.

They certainly come from the primary god of the butterfly domain.

This is not a foul, because it is the same level of the gods, of course, it is possible to explode.

The giant giant of advanced gods cannot interfere.

For them, this is the best opportunity, as long as Zhang Bin, you can capture the source of the coffin domain life. ,

With a back, you can advance to the secondary domain.

Moreover, today Zhang Bin is shining the good things of the , will not help Zhang Bin.

It is also not necessarily to let the giant giant of many first-class gods to rescue Zhang Bin.

Then they have the opportunity to kill Zhang Bin.

Sure enough, I saw Zhang Bin by my murderer, and I was hidden directly, and I didn't order it at all.

As, the

Sitting to see Zhang Bin fell.

Many field levels of the first-class gods belonging to the , is also intended to have no rescue.

However, they are all on the side of the tiger.

Once Zhang Bin is killed, they can grab it.

Perhaps they can also grab the life of the coffin domain.

"The God of the God and the gods of the gods were destroyed in the Great Wall, but they were cheaper our butterflies."

Also hidden in the void of the butterfly god of the gods.

This time, it is really likely to capture the life of the coffin domain.

"Zhang Bin, you die, there is no need to struggle."

That human format is holding a host artifact - a long gun, and stabbed to Zhang Bin's head.

And 19 field levels were also smiled and broke out of the incomparable horror.

The mana capacity collection, with the murder of the sky, Zhang Bin.

It is necessary to kill Zhang Bin.


Zhang Bin was angry, and the cage was projected.

The speed of the enemy attack is reduced.

He hid 19 horror giant fatteners.

But his cage projection is an instant broken.

However, his ax has been embarrassed to the thorns of the thorn with the most horrible momentum.


A loud noise of the sky.


Hu Zong was flying down.

His face is full of stunning colors.

Zhang Bin is so powerful?

How can this be?

However, his movements are not slow, with Zhang Bin who wants to escape again with the horrible momentum, and slammed the chest of Zhang Bin.


Void is broken.

The sound is extravagant.

The murder is also a strong pole.

More terrible is that the 19 giant attacks again.

Let Zhang Bin may not escape.

In fact, 20 terminals first level giant hi kill Zhang Bin, it is simply bullying.

Don't say Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin cultivated to the field level, and may not escape.

Zhang Bin caught in hard work.

I am hurt soon!

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