The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5525, dealing with the conspiracy of Zhang Dong, Zhang Dong, Zhangdong

"In fact, as long as the life of the golden autumn and coffin gods will allow two levels of gods to advance to the secondary god domain. This new level of secondary gods can participate in the gods of the first-class god. We It is completely unbeaten. "The Taizi said," So, I suggest, continue to implement the plan. Let the parent-domain shield the focus of the main gods, our many giant is dispatched, they accidentally destroy the golden autumn god. That just need It can be customized for a few minutes. "

Many giant is a bit awkward.

Because it is really easy to achieve.

As far as the strength of the gods, the golden autumn gods is simply easy.

"I don't agree with this plan." , "Don't forget," there is a butterfly god domain in the side of the tiger. They are always looking forward to our doing this, they can fisher with the fish, two can Conduct to the main god domain. Say that we violate the rules, the punishment of the main god domain is not what we can endure. Even the main god domain will immediately let the giant giant of the Baiyun giant to deal with us.

"We can send the army to attack the butterfly gods, contain their eyes, and send a team of the first level of the first level, and raid the golden autumn gods to get it in a few minutes."

, "our strength far exceeds the butterfly domain, so there is no flaw."

"I still don't agree." said, "Why don't we apologize to the golden autumn domain, give compensation, allow them to advance to the secondary god domain, we will help the golden autumn god domain to resist the attack of the butterfly domain? Then you can resolve hatred, crisis Naturally, it will be released, and even directly threatened the butterfly domain. In the future, it will capture the life of the origin of the butterfly domain, so that the parent domain is advanced, and it will be sympathy. "

"I also agree with the suggestion of , this is the best way."

The dean of the Shen Hao said seriously, "We can't be wrong again."

In fact, their suggestion is the best way.

However, they don't know, the gods of the gods are secretly sent out of the field second-level giant to assassinate the golden autumn gods, and I don't know if I god the emperor's bleaching, I killed Zhang Bin. I died in the urchin and died. Now I have become Zhang Bin. Framed.

Such hatred has no solution.

"Oh ..." Even the golden autumn gods and butterflies have been teamed up. If we don't immediately destroy the golden autumn gods, it will inevitably be more irrelevant. "

Numerous giants are silent, they don't dare to speak.

Even the dean of and the gods of the gods don't talk.

Just sigh in secret, clearly a good card, but it is sloppy.

Original Zhang Bin is the super genius of this side. He grows up to help the ,,,, ,

Where will there be a situation now?

"Then we continue to implement the plan to continue to kill the golden autumn gods ... began to prepare."


It is not a jade play even if it is an attack.

It must be prepared.

What's more, it is necessary to deal with the golden autumn gods, and the person's assignment is extra important.

"I suggest that the genius of the three golden autumn gods in the purgatory."

The prince said, "So they suddenly escape, increase the strength of the Golden Autumn". "

"Yes, the three genius are also terrible, the past assessment is very good."

He is a powerful existence, the three people came to the gods, when the assessment, his love is of course paying attention.

Therefore, he knew that Hengyuan Long three people were very talented.


Butterfly god, the palace.

An important meeting was held.

The soul of the butterfly domain also participated in this meeting.

"All, Self-destroy Great Wall, is equal to destroying two first-level gods, and even more enemies such as Golden Autumn God."

The butterfly god of the emperor said, "Now it is the best opportunity to devour the gods of the dragonfly. How can we do it, can we maximize the benefits?"

"The best way is to rebel the golden autumn gods. We transfer the golden autumn god domain to our starry sky." Butterfly, "But we intercept the golden autumn gods, they may not believe in us again."

"I can try it."

King said excitedly. I want to destroy the other party's plan. "

"There is no need to have such concerns, there is super powerful giant to protect Zhang Bin and Jinqiu Shenwei, and the God of God is what I did."

The butterfly god rushed and said, "So, look at him to meet the blood, and the many powerful giants are foreseen. So, we don't want to do anything, you can change it. Don't think, because the other party has super giant protection, there is no danger, why bother to do such a stupid thing? "

"Do we not deal with their first-class gods?"

A giant joy, asked surprised.

"When they raided the golden autumn gods, after the loss is heavy, it is our attack."

The butterfly God said, "The probability of success is increased, and the butterfly god domain is not far away."

"I guess, they will attack our butterfly gods, and they raided the golden autumn domain, then we have no ability to stop." Dragonfly domain said, "So, once they launched a war, they are the time point of the golden autumn gods, we can marry God's complaints, you can also promote this, let their first-class god domain people, we can even make the first-class gods of the opposite. "The soul of the butterfly is said.


The giant huge giant in 10 initial governments came to the door of the purgatory.

The head is actually a pair of prince.

The rest of the nine giants are his guard.

Of course, it is super genius, it can be said that it is a leader in the top ten giant.

Of course, it is to kill Hengyuan Long, Zhang Donghe Liu Chao.

"Walk, let's go in, kill them as soon as possible. Less than night long dreams."

The murdered murderous branch of the slap.

Soon, they passed through special transfer arrays.

If this is not a purgatory, the power of the cannot enter, and the god domain can easily kill them.

After all, it is the secondary god domain. The strength is exceeding the level of the field.

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