The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5534 Secondary God Wars

Golden autumn domain, internal space.

The urchin is old and thrown in the ground.

I sent a loud noise.

"Master, you are too big ..."

Zhang Bin came to it, admired.

"Less nonsense, let that three genius come out, I want to see if they are as you said, if you dare to lie to me, I interrupt your legs."

The urchin is forced to wait.

Obviously, he is a bit not believed to believe in Hengyuan Long, Zhang Dong, and Liu Chao is a condensed into life.

Must look at it.

After all, such a genius is too rare, only the main god domain can give birth to such a genius, and still countless years in numerous years.

However, the golden autumn god domain has given four times, which is simply incredible.

Moreover, the golden autumn god is a first-class god.

"Oh, don't you believe it?"

Zhang Bin laughed in his heart.

However, he is immediately in contact with Zhang Dong, saying that the outside is safe, it can come out.

At this time, Heng Yuanlong has long killed the last guard.

But it is still unparalleled.

After all, because the purgatory has no energy, you can't start.

They can't use cyan path to fight strong enemies.

" ..."

In an instant, Zhang Dong, Heng Yuanlong, Liu Chao, Truth, arrogant, they all passed out.

It was found that this is the golden autumn area, and their faces have floated.

This is finally safe, and don't worry again.

In your own parent, it is really safe.

As far as their strength, you can fully fight for many levels of gods.

Of course, if the golden autumn god is promoted to the secondary god, it is very dangerous.

"Thank you for your predecessors."

They arched their hands of urchins, and their faces were filled with gratitude.

"All of you put out the source of the source, let me see?"

The urchin is looking at the three people with doubt.

Three people look at each other and soon do this.

The urchin is worth trust, and it is not worried about being refined by the talent.

Because anyone dares to say that talent exceeds them.

Refining ingredients, soon it will be anti-alive, then they will die.

"God, it is true, it's all condensed into life, this is amazing."

The urchin long is like a fool, and his eyes shot a hot radiant.

After a long time, he woke up, look forward to: "You are willing to join the Baiyunmen, do my true pass disciple? Then I must cultivate you, fully gain a variety of genius ..."


Three people and Zhang Bin look at it, then nod to promise.

In this way, urchins will inevitably protect the golden autumn domain.

And they can have time to be strong.

What's more, they have long learned all the secret laws of all urchins.

They are already a disciple of Baiyunmen.

"Good ..."

The urchin's face is smiling, excited excited and excited to the extreme.

I am really transporting my dog, I have received four top geniuses.

In the future, they all cultivate to the terminal ten, become the top giant, how much is it?

Is there anyone dare to provoke yourself?

It's hard to fall.

Baiyun gods can also continue to advance.

He immediately took out a lot of cultivation resources, gave them three, and said: "You continue to practice in the purge, cultivate it to the field ten levels as soon as possible."

At this time, the golden autumn gods have also let the ground sag and completely package the purgatory.

Enter energy begins.

Of course, since the golden autumn god is just a primary god domain, the energy provided is less advanced.

The function of the purgatory is certainly declined.

" ..."

Hengyuan Long, Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, plus truth proud, and many Tianzi genius, such as Fang Fei, Hui Yan and others, have entered the purgatory.

In this cultivation.

Then they can quickly become.

You must know that the golden autumn gods will be promoted to the secondary gods sooner or later, because because there is no defending, they don't dare to advance.

Once promoted, everyone's talents will be improved.

The power of the golden autumn domain is naturally improved.

Zhang Bin is began to study the golden autumn domain in detail, and want to think about it.

Unfortunately, I finally didn't find a way of refining.

So, he can't enter the cultivation.

"Zhang Bin, you still go to Ten thousand times of flowing treasure cultivation, you take the final domain, then you can quickly cultivate into the field."

The urchin long said, "Once you cultivate to the field level, you will not fear the gods."

"Can you upgrade so much?"

Zhang Bin asked a little surprised.

"Of course, once it breaks, your strength can increase hundreds of times. However, the level of the two levels, three, but only one-fold power."

The urchin is long, "Now your strength can fight the top giant huge, so, so much, naturally, you can also fight the emperor."

"If I practice it to the field level, can I make my mother domain?"

Zhang Bin said.

"That is still a bit difficult. If you are all cultivated to the field level, then let the golden autumn god dominence are not worried."

The urchin is long and said, "But if you want to be atrogenous, don't trigger the attention of others, but you still have to break through the two levels."

"The body cultivates the first level of the field, plus the difference between multiple field two levels. It is not attractive."

Zhang Bin said.

He has two levels divided by two fields.

However, because the body is too weak, there is danger.

It is now seized two borders that are old and old.

However, if Zhang Bin is cultivated to the field level, you can completely unwind the seal.

"You are right, if you let Zhang Dong also refine some powerful borders, then it is more sure."

The urchin is looking at the elderly.

"Kill kill ..."

The dragonfield finally arrived, and the million army killed the butterfly domain with a murder of the sky.

Then broke out the horrible war.

Killed in the stars in the butterfly domain, the cerebral paste was played.

And a strong giant giant, but sneaked into the golden autumn domain.

Of course, .

The distance is unlimited, and the perception of the main god domain is weak.

As a secondary god domain, of course it can be done.

This pair of strong giant, there are 7 people, any one is the two levels of the field.

Of course, it is necessary to kill Zhang Bin, capture the life of the coffin and golden autumn gods.

Let two first-level gods advance.

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