The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5538, Golden Autumn God Promotion

"The main god domain, the white cloud gods are on, I swear here, if it is the golden autumn god to advance to the secondary gods, once there is a strong enemy to attack the golden autumn god domain, we will definitely send troops to help the golden autumn gods, and retreat. If it is against the vows Please ask the main god and white clouds. "

The has made an earth-shattering voice, raging in the starry sky, drifting for a long time.

Then, the also sent a similar blood vow.

"The domain has been received, please banyan domain supervision, if the gods are unable to vow, the white cloud gods are responsible for punishment, critical moments, Baiyun gods can participate, keep the golden autumn."

The main gods gathered in the golden chicken gods issued a distracted sound, floating from the distant starry sky.

Also distribute endless majesty.

Obviously, the main god domain knows what happens here.

It is very dissatisfied with the .

"Baiyun gods received, Pai Baiyunmen's deputy door of urchins, the key moments can be destroyed to the god domain, keep the golden autumn domain."

Baiyun gods also issued an indifferent sound, but it was equally impebred.

This is of course because of the results of urchin long and white cloud domain.

The urchin long and old communication Baiyun gods are easy, but only, the golden autumn god domain has given four super genius, and it will grow up in the future. It is definitely much powerful than his urchin. It can even cultivate it to the field level five, six levels.

Baiyun gods are of course very happy, so they will be supervised by the urchin long and live.

In this way, once the dragonfield is not fully protected to protect the golden autumn gods, the urchin will shoot.

As far as the strength of urchins, one can destroy against a secondary god.

Therefore, Zhang Bin's purpose is finally reached, allowing the golden autumn god domain to advance.

Once the promotion, you can give birth to a treasure of the treasure of the time flow rate, and the power will be much faster.

"What? Baiyun gods sent a urchin long and old supervision, critical moments can destroy the god domain, keep the golden autumn domain?"

and , .

In this way, they have no way to die. Golden autumn gods, even, there is no way to die in the golden autumn domain.

That will be strong in Jinqiu God, but it is possible to deal with .

This is really a thirst.

However, they have had to send a master immediately, bringing many genius, countless medicinal materials, and seeds sent to the golden autumn god.

Otherwise, the golden autumn domain is not from the rescue of the silver gantry.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin laughed, and many of the people of the people were happy.

Zhang Bin did not have any delay. He immediately sneaked into the heart of the golden autumn domain. He directly threw the source of life of the coffin.


The big sound of the scene sounded, and the green rays broke, and the heavens and the earth were shaking.

The life of the coffin domain is rapidly melted, and then flows into the life of the golden autumn domain like the flow of water.

The life of the golden autumn domain is expanding and rapidly increased.

It has been aimedious and temperate in a very horrible.

" ... ..."

The coffin god domain is beginning to break, collapse.

Chemically became countless soil, stone.

It's rapidly, attached to the golden autumn field, and then incorporated into the golden autumn domain.

The volume of the golden autumn domain began to grow sharply.

"Ah ..."

Many of the cockroaches of the coffin made a scream.

Their body crashed quickly, chemically became flesh, and flew in the sky, incorporated into the golden autumn gods, which became a nutrients in the golden autumn god.

This change is really awkward.

From Zhang Bin from the heart, it is really eye-catching and shocking.

At this time, he understood that the importance of parent domain on the spirit.

The parent domain died, and the soul was all extincted.

"This is because the spirit is also part of the parent domain, the parent domain dies, and the spirit is ever."

The urchin is always like the shadow, and explains it in the same shadow. "However, if the super powerful giant, such as cultivate to the field level, the mother is dead, the giant is not dead, but the future It is broken, it is difficult to change again. But can also immigrate to another god domain, but the immigrant is far more than the original born people, the talent is also going back, so the mother domain is extraordinary Important, no matter what, you have to want to keep the golden autumn, otherwise, you will grow up like this, never cultivate to the field ten level. "

"Thank you, Master."

Zhang Bin said.

In the past, he had a misunderstanding, thinking that as long as immigrant, there will be no impact.

But now it is to know that it is wrong.

So, for yourself, for your loved ones, you really have to protect the golden autumn.

Otherwise, you will have a tragedy sooner or later.

"Now Zhang Bin, can you send troops to rescue the silver bell god?"


Because he received a message, the silver bell god domain has not been supported.

The first-level gods were heavy.

"Don't worry, the treasure has not been sent yet."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

He didn't care about the death of the silver bell.

Pakistan must not be lost.

"I am coming to send treasures ..."

, ordered the secret law.

Soon, the giant giant of the will send treasures.

Stacked in the golden autumn god domain, accumulated into many mountains.

The many lives of life, shiny, seeing numerous people's giants are stunned, shocking, and excited.

"Great, our parent domain is advanced, we have countless cultivation resources, and some of these seeds, our parent domain can quickly cultivate countless medicinal materials ..."

Heaven, the old ancestors excited.

"Boom ..."

The golden autumn god is also promoted, the size has skyrocketed, and the space inside is skyrocketing.

A lot of sent seeds also flew through the gods of the golden autumn gods and began to grow in gestation.

Many people feel that their talents are upgraded.

Even Zhang Bin, Heng Yuanlong, Liu Chao, Zhang Dong, and their talents also have a certain improvement.

"This kind of talent improvement is really comfortable."

Zhang Bin sighed.

"So, countless giant will do our best to advance the parent domain. That can improve the talent."

The urchin is old and the old, "this is a strong shortcut. If my Baiyun God is advanced into four gods, I will immediately break through the four levels, but that is really hard."

He can not lying, he is the top genius in Baiyun gods.

If the Baiyun God is advanced, he will have the greatest benefit of the top genius.

"Reassure, I am strong in the future, I will find ways to give the Baiyun gods to the fourth grade god."

Zhang Bin said sincerely.

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