Three years, the golden autumn field is also completely sharp.

Advanced into secondary gods.

The space is doubled, and it is doubled in front of the body surface.

The war and defense ability have also been greatly improved.

Magic is that the rocks of the purgatory and golden autumn gods are thoroughly integrated.

There is no way to distinguish between each other.

This magical change is that Zhang Bin is difficult to understand.

Because he knows that in the past, the past, is independent. There is no way to make the golden autumn gods together, otherwise, the urchin is not a way to capture, unless you destroy the god domain.

"I finally recovered a voyage, Tanghu gods, waiting for me, one day, I will revenge."

The golden autumn gods have issued a low low voice.

If Zhang Bin heard, it will be inexplicable.

Because, in a million domain domain in the golden chicken field, there is no goda is the name of Tiago.

"Hey, in the parent domain, it is really advantageous, the cultivation speed is not absolutely in the white clouds."

Zhang Bin came out from the treasure land, and his face floated a faint joy.

Today he has a lot of power.

Truely cultivation to the beginning of the field is full.

As long as you find an opportunity, you can break through the field.

It's true, Golden Autumn God is connected to your blood, and you are the top genius of Golden Autumn God. Of course, you can get invisible help, thereby improving the speed of practice. "

The urchin long uses a very satisfactory gaze to look at Zhang Bin, smiling, "You have a good time, completely eliminate exhaustion. I will admit it to the secret law you break through the level of the field. If there is any other genius, to break through , That is difficult, but you are more likely. "

"Thank you Master."

Zhang Bin said.

In the past three years, urchins have always been guarding the golden autumn gods, and they have not returned to the white clouds.

And he is still open.

Scared of the attack intention of the butterfly field.

Indeed, the butterfly God has plans to attack the golden autumn gods.

As long as the golden autumn god is destroyed, it is easy to destroy the gods.

So, it is also delayed for a lot of time.

And when I saw urchin, I had to cancel the plan.

Three years, Tianzi also has many days.

Heaven and old ancestors, Tianfang old ancestors, the heavens and the ancestors, also cultivated to the field level.

This is because the parent domain advances, enhances their talent, plus the end of the terminal Dan.

And Hengyuan Long, Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, and three of them cultivated to the beginning of the field.

But Of course, I have not been cultivated to the big success.

However, any of their strengths can easily rush the field level giant.

Because they also cultivate the life of the living artifact.

Even, they also refined to understand the two levels of two giant body.

It is only necessary to seize the strength of the urchin, which is seized by urchins.

Therefore, now the golden autumn god domain is much stronger than three years ago.

It is equivalent to the six levels of first-level giant.

And three of them cultivated the original artifact.

In addition, the number of giant horses in the beginning is also increased.

Therefore, although the strength is far less than the butterfly and , it is already a weather that already has the secondary god.

" ..."

Zhang Bin got a void, looked at the direction of the gods and butterflies, muttered muttered: "The two baking gods must be destroyed as soon as possible."

Once promoted into three gods, it will certainly support the full support of the white clouds, and the white clouds will be safe.

Golden Autumn God is also rapidly pregnant, and the strength is rapidly.

"It is not easy to quickly destroy these two gods."

Zhang Dong was turned, "said that their strength is much strong than us. We will develop thousands of years, maybe there is a chance."

"We can use it."

Zhang Bin said, "After we all broke through the first level of the field, you can do this ..."

"Maxi." Zhang Dong's eyes lit up. "In this way, our golden autumn gods can gain a huge benefit, and make more geniuses faster."

"You are so bad."

The urchin is also looked at Zhang Bin as a monster. "They encountered you, it is really madewool."

"Answorked us, and the destruction is the only end."

Zhang Bin said that he was driving.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Dong also laughed, and his body exudes the power and momentum of the world.

After about a month after a break.

Zhang Bin, Zhang Dong also entered the treasure to cultivate.

The urchin is also entular, and Zhang Bin broke through the secret law to the field.

"To break through the field, it is very difficult. Because your life is from the source of the world, it is a crucial bottleneck."

The urchin has been seriously said.

"Is it a re-cultivation of a live crystal?"

Zhang Bin is a doubt of a face.

"of course not."

The urchin is old, "but to cultivate a spiritual nucleus in the soul body, corresponding to spiritual power, projection in the source, the same life is the sea, two sites with life of life" Life Energy will naturally be too much, the war will skyrise. "

"After breaking through the field, it is necessary to break through the second level of the field, how do you do it?"

Zhang Bin asked in a confusion.

"Now you have the realm, ask if you don't use it, I will explain it with you, you can't understand."

The urchin long said, "You still understand how to practice out the spirit in the soul."

"How do I do?"

Zhang Bin's eyebrows, this is just no happening.

Can the soul can practice a parent?

"This is a lot of books, many sentiments, but how to cultivate out the nuclear nucleus, still think of yourself, this is basically only impossible to say."

The urchin is old.

"This seems to have no relationship with the source of life."

Zhang Bin asked.

"Of course it is related. And very close."

Wantong is old.

So Zhang Bin did not ask again, but began to learn more about many books and sentiments experience.

His brow is deeply pushed, because he feels that there is a different cultivation of the main gods, and there may even be quenching spiritual peaches, but you can't master it, you can really fight against the main gods. Super genius?

It seems that it is still necessary to go to the gods of the gods in the future.

Finally, I have been going to the primary god, naturally, you can get a secret method.

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