The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5544 Zhang Bin Wars Mysterious Sale

"Master, I don't know how many times the power can you improve?"

Zhang Bin didn't help but ask.

"The beginning of the field is full, generally let the Source Road have come out of 1 billion kilometers." The urchin is old, "and the field level is giant, they are more than one life of the sea, the life of life is 10 billion 19.99 billion kilometers. If it reaches 2 billion kilometers, that is, the final stage is 3 billion kilometers, and it has reached the three levels of the field. Just broke through the first level, that is, there is more life. The sea, life is basically no longer long, the war is not too much. It is about 10 times to 100 times. In the future, the life of life will grow more, and the war will increase the boat, how much is increased. It's hard to estimate. "

"Is it difficult to estimate? Why?"

Zhang Bin is very surprised.

"Because from now on, the life of life is very difficult. The way forward is deep, hill, mountain, giant stone, have to avoid, detour, and the width of the road is also different, so it will become Coin Track, bending, it looks far, but the linear distance is very limited, and because the road is not too wide, the war is great. "The urchin long said," In fact, in the beginning of the domain It is reflected, why your war is so horrible, you can kill the enemy, that is because your life is a law, it is easy, and the excavation can be easily, and it is extraordinant straight, of course, because of your life. The main sea is extravagant. "

"Avoiding? Change into a clay trail? Can you?"

Zhang Bin stunned, and his eyes were almost eucalyptus.

Because he saw it from the virtual gods, it is absolutely unable to avoid the life of life, can't detour, must be straight, must be extremely wide.

If this is done, it means that he is afraid of difficulties, representing self-doubt, the life of the life is getting more and narrow, and there is no way to go.

However, the urchin is actually said that it can continue to go, but it is just a bending sheep trail.

"Our cultivation is not the same, we are multi-way condensed into life. It is destined to bended."

The urchin elder face floats a bitter color, "So many more than a big force together, forcible, difficult, unparalleled rocks, mountains, may have no way to shake whit, do not detour What can I do? That one, the war will also reduce too much. You are a genius, just condense into the life of life, destined is straight, boulder, mountain, very few, and your life , The power that can be called is much larger, you can cut the boulder and dig off the mountains. "

"It turns out."

Zhang Bin suddenly realized that there was no sense of god, but it was a peerless genius to practice and feel.

It must be a condensation into a life of life, so it will not be said that life is not bent.

Just talking about it, I'm going forward, I'm going to open the mountain, and I have a pit.

Never detour.

"You haven't said that your war has improved how many times?"

The urchin is asked excitedly.

It is very good to cultivate the realm of them, and the grasp of the body is exceptionally good, and how much combat is improved, it is basically estimated.

"This should be a big way to improve."

Zhang Bin hesitatedly said.

In fact, he is estimated to increase approximately 120 times the power, but he is afraid of being scared to play with the old man, but he deliberately said 20 times less.

"It is 100 times, really? You will not be bragging?"

The urchin's face is full of shocking color, and the eyes are also shooting a hot radiant.

He is a bit dare not confidence.

Because Zhang Bin's talent is good, he is cultivating the secondary god.

And he is a first-class god domain, the foundation will not be very good.

The cultivation of cultivation resources is also subject to top.

That should be unacceptable to the top genius of the main god.

Only the top genius of the main god domain, when they break through the level of the field, it may increase the power.

How can Zhang Bin also enhances hundreds of times?

"Maybe I estimate a bit wrong, it should be ninety times."

Zhang Bin reduced again.

"Piggy in the crotch -. How much is it, how to become a hundred times from one hundred times,"

The urchin long is old and black, "Go, we can find a place to try once, you can know what your strength is."


Zhang Bin is also eager to try, he really wants to fight with the terrorist giant of urchins.

See if you can defeat urchins.

Although now only the second life of the life of the country is 10 kilometers, Zhang Bin feels very powerful.

The air is of course because the second life is too wide and huge.

Contains too much of too much life.

Alternatively because the world can match the domain domain.

It also contains an incomparable energy and mana.

The world's void is in the world of golden autumn field.

Zhang Bin and the urchin are opposite to the old age.

They did not take out the life of life, and that attack is too horrible.

It may even be destroyed, and the secondary god domain may not be able to resist.

If you go outside the void, it is very easy to be induced by the enemy.

It is a lot of enemies in the golden autumn god.


Almost at the same time, two of them shouted and rushed.

A punch is bombarded.


A loud noise.

Space collapse, hurricane whistling.

Shock wave swept the world.

The urchin grows old and rapidly retreats, and the fist is numb, and the arm is shaking.

The face also became blood.

When he was full, he retired a few hundred steps to steadily.

Zhang Bin is only three steps, and stopped, it seems to be light clouds, and the face is relaxed.

"Be careful ..."

The urchin is old, and he shouted seriously.

Then he rushed the past, and he once again slammed Zhang Bin.

This time he used it.

I was worried that Zhang Bin, I just used some strength.

But I have a big loss, and he decided to come back.


Zhang Bin shouted, his fist was madly slammed on a fist of urchin.

The horrible spiral explosion out.

Bang ...

A loud noise of the sky.


The urchin elders have screamed, and the fist bursts.

The wrist bone is broken, and people are also flying like the shells.

Zhang Bin is just another step, it has stabilized the body.

It comes to the sturdy and horrible momentum.

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